Whistleblower Reveals Obama-Black Panther Party Collusion Genetically Modified Foods and Toxic Chemicals CIA Director Panetta contracts Blackwater security firm Green Jobs Don't Exist in a Free Market
The commission is investigating why the Justice Department dropped the Black Panther case and has subpoenaed several of the attorneys involved, even though the agency has ordered them not to cooperate. In emotional testimony, Adams told the commission that the Justice Department instructs attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases -- like the Black Panther matter -- that involve black defendants and white victims.........
by NWV News
Genetically Modified foods and toxic chemicals are finding their way into the food you eat and other products at an alarming rate. The United States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.), the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.), and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (U.S. D.H.H.S.), are allowing genetically modified food and other products to be approved without considering or even knowing their negative........
by Rosalind Peterson
During an interview on ABC television's Sunday news show "This Week," Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta explained a $100-million contract with the controversial firm formerly named Blackwater Worldwide to provide security services in Afghanistan. When the contract was first announced, several lawmakers voiced outrage by the Obama government's dealings with.....
by Jim Kouri
Al Gore stumps the nation spreading the virtues of going green, thrilled at the prospects of new industries that will crop up in the process. Of course, green jobs are the center of the scheme to enforce sustainable development. “We can shut down those old industries and yet be prosperous in the future as we protect the environment,” goes the mantra. A large part of Obama’s $786 billion stimulus bill was devoted to.........
by Tom DeWeese
Sunday, 18 July 2010
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Britannia Radio