Wednesday, 28 July 2010
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''Defending one's character is not an intellectual exercise'' - an interview with Ian Buruma, author of Taming the Gods, Farid Boussaid and Jonathan Gharraie

In his recent book,Taming the Gods (February, 2010), based on lectures given at Princeton University in November 2008, Ian Buruma looks at the tensions between religion and politics in America, China, Japan, and Europe, and the violent passions...

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Manipulating the Memory of the Rwandan Genocide, Chi Mgbako

The Rwandan government uses charges of “genocidal ideology” and “ethnic divisionism” to attack independent critics and often seems more concerned with political survival than with lasting reconciliation, manipulating the memory of the...

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Italy: Internet press freedom under threat, Arianna Ciccone

One of the provisions of the Media and Wiretapping Bill currently being discussed by the Italian Parliament is that all “those responsible for information websites” will be required to issue corrections within 48 hours to any complaint regarding...

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Wikileaks release 90,000 documents relating to war in Afghanistan, Jamie Munn

Washington is condemning the release of over 90,000 military records as an “irresponsible” action that could threaten the national security of the US. The documents, published by Wikileaks, include the as yet unreported deaths of Afghan...

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Protection centres for victims of domestic abuse opened at Baghdad police stations, Patricia Rich

The Iraqi interior ministry has opened two “family protection” centres in Baghdad to deal with domestic violence. These centres are the first of their kind in Iraq where until recently the government denied domestic abuse was a problem. Staffed...

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14 Shocking Facts That Prove the US Criminal Justice System Is Racist, Bill Quigley

The biggest crime in the U.S. criminal justice system is that it is a race-based institution where African-Americans are directly targeted and punished in a much more aggressive way than white people.

Saying the US criminal system is racist may be...

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Can you represent the subaltern? , Anthony Faramelli


- Lower in rank, subordinate or second class

- A term that commonly refers to persons who are socially, politically and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure.

openDemocracy’s Discourses exhibition and...

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