Mandy: Brown was ‘Mad, Bad and Dangerous’ – Guardian
MPs’ Booze Prices and Opportunity Costs – Tim Worstall
Let SpAds Lunch - Iain Martin
France to Ban Masked Superheroes – Bleeding Cool
Balls for Britain? – Wall Street Journal
We told Brown Labour was Finished – Guardian
Ed Balls is Now a Caricature of Ed Balls – Speccie
Department of Health has 35 Spin-Doctors – Liam Murray
Is there a Mole Inside 10 Downing Street? – Stephen Glover
Reckless Too Legless To Vote – Mail
Gove Sabotaged by Bonus Slashed Quangocrat – Mail
Ed Miliband’s Dodgy Staffer – Tory Bear
70% Want an End to Cannabis Prohibition – Mark Reckons
My Frantic Last Days in Power – Phil Woolas
According to Mandelson, Tony Blair described Gordon Brown as…
“Mad, bad, dangerous and beyond hope of redemption… flawed, lacking perspective and having a paranoia about him… He’s like something out of the mafiosi… He’s aggressive, brutal…there’s no one to match Gordon for someone who articulates high principles while practising the lowest skulduggery.”