Tuesday, 24 August 2010


America is in a spending crisis. Reckless politicians have been borrowing and spending for far too long at the taxpayer's expense - and now payment is almost due.

Americans for Prosperity Foundation has launched a new effort called Spending Crisis to educate citizens about the failed economic policies that are sinking out country in debt such as the $862 billion 'stimulus'. To see our ad that has launched in 11 states across the country click below:

To learn more about the egregious spending coming out of Washington and how we can get our country back on course visit SpendingCrisis.org.

As the government spends your hard earned money with no regard, folks across the country have had to tighten their belts. We want to hear about what you have sacrificed during these difficult times as the federal government has gone on a spending spree.Submit your story and we will share your perspective on the spending crisis with the nation on our website.

The federal government's unsustainable policies will only make our economic situation worse. If the government keeps spending beyond its means, then we will all feel the effects sooner rather than later.

Please consider contributing $25, $50, or $100 to keep our TV ad on the air. Your contribution in any amount will allow us to keep our fellow citizens informed about the out of control spending in Washington.

To learn more about this Americans for Prosperity Foundation's efforts visitSpendingCrisis.org.