Sharia, that is. And a disastrous precedent exists in the language of the U.S.-backed, post-Taliban constitution:
"No law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam" (Chapter 1, Article 3).
Thus, where there is any doubt or conflict in the Afghan government, Islamic law wins by constitutional fiat. What could possibly go wrong? Exactly what is reported in the story below: the demand for all the things we've been assured countless times don't really happen in Sharia law, like stonings, floggings, and amputation, as well as execution for apostasy from Islam. But these Misunderstanders of Islam are digging in and demanding them.
"Afghan clerics seek return to strict Islamic law," by Syed Salahuddin for Reuters, August 12:
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's largest gathering of clerics, who met to discuss reconciliation with the Taliban, has called for the revival of strict Islamic law as the country seeks ways to win militants away from a growing insurgency.
About 350 of the Islamic clerics, or ulema, met for three days this week, the meeting ending with a declaration calling on President Hamid Karzai to enact sharia, or Islamic law, including punishments such as stonings, lashing, amputation and execution.
"The lack of implementation of sharia hodud (punishment) has cast a negative impact on the peace process," said a 10-point resolution issued after the meeting.
"We the ulema and preachers of Afghanistan ... earnestly ask the government not to spare any efforts in the implementation of sharia hodud."
The resolution, seen by Reuters, was sent to Karzai's government.
The ulema have a long-standing and deep influence in traditionally conservative Afghanistan and have often stepped in to back uprisings or been used to bolster past governments. [...]
In other words, we're looking at constitutionally-backed Sharia blackmail.