Are you as free today as you were four years ago? Vaccines Beneath the Surface, Part 1 Military Homosexual Scandal Tied to WikiLeaks Treason Silent Assertion on Mass Immigration
Two years into the Obama Administration and we have witnessed the largest expansion in government regulation in our nation’s history. That growth exceeds even George Bush’s renegade government. Bush was one of Big Governments greatest allies. He expanded a bloated federal government as never before, but President Obama has outdone his predecessor. He has created........
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
For years, critics on the fringes of medicine have pointed to problems with vaccines. It is generally acknowledged that, given to people whose immune systems are compromised, they can be immunosuppressive. And from time to time, stories have surfaced about vaccines which have been dangerously contaminated by extraneous viruses or bacteria, as a result of the manufacturing process. We are taught to believe that.......
by Jon Rappoport
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As the military and the FBI attempt to get to the bottom of what Manning allegedly did and for what reason, the need for an investigation of homosexual misconduct in the Armed Forces—before any change in policy is adopted by Congress—has been presented in dramatic fashion......
by Cliff Kincaid
In 1964, the United States population remained at a sustainable 194 million people. The American female maintained a 2.03 fertility level that would have balanced U.S. population at 255 million. After the 1965 Immigration Reform Act, however, legal and illegal immigration-driven-population-growth added 106 million people in 40 years. By October, 2006, America will exceed 300 million people. The United States population.....
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 2 August 2010
August 2, 2010
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Britannia Radio