Sunday, 15 August 2010

August 15, 2010

No Bread in the Land
Those surpluses no longer exist. We have entered a global economy. Someone is growing wheat and harvesting it somewhere in the world every day. I have told people in our Living Network[1] and on our radio broadcasts for several years now that there is no more than a 6 month supply of grain in storage. In April the China Daily reported that they sold all of the grain offered in the weekly auctions “indicating tightening domestic supply.” Prices in Chicago were.....
by Brother Gregory Williams

Ramblings About Race
Black and white associates, family and friends were highly offended that I would consider the character, principles and associations of the person requesting to be elected leader of my beloved country. It was weird enough that I, a black, openly express love for America, but I actually expected the first African American presidential candidate to go through the usual vetting process. Clearly, in their minds, Obama's skin color trumped everything........
by Lloyd Marcus

The Importance of History, Part 8
>From 1647 when the first public school law was passed until 1962, 315 years, we have had prayer in our schools. It was not even a forced prayer. It was voluntary. The court even stated that it was voluntary and non-denominational. The prayer was a bland prayer that was put together by the four major denominations, the Orthodox, Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant. The simple 22 word prayer was.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis