The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam. Sayyid Qutb, Milestones, 263.
With all the talk about “building bridges” and Imam Rauf’s books being used for Muslim Brotherhood Dawah (proselytizing for Islam), it would be good to take a look at how they understand the bridges they build.
Building on the revelations exposed in the new audio posted at Atlas Monday morning, now comes new exclusive audio of the very connected, very influential stealth Imam radical Rauf.
9/11 was a watershed, was a major milestone, and a major catalytic force in, in catalyzing the attention towards the issue of Islam, it’s presence in the West, and it brought into much greater prominence our work and the importance of our work. Imam Rauf
- No we’ve created a different concept a different model, Mark. I’m the head coach of this strategic initiative, and the President of the United States, or the President of Malaysia, or the President of England, is like a player you want to bring in for particular plays. Imam Rauf
My blood ran cold listening to this latest audio of Imam Rauf. It is the stealth jihad, open warfare in the information battlespace, in action on a global scale. Chilling. Civilizational jihad, stealth.
Back in March 2009, I warned Atlas readers of Obama's implementation of the US Muslim engagement here and here and here. Read the document here: US MUSLIM ENGAGEMENT -- "Changing the Course". This is a charter, a large-scale effort by the US government to open areas of cooperation (dhimmitude) with the Islamic world in the political, cultural and economic spheres.
U.S.-Muslim Engagement Project - Leadership Group on U.S.-Muslim ...Madeleine Albright, Principal, TheAlbright Group LLC; former U.S. Secretary of State ..... Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is Chairman of the Cordoba Initiative, ...
Madeleine Albright heads the Leadership Group of the US Muslim Engagement along with Imam Rauf and Daisy Khan.
What does it mean? In real terms? Finally, we get a peak behind the curtain. We can see, in the concrete, the left's coalition with the Islamic Supremacists and how it is undermining American sovereignty and our national self interest -- as is meticulously documented in my book,The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America. It's hard for Americans to understand how to fight a shadowy enemy you can't see.
Here it is evidenced in this post radio interview exchange with Imam Rauf from June 2006, A World of Possibilities. What follows is talk of a Machiavellian backroom power grab and the takedown of American sovereignty by Rauf's sharia puppets in positions of enormous power. He refers to these heads of state and cabinet ministers as his "players" in a global game of
Here is the interesting exchange between the interviewer and Rauf:
Imam Rauf: Thank you very much Mark, it’s my honor that you’ve had me -
Interviewer: So good luck in your work and please keep in touch with our producer if there are more things you would like to bring to our attention
Imam Rauf; I would certainly would love that, I mean are we offline now.
- Sure, the interview is over
Imam Rauf: Okay good, I mean things have been done for example, I didn’t want to say it on your show but, you know with for example Madeleine Albright’s book when she approached me last fall and she said I’d like you to review the Islam section for any corrections and we did that and she invited me to write a blurb for her book and she is now pushing these ideas in many places, she is in constant communication with me, or continual communication with me about certain things, we have been in touch with her, with Karen Hughes, and the issue of Hamas, and how America should really engage with them and not just push them out of the picture, but bring them, make them responsible for creating positive change because if you don’t do that, you know we’ve even mapped out, what the downside would be if they didn’t do that, because you push Hamas out, and you force them into the arms of the Syrians and the Iranians, and they will be a proxy for Iran and the region, you’re creating more of a mess!
- So we’ve tried to unpack for them the chessboard or it’s like you know when football coaches when they create these circles and lines and so forth so you can see what’s happening very often we, people don’t think of the situation in a dynamic way, they tend to think of it statically.
- You don’t realize when you do something, you create a web of reactions, to your action, and with the United States you create a multi, the reaction even multiply more. You know, if you are a third rate country, or a third rate power, you’re not going to create much of a ripple. But when the United States does something there is an enormous ripple effect.
Mark Sommer: You are likening it to chess, I often feel that while much of the world plays chess, a diplomatic version of chess, the United States plays checkers.
Imam Rauf: That’s why I use the imagery of football. Cause football is like chess in motion. You see the nice thing about football is that, is that football is a very good analogy of what is happening in the world. It is strategy in motion, and you have plays, you know you have to design your plays, and you have to design your plays knowing that the other side is not going to be passive. While you’re throwing the ball, they will try to make you fumble the ball, they will try to catch the ball from you, in fact they will try to prevent you. So part of achieving your objective is you have to be strategic, you have to do all the requisite blocking, and tackling, because there are vested interests, who are vested against your success.
- One of the things you have to do in strategic thinking is think 6 moves down the line, and many directions at once because it is such a multi-dimensional world.
- Preciously, in other words the analogy with American football is that your defense team, your offense team, and kick off team, are all on the field simultaneously. - Uhhuh
- Its not like one team is on the field and the other team is off. They are all on the field, and the field has many sectors to it. And there are different geographies, different subject areas, so we have designed our Cordoba Initiative to be designed, in order words we have 5 major areas of our program. So we have foreign policy, is one area, you have communications is another area, you have education as the third area, for example, you have intra-Islamic issues is the fourth area, arts and culture is the fifth area. And lets say this Abrahamic pathwalk may be in the arts and culture, a blend of the arts and culture and you know maybe the religious aspect in some respect, but it’s kind of an interfaith type of activity. Now in the area of foreign policy, you have different issues, number one is the Palestinian conflict, cause if you heal that, you will have contributed a lot. If the entertainment media, the news media, was broadcasted in print, describe and speak about the issues in a different way it can help change perceptions profoundly, because it’s the media, which helps shape perceptions to a great degree. So if we have strategic action plays, designed plays, in the area of foreign policy, in the area of healing the divide, and then you unpack and give up Israel, and then what do you do, what are the specific actions that you might do, because things are always moving, things are always happening, so you have to analyze the situation constantly, and you have to have your just like you have your offense coach, defensive coaching staff, and you have your head coach and so forth, we think of ourselves as an analogy of that. We had to have our head coaching staff, we had to have our foreign policy head coach, our Palestinian head coach etcetera, and then you design plays for that
- Interestingly enough it doesn’t mean that the head coach is necessarily the President, because, of whatever country, or Prime Minister, because they may not be, they may still be, trapped by various constraints in an old game.
- No we’ve created a different concept a different model, Mark. I’m the head coach of this strategic initiative, and the President of the United States, or the President of Malaysia, or the President of England, is like a player you want to bring in for particular plays.
- They are members of the team that you want to bring in, because if we are looking at it exactly like American football, you want to gain yardage, so you just want to keep scoring first downs. So what’s the first down that we can score based upon where we are on the field, where would we like to be, what’s realistic, what can we obtain? Can we obtain 3 yards, can we obtain 10 yards, can we obtain 7 yards? Let’s try and get those 7 yards. And whom do you need to bring for that? So the the name of the game then becomes, how do you move the ball forward, and who are players you can bring in to help move that ball forward on a particular issue, at a particular moment in time. - But the irony is that in this case, you don’t really have, I mean the other team, who’s the other team? Because if fundamentally you’re trying to bring people together, so who’s the enemy there? 1-3-15
- There are interests one has to make sure do not push back. You have to make sure you have enough power on your side to be able to push the ball forward.
- Right, but at the same time as you’ve written elsewhere, “peace requires the cooperation of your enemy,” so in a certain sense to move the ball forward, in this case, is rather paradoxical, it’s not a linear strategy. It’s actually…
- Yeah, but let me give you a very specific for instance, one very specific example is that we need to move forward on the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations process,for a finalization of borders. Now, Ehud Olmert has been pushing the notion of unilateral designation of borders by Israel. In November, of the last election he didn’t win completely, he had to develop the coalition government with other people. As of a month ago, our Palestinian expert, who is very tied into Abu Mazen and Saeb Erekat and those people told me that Saeb Erekat who is a lead negotiator on the Palestinian side, has gotten the commitment of 35 members of the Knesset, that the negotiation process should be bilateral not unilateral. Okay, that’s an important strategic thing, so to get people of the Knesset in agreement with you on certain issues, are critical for certain aspects and certain specific intermediate milestones which are important towards that particular milestone. That’s an example of being strategic, and using people who are sympathetic to your position, who have the traction and capability to bring about that particular end result that you want at this point in time on the particular issue, which is a stepping-stone to the next stepping-stone of that issue. Sounds complicated, but I think you get the idea
Mark Sommer: No, I understand, you know I wanted to ask you I did say this is off the record, and we’ll keep it all off the record if you wish. But the analogy to football is probably a useful one for a lay audience, and I wondered whether you’d allow us to use some of that
Imam Rauf: Yes, I would, because I use it all the time. Look did I use, did I use, did I say anything right now that is potentially off the record?
Mark Sommer: Well I wouldn’t use anything I suppose about Madeleine Albright
- Yeah that part would be talking out of, I can say this in private to you - Yes
- Um, and the fact that, I think there is a blurb by me in the back of her book. So, and she herself has publicly stated that she has benefited by her conversation with me, and Rabbi …oh my god, that’s so embarrassing, Rabbi uh…Saperstein, - Oh yeah. David Saperstein
- David Saperstein and others from the Christian tradition as well, in helping her understand the importance of the role of religion. I mean look, we supported a Jewish state in the Middle East, why not support an Islamic State? But give it a meaning, which you can live with.
- Yeah within the parameters of an acceptance of other …
- Right, and this purpose exists, because they are part of our … In Islamic theology, in Islamic jurisprudence, those norms exist. You just have to extract them, and put them on the table, and say these are the valid reasons. I don’t want a demographic Islamic state, a demographic Islamic state is not part of tradition, never was, until recently. Until the mid 20th century, we were very pluralistic societies. Egypt had 4… Alexandria had 400,000 Greeks, it was a Greek town. Until 1923-24 vast tracks, of what is today modern Turkey, were Greek. Neighborhoods were Greek areas. Izmir, which is ancient Smyrna, was a Greek town. Cappadocia has large sections of Greek communities. What happened with the rise of the nation state idea, was virtually this geography had to be homogeneous. Now, that’s not apart of our assigned tradition of theology, not our tradition, not our theology, not our jurisprudence. What happened was, the 20th century, we bought into the nation state idea, we created the notion of demographic nation states. We had to be of one type, so you had massive movements, and a lot of killings between people, with the creation of the Otto-Turkish state, you had Greek-Turkish conflict existing before Israel and all of that, where as before they were all living together.
Here he says "I don't want a demographic Islamic state" -- it's clear that he DOES want an Islamic state. And that he doesn't have to have a Muslim majority to have one here. It's stealth jihad.
More extreme "moderation" from Imam Rauf on what he thought when he heard the news of the attack on twin towers on 911:
Imam Rauf: ...this may have been a result of what turned out to be the, the um, many decades of rising hostility between and tension between the West and the Islamic World, particularly on certain political issues and geopolitical issues.
Question: Did you find that uh, 9-1-1 dramatically shifted your efforts? Did it make them go more difficult, but also more important than ever from the point of view of, not only of, uh your own community but of the broader society.
Imam Rauf: No doubt, I mean 9/11 was a watershed, was a major milestone, and a major catalytic force in, in catalyzing the attention towards the issue of Islam, it’s presence in the West, and it brought into much greater prominence our work and the importance of our work. Initially after 9/11, you know like many Muslims, we were invited to speak at countless temples, houses of worship, synagogues,churches as well as institutions, academic, even companies who were interesting in learning about it
[...] -
Question: It seems like at least initially, after September 11th, you and the American Muslim community were treated with a full amount of respect, and curiosity, rather than with contempt or suspicion. Is that right?
Imam Rauf: I think both, there were certainly an amount of suspicion and amount of fear, which has resulted in certain actions like the Patriot Act, which some of us believe, not only the Muslim community, but also the Non-Muslim community, has resulted in a certain degree of an erosion of what we might call, our right of respect of freedoms. Um, but there has also been simultaneous with that, the recognition of a need to pay adequate attention in various ways. For example, in the area of foreign policy, as the result of our work and explaining our ideas and thoughts to, in certain circles, for example, I was at an Aspen institute discussion a couple of summers ago, in which I pointed out the fact that U.S., our understanding of church state separation which results in our refusing to either factor or think about religion on our radar screen, results in an insufficiency in terms of developing coherency of our policy visa vie countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, being a broker in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, if we do not factor the role of religion, understand it’s importance, in helping us shape our foreign policy. Now, Madeleine Albright was there, and as a result of that she took many of these ideas to heart, and it was a fact in (participating) in her latest book, The Mighty the Almighty, in which she recognizes the fact that the U.S. foreign policy by ignoring the role of religion was a mistake.
Click below for full transcript (I have the full audio):
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 07:11 AM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (38) ShareThis
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
More Inter-Faith Dialogue from Radical Rauf that sounds eerily like Osama Bin Laden. The very idea that Radical Rauf never speaks to the 270 million slaughtered, in over a millennium of Jihadi Wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilation, and this very day, and yet speaks this way about America, is mind-boggling. Indonesia, Thailand, Somalia, Ethiopia, Chechnya, Lebanon, Gaza, Iran, Philippines, Kenya, et al. The Global Jihad wages on.
Further, to cite the fallacious Islamic narrative of millions of Iraqi dead is Jihad propaganda. The sanctions were imposed by the U.N., not the U.S.. The sanctions were observed by Muslim countries, because Saddam Hussein flouted his violation of the ceasefire, and up until BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome), the left-wing media, political elites, and international press always blamed Saddam for those deaths. He, along with his U.N cronies, looted the Oil for Food program that starved the Iraqi people. America saved the world in World War II, and only a lowlife, bereft of a human soul, would paint it as evil. The U.S. and Israel never target civilians, the Jihad always targets civilians.
The definition of terrorism, uh the military history and the American military history in Caleb Carr in his excellent book called the "Lessons of Terror" defines terrorism as the targeting of civilian noncombatants in order to achieve specific political objectives. And he points out that every country in the world has done this from the time of the Romans. And he in fact, segueing very quickly, Robert McNamara in his documentary, "The Fog of War," talks about his own participation during World War II, as part of a machinery that firebombed over sixty Japanese cities, before the atom bomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which really was having the same objective, and admitting, and quoting General Curtis Lemay saying "that had the United States lost the war, they would have been tried as war criminals."
So we are dealing with perceptions here Chris on both sides, and the perception in the Arab World, in the Muslim world is that Western states have engaged in this definition of terrorism. That the desire to have, or to achieve, certain political objectives has made them allow, or made them not feel troubled by the loss of innocent Muslims lives calling it damage, collateral to their political objectives. For example, the statement by Madeline Albright which she has officially apologized for when she was asked about the loss of the million lives as a result of the U.S. lead sanctions against Iraq, and saying that it was, and saying that it was you know, it was unfortunate but necessary part of what had to happen. So it's these types of statements that magnify perceptions in the Arab and Muslim world that Western states do not care about the loss of innocent Muslim lives. Most recently, the week before last week in Pakistan, when the United States in an attempt to get Zawahari resulted in eighteen Muslim innocent lives being lost.
Now also, now in conjunction to that, there is great frustration in the Arab Muslim world, over the Arab states and Muslim states, is not being, having be able to, combat or to represent the Muslim cause visa vie the West. Therefore there is a growing perception, for example, in the Muslim world and the Arab world, how is it possible for a country like Pakistan, which is a nuclear power, to allow such an invasion of its national territory. This perception at the grassroots level, is creating a lot of growing sentiment and the frustration of the Arab Muslim world has resulted therefore in non-state actors in the Arab Muslim world engaging in terrorism.
So if you want to eliminate terrorism, you have to give it a neutral definition, and hold everyone state and non-state actors to the same set of definitions. And this is where the global world community, needs to focus on this issue. When the United Nations tried to attain and to achieve a definition of terrorism way back before 9/11, it failed in doing this and I think that the failure of achieving this contributes to framing the ideational dynamics which allows for extremism to occur and so it's only a matter of course before it has happened in the name of Islam.
A matter of course, that has been going on for over 1400 years.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 10:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
How deranged is the left? The slasher of Muslims works for the Cordoba/Park 51. This is what is building an Islamic supremacist mosque on Ground Zero. The only reason we know who this human filth is and who he worked for is because of the brave and brilliant cab driver who, despite being slashed multiple times, locked this savage in the back of his cab.
Can you imagine if the would-be Cordoba murderer got away? They would be hanging us in the public square as we speak.
It's no wonder the leftwing mainstream media is shushing up this story. And the Islamic supremacist, Hamas funder CAIR blasted it in their alert. Their whitewash will be interesting tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if CAIR had a hand in it ............. the CAIR offices are right next door to Imam Rauf's and Daisy the Con's offices in Riverside. How convenient.
'Anti-Muslim' attacker works for Pro Cordoba Mosque Group American Thinker
Politico reports today that the man who attacks a Muslim cab driver in NYC apparently as an anti-Muslim act, works for a group supporting the building of the mosque at ground zero.
Make sure you cite this when the inevitable blame the opponents charges fall from the pens of the media.The apparent anti-Muslim assault on a New York city cabbie by a man shouting "Assalamu Alaikum. Consider this a checkpoint" produced an immediate round of recriminations over its connection to opposition to a New York Islamic Center and an apparent rising tide of Islamophobia. ut as often at the intersection of politics and violent crime, the story doesn't appear to fit any easy stereotype: The alleged assailant, Michael Enright, is - according to his Facebook profile and the website of the left-leaning media organization Intersections International - a student at the School of Visual Arts and a volunteer for Intersections, which recently produced a statement of support for the Park51 project, and is funded by the mainstream, liberal Collegiate Church of New York.
Clearly this leftwing loon hoped to slash this poor man in pieces, get away, and have the opposition blamed for this heinous and vile crime. This is how low the mentally ill left will go.
Look at Little Green Sickballs: (hat tip Armaros):
These comments are still there since this morning when the stabbing story first broke and the dangerously deranged Chuck Johnson wanted to blame it on Mosque opposition.
Since then it was discovered that the perpetrator is a liberal who actually was working for Park51.
1 JasonA Wed, Aug 25, 2010 10:16:06am
Fucking Geller. Fucking Spenser. Fucking Rush.
Oh, just fuck them all.
talon_262 Wed, Aug 25, 2010 10:17:44am re: #1 JasonA
Fucking Geller. Fucking Spenser. Fucking Rush.
>Oh, just fuck them all.
Actually, I wouldn't fuck any of them with a 3-meter cattleprod...
They just need to STFU and STFD...seriously.
Cato the Elder Wed, Aug 25, 2010 10:43:50am
Just another anti-jihadist who doesn't really hate Muslims (except when he's drunk).
I bet Geller bails him about and buys him a drink. In bed.
UPDATE: American Power has this: Charles Johnson Blames Right-Wing 'Bigotry' and 'Hatred' for Leftist Non-Profit Employee's Attack on New York Muslim Cabdriver
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 09:58 PM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (85) ShareThis
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"Geller's pogromists".................punk.
Remember Boobenthal the vile antisemite's slanderous tweet here? That wasn't a racist, that was ABC News. Evil schmuck.
Alan Baginski wrote at facebook:
One video that I was in was posted on Youtube but some Liberal Jerk off who faked Titled the video - [anti muslim rally at ground zero] when in fact it was a rally against the ground zero mosque, the ass was trying to deceive people into thinking it was a rally against Muslims in an attempt to ...make us all look racist. while we were doing a reflection for the 911 victims, a Man in a white cap waltzed in the crowd and started with racist rhetoric and got the people upset and we started to chant no mosque no were! the liberals ran to him and when he was on camera he said we assumed he was muslim and went off on him. watch the video. and because of the title it got hundreds of thousands of hits you can look it up at that title. these Liberal#### are sneaky son of a bitches. I can be seen at 7 seconds into the video in front of the red truck with the big orange poster. look up -
It was a set-up, folks, by.............ABC news. Andrea Lafferty exposed all (check out her letter below).
In 1989 during my first gig as an investigative reporter with the Guam Tribune, my editor sat me down and I've never forgotten his warning, "It's the job of the news media to report the news, not incite it."
Tell that to ABC News. (Newsbusters)
Andrea Lafferty, Executive Director of the Traditional Values Coalition, sent me a copy of the letter she sent to David Westin, President of ABC NEWS:
"It's the job of the news media to report the news, not incite it."Dear Mr. Westin:
I am alarmed by an experience I had with employees of ABC News during a demonstration against the proposed Ground Zero Mosque in New York on Sunday, August 22, 2010.
As the rally concluded, thousands of the participants marched the one block from the rally site to the actual site of Ground Zero.It was there that I noticed a man in a black shirt with a phone camera, aggressively questioning a gentleman with a sign which read “No Sharia Here.” This man was haranguing the gentleman with the sign. A reasonable person would have recognized it as provocation, which exceeded the bounds of any legitimate interview technique.
His line of questioning was very aggressive, disrespectful and condescending. He did not like the gentlemen's answers and pushed the point: Why do you feel threatened? What are you afraid of? Why can’t you answer my questions?---type of thing.
I took the attached photos after witnessing this inappropriate and excessive behavior. I originally thought the man in black was a supporter of the mosque or some kind of fringe activist. At that point, I did not know his true identity.
A cameraman was standing nearby watching. I asked him who he worked for--he said ABC News. I then asked if the man in the black shirt was with him. The ABC cameraman said yes.
Later, I observed the man in the black shirt getting into the ABC News truck and putting on the sound equipment.At that point, it became clear the man in the black shirt was also an employee of ABC News. The ABC cameraman also witnessed his colleague’s aggressive behavior –and did nothing to stop him.
Clearly, this ABC News employee was attempting to provoke a confrontation with participants, so ABC News cameras could record it and then use the footage. He was, quite literally, attempting to stage and “make” news.
By anyone’s standards, this exceeds the role of a journalist who is supposed to seek facts, truth, etc., in explaining the disagreement over the mosque.
Clearly, this man has a point-of-view, and he attempted to use the cover of ABC News to advance his personal views. Who else knew about this attempt to “make news” or encouraged such behavior? Was his superior/producer involved? What is the policy of ABC News concerning such behavior? If events are too slow or uninteresting, do ABC News personnel have a responsibility to spice them up by provoking the participants?
I am deeply offended that representatives of ABC News attempt to stage manage and color such serious public policy debates, treating it like Saturday morning wrestling, and then present it as factual reporting each night in American living rooms.
I strongly recommend that both these ABC News employees be fired. There should be no place in journalism for people who behave this way and use their positions as journalists as cover for advancing their personal agenda or the agenda of their bosses.
Thank you,
Andrea Lafferty
Executive Director
Traditional Values CoalitionIt's media bias when you slant the news to fit a desired agenda.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 08:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis
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Huge congrats and props to El Marco, the incredible blogger and photojournalist. He has documented my work and the work of freedom lovers across this country. And now he has been given his own crib over at The Washington Times communities [aka he has been invited to share his photojournalism].
El Marco took those iconic shots of the SIOA/FDI Stop the Mosque Rally we held on June 6th, attended by close to 10,000 people.
We will be making history again on September 11th Stop the mosque rally at Ground Zero, as tens of thousands of proud and brave Americans converge on Park Pace and West Broadway, joining Geert Wilders, John Bolton, Andrew Breitbart, Pantano, et al. Be there.
And it's brilliant. Go here.
Below is an excerpt, but go and read/see the whole thing. Magnificent. Real journalism. A breath of fresh air in a fetid media landscape.
Stealth Jihad Behind Ground Zero Mosque
The virality of information in this galloping technological age was brought home to me the other day, when I received an email tip about a Bill Kelly article in the Washington Times. Titled Mystery WTC Mosque Protest Photos Causing Internet Stir, the article featured a slideshow of photographs I made of the June 6 protest at ground zero in New York City. Odds are you have never heard of that huge historic rally because of a nearly complete media blackout on the event.
I sent an email to Mr. Kelly to thank him for publishing my photography, which he had encountered as a viral email. To my surprise, a Washington Times editor responded. She invited me to the Communities section to write a regular column.
Mr. Kelly, who is a political satirist, wrote in his column: “Sometimes a subject is so serious that even we need to take a step back and let the story tell itself. This is one of those times. … Despite public opinion, the mainstream media has virtually ignored the protests against the WTC mosque. According to internet reports, not one major TV network or camera crew covered this recent protest. … Uncredited photos of the New York protests have surfaced, bypassing the mainstream media’s unbalanced reporting, and have since caused a stir on the internet. Few words are necessary. The photos of the mystery photographer speak louder than any words ever could.”
Pamela Geller organizer of June 6 rally holds photo of plane parts
Kelly wrote those words on August 12, more than two months after the “feminist AynRandian” blogger and human-rights activist Pamela Geller led a massive rally at Ground Zero in New York. The purpose of that rally was to draw attention to grassroots opposition aimed at the proposed mega-mosque headed by the controversial Imam Feisal Rauf. This past week, the story that the dominant liberal establishment media tried to keep from you has gone international and become one of the defining issues of recent times.
With a recent Rasmussen poll showing 62% of Americans are against the 13 story mosque, Geller’s efforts to inform public opinion have been more than vindicated as mainstream. The 38% who support Rauf’s plans include the Democrat leadership, the elite mainstream media and the radical 1960s left, who together have formed an arrogant, chauvinistic machine, pushing the mosque project and vilifying those who oppose it.
Imam Feisal Rauf is the man who heads the Cordoba Initiative. He plans to build a Sharia-promoting Islamic complex and mosque 560 feet from where 9/11 terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center towers.
New Yorkers and the American public are becoming aware that there are many Islamic groups like Rauf’s who claim to be moderate, but are fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood. Imam Rauf is a radical extremist cleric who plays to the sensitivities and ignorance of those who live in the liberal/left media and academic bubble. They fall over each other praising him and attacking anyone who questions his motives. Time magazine online, in the space of two weeks, ran four articles characterizing anyone opposed to the mosque as being racist bigots.
As a Canadian, I can point with a sense of relief to an article in the Ottawa Citizen by Ms. Raheel Raza and Tarek Fatah of the Muslim Canadian Congress. The article is titled: Mischief in Manhattan – We Muslims know the Ground Zero mosque is meant as a deliberate provocation. Their words tell us what true moderate moslems sound like:
“Let’s not forget that a mosque is an exclusive place of worship for Muslims and not an inviting community centre. Most Americans are wary of mosques due to the hard core rhetoric that is used in pulpits. And rightly so. As Muslims we are dismayed that our co-religionists have such little consideration for their fellow citizens and wish to rub salt in their wounds and pretend they are applying a balm to sooth the pain.”
“As for those teary-eyed, bleeding-heart liberals such as New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and much of the media, who are blind to the Islamist agenda in North America, we understand their goodwill. Unfortunately for us, their stand is based on ignorance and guilt, and they will never in their lives have to face the tyranny of Islamism that targets, kills and maims Muslims worldwide, and is using liberalism itself to destroy liberal secular democratic societies from within.” - Ottawa Citizen
Does Time magazine rate authentic moderate muslims, like these Asian immigrants to Canada, as racist bigots also? What Raza and Fatah show us is that the Koran can be interpreted in a mild, nonpolitical way. The bad news is that the most powerful trend in Islam is the Muslim Brotherhood’s political Islam, which controls every aspect of adherents’ lives with Sharia Law. They aim to dominate the West and are active in ninety countries, where they promote a doctrine of both violent jihad and stealth jihad. Violent jihad is the terrorism we see throughout the world today. Stealth jihad is, in part, the manipulation of the press and the government in order to topple a target society or a nation from within.
A 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document obtained by the FBI outlined their strategy: “[members] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ’sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
Imam Rauf defends Wahhabism, calls for Sharia law in America, and the elimination of the state of Israel (one state final solution). He also has defended Bin Laden by claiming that America made him into the terrorist that he is. He apologizes for radical Islam and justifies acts of violence by blaming the United States and the West in general, and never blames terrorists for waging war against western countries. What he does is blame the U.S. for aggression against Islam. He couches a lot of his rhetoric in soft new-age speak, yet one of Rauf’s partners in the Cordoba Initiative is Jamal Barzinji, one of the founders of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood in America. Barzinji founded Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, which incubated numerous terrorist plots, including the 9/11 attacks and the Fort Hood murders.
Rauf is seen by liberals today as something of an all-knowing, spellbinding spiritualist who even quotes John Lennon at times. When he speaks, the press and even some Christian clerics and rabbis go gaga and proclaim him as a great example of enlightened moderate Islam. He knows the gullible left, and spoon feeds them interfaith pablum talk which they lap up while ignoring all his other statements excusing terrorists.
The Wall Street Journals Bret Stevens pointed out that the elite liberal media couldn’t tell an ax murderer from a moderate muslim if their lives depended on it.
Imam Rauf originally named the proposed Islamic center/mosque Cordoba House. That name has historic significance for Islamists. It refers to Cordoba, Spain, which was occupied by muslim invaders for three centuries. After 800 hundred of years of war, Spanish armies forced the muslims out of Spain in 1492. While occupying Cordoba, the Islamic conquerers built an architectural wonder of a mosque over that city’s main Catholic church. Muslims have vowed ever since their expulsion to retake Spain, claiming that it is their rightful Islamic land. Once muslim, forever muslim.
The greatest domed church ever built in Christendom, the Hagia Sofia in Constantinople, was converted into a mosque after the fall of that city to muslim forces in 1453. In India, countless Hindu temples were razed and their stones used by muslim invaders to build mosques which still dominate ancient Hindu holy sites today.
To be fair, one must acknowledge that this is exactly what Constantine the Great and later Roman emperors did, after considerable bloodletting, when they replaced pagan temples with Christian churches. The Spanish in the New World also built many churches on the sites of Mayan, Aztec and Inca temples. This is one aspect of supercessionism. Supercessionism has no place in the modern world, and should be seen for what it is: an ancient pretext for conquest that should be banished to the dustbin of history.
But modern Islamists don’t see it that way. In 1999, in Nazareth there was an attempt to build a huge mosque directly beside the Church of the Annunciation. Muslims bought up adjacent land, and with Israel’s approval, began building a mosque whose minarets would tower over the Catholic church. This caused an uproar from Christians worldwide and led Israel to rescind construction permission in 2002. In the Nazareth case most Islamic leaders were also against the project.
In 2008, the English people were shocked to learn that land had been purchased to build Europe’s largest mosque adjacent to the 2012 Olympic Stadium in London. Public opposition against the proposed mosque was so great that planners “missed some deadlines” and finally “let the idea die”. This brings us to the Burlington Coat Factory, site of the proposed Ground Zero mega-mosque.
The Burlington Coat Factory was purchased by the Cordoba Initiative at a bargain price. Its value plummeted from 19 million to less than 5 million when it was rendered uninhabitable by the terrorist attacks of 9/11, 2001. A huge chunk of airplane landing gear (see Geller with photo above) crashed through the roof and straight down through several of the upper floors of the building. The entire area was coated by a layer of DNA-laden dust and debris, which was several feet deep on some streets. In fact, Imam Rauf’s book What’s Right with Islam is What’s Right with America, was first released in Malaysia under the ghoulish title A Call to Prayer from the World Trade Center Rubble.
Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rashed, the director-general of Al-Arabiya TV, wrote that the Ground Zero Mosque will become “a monument to those who committed the crime … I do not think that the majority of Muslims want to build a monument or a place of worship that tomorrow may become a source of pride for the terrorists and their Muslim followers…” Washington Times
Rauf’s building, even in ruins, is now an active mosque with 400 to 500 men attending worship services on Fridays. Imam Rauf will not say where the funding will come from and has refused to rule out Saudi or Iranian money. 80% of mosques in the U.S. are controlled by Wahhabis. The deeds are held by NAIT (The Islamic Association of Islamic Trusts) which is a Saudi funded Fannie Mae for mosque building. That’s the reality and it’s those types of mosques that attract and produce terrorists. Two years ago this month the NYPD issued a report warning that Wahhabi mosques in America were incubators for “homegrown” Islamic radicals.
Separation of church (mosque) and state in America should be applied to foreign states like Saudi Arabia also. This comes at a time when it has been disclosed that the U. S, State Dept. is spending 26 million dollars renovating mosques in a dozens of countries.
This photograph shows that, at last, redevelopment is underway at Ground Zero. The Cordoba House site on a street to the left of this photo. It is closer to me than the trees on the other side of the pit in this image. St. Paul’s chapel can be seen nestled amongst the trees of the ancient graveyard. Built in 1766, it is the oldest continuously occupied building in New York City. It remained undamaged as the Twin Towers collapsed just at the graveyard’s wrought iron gate. When built, it was surrounded by farmland and orchards and considered a remote “country church” to serve parishioners living on the edge of town. (Bigot Alert: El Marco is neither Christian or Jewish)
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 06:30 PM in Blogosphere: The New Power, Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (26) ShareThis
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UPDATE: Cate tracked this down:
Looks like Mr. Hisham Elzanaty, Director of Medical Support at New York Neuro and Rehabilitation Center got nailed in Nov. 2009 for billing extra for Medicaid payments to the tune of $331,336. Here's the doc
And the same guy got nailed on racketeering charges a few years ago via his medical company. Where does the funding for Gamal's multi-million dollar purchases come from from?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 04:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (55) ShareThis
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Photo: NY magazine tool Mark Jacobson buddying around with unindicted co-conspirator, Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR's NY chief, Zead Ramadan. Courtesy Pamela Hall
When heads start exploding on the left, it's a hot mess. New York magazine weighed in on the Ground Zero mosque controversy with a silly puff piece written by a silly puff. Mark Jacobson tries hard to sound cool and over enlightened and above it all, when in fact he is just another useful idiot.
I didn't expect much from NY magazine. I wasn't disappointed. Jacobson is your typical NY elitist. During our conversation, he lamented to me that he couldn't relate to America. That New York was really more like a "separate country." I, of course, disagreed, and said I thought New York, was very concentrated America, quintessentially so. He disagreed and said that he had nothing common with "these huge people in their pick-up trucks." I said I loved them (the description being unduly harsh and insulting) and they were America. Certainly he wasn't. New York a separate country, indeed.
So that's what I was dealing with. Got it?
Jacobson palled around at the Ground Zero mosque meetings with Islamic supremacist and hate sponsor Zead Ramadan. It looks as if Ramadan and Sharif El-Gamal played Jacobson like a dhimmi fiddle (not like the Jewish musicians who played for the nazis; they were forced.This clown dances willingly). The first couple of pages are a keyster kissing homage to Sharif El-Gamal. It is so sticky sweet, it borders on embarrassing for Mark, but not so when he comes to scribbling about Spencer and me.
I love the Cardinal Richelieu -- though he ain't my Cardinal. He's the Pope.
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been the leading voices against what has been rebranded (by them) as “the Islamic Supremacist Mega-Mosque at Ground Zero.” Co-founders and directors of SIOA, or Stop Islamization of America—the logo, the first two letters sitting like building blocks on top of the second two, with the I leaning at a 45-degree angle, is apparently modeled after the famous LOVE postage stamp—Geller and Spencer are usually thought of as a dual entry. Most of the face time goes to Geller, a fit-looking, copiously coiffed 51-year-old former associate publisher of the New YorkObserver, whose blog Atlas Shrugs (recently rated No. 16 among conservative blogs, right behind Michelle Malkin and ahead of Dick Morris) features a golden-hued nude balancing the Ayn Randian planet above the city skyline. With her you-go-girl attitude, Geller has basically become the Fox News expert correspondent on Islamic affairs, My Cousin Vinny division. Spencer, in his late forties, bearded and bookish-looking, with more than twenty years in the roiling think tanks that produce the acolytes of people like Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz, is generally thought of as Geller’s Cardinal Richelieu factoid-provider. After a number of years of blogging away at what they see to be the ingress of Muslim culture (honor killings, beheadings) and Sharia law in this country,Geller and Spencer jumped on the mosque early and in what can only be called a major-league propaganda score and have more or less owned the story ever since, establishing much of the opposition talking (yelling) points: The location is in keeping with the Islamic practice of erecting “victory mosques” on the sites of their war triumphs, Imam Feisal’s alleged links to “radicals” and refusal to label Hamas a terror group, along with, of course, the money—where is the $100 million to build the mosque coming from? What Wahhabi sheikh, what mysterious cave dweller?
Got that? We "jumped the story." How do you do that? I have been blogging daily for over 6 years, and have published close to 20,000-some-odd posts -- so how did I make this the story? Once again the elite media is showing its contempt for the American people, as if they didn't know their own minds (like NY magazine readers, perhaps). Who reads this trash?
Despite my close to 20,000 posts at Atlas, my book, and hundreds of published articles, Jacobson describes me this way -- trotting out the Malcolm X lie (attributing to me something I never said):
But the life path of this self-described “New York City career girl” is not without an eccentric train-wreck fascination. Her greatest hits include midwiving the rumor that Barack Obama is actually the illegitimate son of Malcolm X and launching into a screaming match on The Joy Behar Show, claiming she knew more about Ronald Reagan than her combatant: Ron Reagan Jr.
I never said that. I said his father would not be proud of him. And he wouldn't. Reagan was the screaming mimi.
Jacobson goes on poking fun at my Friday night Music series. He so doesn't get it. I fight for love! Music! Art! It's why I do what I do.
For sure, there aren’t many members of the new media who would post a video of Nina Simone singing “Love Me or Leave Me” on the same day (July 23) she posted a picture of kaffiyeh-wearing youth holding up a swastika under the blog title “ ‘Palestinian’ Jihad Flag to Fly at the UN.”
Uh, yeah, so? Robert's got this............
"Muhammad Comes to Manhattan" by Mark Jacobson in New York Magazine, August 22, is just the sort of piece you'd expect from an ignorant Leftist journalist/propagandist who has his reservations about the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero, but his kneejerk cultural Leftism won't let him express them. So in this lengthy article he does his best to whitewash the unsavory thug developer Sharif El-Gamal and to make Pamela Geller and me look silly (although he had me laughing when he described me as "a canny operative who likely has the inside track on the State Department's Middle East affairs desk should the tea party win the White House in 2012").
Nonetheless, he does quote me at some length, and people who bother to check will see that what I'm saying is true. And people will know also that Sharif El-Gamal is lying, although Mark Jacobson doesn't bother to shed any light on the fact. Here is El-Gamal in Jacobson's article, pretending that the Ground Zero mosque location is just a coincidence, with nothing to do with Ground Zero:
"Listen," said El-Gamal, "do you have any clue how the Manhattan real-estate market works, what is involved? People seem to think that we picked that building to make some kind of point. But that is simply insane. This is New York; no matter who you are, you just don't choose a building, move in, and take over. Do you know how many places I looked at? I looked at Chambers Street. I looked at Vesey Street, Broadway, Greenwich Street, Warren Street, Murray Street. Maybe half a dozen more, I can't even remember now. It was only after all that that Park Place came up. Even then, it was the most grueling negotiation of my life. So many times I told myself, Wow, this just isn't worth it. One minute the deal was on, eight months later it was off. The whole thing almost drove me nuts."But didn't he think twice before buying a building so close to ground zero? Didn't he suspect that he was putting himself at the center of a hornets' nest?
"No," said El-Gamal, who was born at Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn and, after some world travels in the company of his father, a Chemical Bank executive, attended New Hyde Park High School in Nassau County. "It never entered my mind," he said. "Not for a second."
Alas for the poor millionaire developer! He is caught out! Here is Daisy Khan on the location of the mega-mosque:
I think the building came to us, which goes to show that there is a symbolism there, and that there's a divine hand in it. That it's so close to the tragedy, that its close proximity is very symbolic for the fact that we really want to reverse what happened on 9/11.And here from a New York Times article (now scrubbed of these statements about the mosque, interestingly enough) is the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on the mosque location:
"New York is the capital of the world, and this location close to 9/11 is iconic," said the 61-year-old cleric, who is known for being a longtime critic of radical Islam. Being in a building "where a piece of the wreckage fell," he added, "sends the opposite statement to what happened on 9/11 ... We want to push back against the extremists."So which is it, folks? Is the planned location of the mega-mosque just a coincidence, or a direct and conscious statement about 9/11? Shouldn't you have gotten your stories straight before you went to the media -- even the lapdog media like Mark Jacobson?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 12:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (50) ShareThis
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ON THE BUS......
Photo hat tip Pamela Hall
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 04:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis
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