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The Granny Warriors have been silenced... Our country is in a deep deep toxic catatonic stupor. People listen, people talk on the Internet, people rant and rave about what should be being done and what could be done and what everyone should do but who does it? It has to start with someone. Someone has to get up and get out and start yelling and rousing people into action. For several years I drove that wagon first fighting Peta and HSUS and garnering very little support from any main stream level but certainly making a point. We defeated several bills concerning our rights versus pets rights and Sen. Daschle and Santorum were shown to be a phony money grubbing scum bags yet were still welcomed in the media as a honorable human being and a spokesperson for the country. We fought NAIS, we watched as we would win one little battle another would crop up with a few word changes by the USDA, we watched as they ruined family and farms all over the country with no recourse for the victims. We stood up in Va. for the people against the USDA and watched as one after the other the courts allowed unjust and vicious arrogance on the part of the USDA forces ripped apart our Constitutional rights in blatant violations. We withstood many times the vandalization of our Motor Home, destruction of our personal property at our residence and threats to our lives and our family's welfare. We continued to drive on the highways of this country shouting about the injustice and misuse of the laws of this land we call home. We yelled at what was happening and in plain sight to anyone that would look but most prefer to listen and agree quietly and wait for someone else to step forward and take the heat. This Fourth of July is the last one that will be celebrated I am afraid. Next year we will be subjugated to a Fascist regime. We will be watching a replay of Germany with big speeches, big crowds of brainwashed fearful people following the crowd to stay alive. That is not being alive to me but then I am obviously different from most people. I am not afraid of dying, in fact it will probably be a blessing to me as then my mind can rest and quit thinking about the stupidity of the very people I am trying to save from slavery and a pitiful existence. We have the tea party now? Who the hell is that? What are they doing? Glen Beck, patriot or paid infiltrator? Protests and voting recruitment and more and more political Bull Shit.. The tea party has become a laughing point with the politicians, they are using it to their own benefit now.. The politicians have their own little groups within the main group and all work in unison with some playing the part of the black hats and some the white hats and in truth they are all the same. I put my faith in a man who I felt was honest and true to the constitution. I put everything I had in the support of him and found that he has clay feet also. I can honestly say I truly loved Ron Paul, I worshiped his honesty and faith fullness to the constitution. I was fooled. Ron has good points but no balls, he allowed his campaign to be infiltrated with those that absolutely were dedicated to his loss as a candidate. It breaks my heart to think back to all the people who donated to help me keep that war wagon on the highways, passing out papers, flags, constitutions and doing every event we could manage to get to telling everyone how we believed in this one man to save our country. We didn't give up He did. Now he has allowed the Audit the Fed bill to fail. Was it on purpose? Did he get on the TV shows and radio and tell people what was needed and how to make it happen? Did he ask for support and for the people to fight to control the FED? Or did he sit in his office and pretend to be a warrior against the aggression of the Fascists and Commies in the government ? The only people who even know about the bill are the people who listen to the Internet radio stations, the majority of the public has no clue about it.. the Media does not endorse openness..BUT..... Ron could have called Press conferences and made public appearances on talk shows and made a real commitment to the bill and it could have been passed with the public awareness of the reasons and needs for it to happen. No Ron sat back and acted like he was busy but in fact was basking in the glory of defeat which is exactly what he has been groomed for by the elite and the handlers for our foreign government. Many of you will fault me for being a turncoat against Ron but few of you were there to watch the inside workings of that campaign. I was. I saw the intentional mismanagement of the campaign, everyone that was close to it saw the disgusting misuse of the money and power, not by Ron but by his campaign. He was told over and over and never did change that campaign management and allowed it all to crumble which was to his liking. HE did not want to win. He did not want to have the responsibility of being in the position of opposing his friends in the Congress and Senate.He is a Coward and is simply looking out for his own interests as well as his family. Who will stand up now, who will get on the roads and highways and tell the public of what is coming for them? Who will organize groups and armies to defend our country, our family, our friends and our religions? Even at my age I would be willing to go back to work, against my family and friends advice, but I have wasted all of our savings, all of our security and am stuck now. So it will have to be someone else to stand up and yell. At this point I cannot even afford to bring the RV home from Texas much less make any trips around the country. I miss the people and the feeling of being useful and hopefully making some head way against the horrible future that will be in store if we don't make changes now. Not tomorrow but NOW> There is no more time to sit and think. Some good things have happened: more and more people are putting signs on their vehicles and being seen, there have been several who have actually painted up their motor homes also with signs, this is a good thing. At least people were brave enough to make a public statement in the easiest and best method I can think of.. on the roads of this country which we are free to travel at least for the time being. We need to form into local militias, train and be ready to defend our neighborhoods, towns, cities and our country. We have to commit to defending the very things we hold dear without a thought. the freedoms to educate our children and bring them up in the way of our family, our morals our history not some made up crap that idolizes perverted and sick behavior. The right to say what we think and the right to live freely in society governed by the rule of law.. Where the police were there to protect us not the criminals, where we were allowed to eat the foods we want without having them infected by Monsanto with foreign substances such as the DNA of rats in our tomatoes etc. Everyone enjoy the fireworks today, enjoy the feeling of freedom and pride in a country that is proudly the home of the brave. That feeling will not be here next year. We will all be either dead or so deeply in meshed in just surviving and saving our children there will be no time for celebrations or anything to celebrate. Stand up people, go to your neighbors, go to your relatives, form networks of people and keep close contact so everyone is aware of what is going on in your own little sphere of life at all times. Be prepared to be a part of a armed defense of your beliefs and property. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY...... I am working on the website now trying to redo it after it was hacked and destroyed last month. It will take some time but it will get done.... I am in the middle of writing a book with tons of photos from the campaign and from all the events we either attended or put on and that is turning out to be a full time job. So many photos and events and people it is a hard job to edit or delete any. The funds from this book will go towards putting the RV back in service and on the roads again this very critical year. |
Sunday, 4 July 2010
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Britannia Radio