Wednesday, 14 July 2010
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After climategate: forward to reality, Øyvind Paasche

The bitter controversies swirling around the research findings of and communication between climate scientists seem to have reached a kind of turning-point in mid-2010. After the drama (and even near-hysteria) of the so-called “climategate”...

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A new order in “greater west Asia”: AfPak to Palestine, Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

When the Soviet Union was in terminal crisis in 1990 and the prospect emerged of the United States establishing long-term domination of the international political system, the influentialWashington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer sought to

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Losing more than Afghanistan, Ángel Gómez-de-Ágreda

Overoptimistic calculations by western powers estimate that we are losing the war in Afghanistan. Far from it, we are losing the whole of Asia and, what is even worse, the credibility of the Alliance and the values it defends.

The excellent remarks...

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Slovakia’s surprising election, Juliana Sokolova

Any working democracy worth its name can produce unexpected results. What marks Slovakia’s election on 12 June 2010 was not just that it brought a number of surprises - but that rather uncommonly, several of these were pleasant. The most...

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Kyrgyzstan’s referendum brings a flicker of hope, Scott Horton, Alexey Semyonov and Baktybek Abdrisaev

On June 27, 2010 voters in Kyrgyzstan turned out in strong numbers to say “yes” to a new constitution. Kyrgyz voters rejected the authoritarian “presidential” system of government that is dominant throughout the post-Soviet space—and...

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