1150] The Truth About Markets London – 17 July 2010
July 17th, 2010 by
Bookie Jibber Jabber
July 16th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Max and I are having a mini-break here in the Angers area; just outside it in the countryside, so internet is hard to find! Reading Ellen Brown’s latest How Brokers Became Bookies: The Insidious Transformation of Markets Into Casinos. Thanks for all the comments and conversation on the latest Keiser Report; we’re also reading those!
[KR60] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Stefan Molyneux!
July 16th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: We look at the latest scandals of downgrading America, investors seeking security in gold, bank profit abominations and federal ponzis. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio about the Canadian economy and housing bubble, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and how to fix the world.
Guest Post: Gold, Silver, and Bernanke’s Bluff
July 20th, 2010 by
The Federal Reserve and its friends in the European central banks, the IMF, and BIS are running a bluff against the developing nations and the rest of the world, and to their shame, the majority of their own people.
They will have to engage in wider scale monetization and ‘quantitative easing,’ which is a polite euphemism for the debasement of the currency, to cover the collapse of their expansion of the money supply, the misprision of felony, and the subornation of perjury, to facilitate the mass transfer of wealth from the public to their friends. This is why they must operate in the dark. Ponzi schemes must always expand, and always in secret.
The increasing manipulation of gold, silver and the currency markets, and the monetization of the public debt, is a sign of the endgame for the sorcerer’s apprentices.
In the short run things will be confusing, and difficult. In the longer term the outcome is as it has always been. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
Bernanke and his ilk will fail, not with a bang but a faltering failure, and a final whimper. But this will take time, and in the short term they will act with a con man’s bravado, for con men they are, wielding power and using public funds unjustly, in secret, in an unconstitutional collaboration of financial institutions, the corporations that have risen around them, and the government.
“A collective tyrant, spread over the length and breadth of the land, is no more acceptable than a single tyrant ensconced on his throne.” Georges Clemenceau
The lifting of the veil from their scheme will be like the rising of the sun, as things long hidden become known. And we will look upon money and value in fresh ways.
Black Swan “Insurance” is By Definition A Scam
July 20th, 2010 by
The cost of such an insurance product would have to equal the underlying value of the equity. Paying 100 cents to cover 100 cents is a scam. And any other price structure for this product is patently felonious. Anyone selling this stuff is therefore a felon. Additionally, like ‘potfolio insurance’ in the 1980′s that caused the crash of October 19th, 1987 – a heavy concentration of this garbage will cause a similar 20% crash (or more).
[Video] Max Keiser on Alex Jones Show talking about info-wars
July 20th, 2010 by
Game Theory and Gold – Update: Countdown to Meltup
July 19th, 2010 by
Goldman Sachs Banned in Europe. Euro Rallies.
July 19th, 2010 by
Confidence is returning to the Euro as news circulates that sovereigns are freezing out GS from deals.
BP is Not The Only Racket Worthy of RICO Prosecution
July 19th, 2010 by
We have argued for years that prosecutors to go after the banksters using RICO. The obvious conflicts between Washington and Wall St. have resulted in a tap dance of denial and delay. But now with RICO being used against BP – and the benefits of going after crooks using this statute laid bare - it’s time for the pubic public to demand that RICO be used against Wall St. banks. The criminal racket enterprise involving Wall St. banks, rating agencies, fund managers, the financial press, hedge funds and government insiders at the Treasury and Federal Reserve needs to be prosecuted and broken up.
African land, a Malaysian gold dinar and a seeping seabed
July 19th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: So Africa is often associated with many starving to death, and yet between the Chinese, the Arabs and now George Soros and other hedge fund managers, swathes of the continent’s food production capacity and agricultural lands are apparently being bought up – some for national supply issues, some for pure speculation. Thoughts? Wonder if Bono’s private equity fund is investing? Will Geldof be there asking us to feed Soros should the speculation lead to ruin?
Is the Malaysian gold dinar real or just an announcement?
And some video of seepage from seabed near Macondo:
Cornering Cocoa, Plunging Gold, Stealing Dreams and Ripping up Pavement & Raising Chickens
July 18th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: It seems that the only market ‘participants’ in any asset are manipulators and governments who take the other side of the trade on our behalf.
- ‘Mystery’ trader buys all of Europe’s cocoa supply, 241,000 tonnes and $1 billion
- Gold plunges as Paulson’s fund down $1 billion(Zerohedge)
- The theft of the American Dream (Jesse)
- Ripping up pavement, accepting gold (Mish)
- “America is a thing you can move easily” (Netanyahu)
- 15 mind blowing facts and charts about wealth and inequality in America (BusinessInsider)
[OTE63] On the Edge with Paul Craig Roberts [Updated]
July 18th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Hey! We’re back from the internet free zone! My brain was nearly fried by oxygen and sun. Back to the exhaust and radio and microwaves of the city. Phew. Here is On the Edge in which we ask Dr. Paul Craig Roberts about Andy Grove’s opinion piece on Bloomberg, “How to Make an American Job Before It’s Too Late.” **Update** - Transcript of interview
A win for the little guy! Two minutes of hate for Al Gore!
July 23rd, 2010 by Respond
Stacy Summary: Wow, sure it was truly awful legislation, even worse than health care ‘reform’ or financial ‘reform’ bills, designed to enrich a select few while doing nothing to solve the problem, but this is totally shocking . . . the most powerful man in the universe, Al Gore, who controls every step that Congress and Wall Street takes, who can smite the House of Saud/House of Bush with a single bound, who can bend almost every scientist to his evil will, FAILED to get pass carbon caps in the new energy bill????
It seems unbelievable that someone so powerful over a Congress so corrupt and operating in the interests of the powerful could have been thwarted, but it really appears as if the little guys, i.e., Exxon, BP, Cheney and Massey Energy, won this round.
Two cheeers for the little guy: Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
Two minutes of hate for Al Gore:
[KR62] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Hollow Men!
July 22nd, 2010 by Respond
Stacy Summary: We look at the latest scandals with stolen credits and the debt in Europe. In the second half of the show, Max talks to his guest Gregor MacDonald about the role of energy in US economy.Guest Post: A Major Inflection Point is Upon Us
July 22nd, 2010 by Respond
Great things are done when men and mountains meet. This is not done by jostling in the street. [Read more →]
Dead Dictators and Rising Yen
July 22nd, 2010 by Respond
Stacy Summary: How much you want to bet that the dead dictator’s gold has been transferred to the only dictator left standing?
Max Keiser: Press TV-News Analysis-Fiscal Failure
July 22nd, 2010 by Respond
Thanks to Tom Usher for finding this.
Questions for all things Silver, Argentum, Ag, Number 47
July 21st, 2010 by Respond
PirateMyfilm: World’s First Pirate ISP Launches In Sweden
July 21st, 2010 by Respond
The Swedish Pirate Party, who are at the forefront of anti-copyright lobbying in Sweden, are planning to shake up the country’s ISP market. After taking over the supply of bandwidth to The Pirate Bay, Piratpartiet will now partner in the launch of Pirate ISP, a new broadband service that will offer anonymity to customers and provide financial support to the Party. PirateMyfilm.com
A virtual townhall, the digitally stoned & the overpaid
July 21st, 2010 by Respond
Stacy Summary: Anyone here digitally stoned right now?
[KR61] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Gold!
July 20th, 2010 by Respond
Stacy Summary: We look at the latest scandals of deficit fraud, Hank Paulson’s love of financial reform and the RIAA’s very low return bullying. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Ben Davies of Hinde Capital about the BIS gold swaps and more
Stock of Bogus Fiat Currency Printer Crashes
July 20th, 2010 by Respond
Banknote printer De La Rue sees its shares tumbleafter it revealed quality control issues at one of its paper production facilities. The company has suspended production at the facility while it sorts the problems out, and expects this will result in paper production and sales in 2010/11 being materially lower than originally planned.