Secular Humanism Fizzles, Cosmic Humanism Flourishes
It may surprise some readers to learn that secular humanism, the anti-religious, anti-supernatural belief system liberal reformers and radicals tried to foist on society has fizzled out. Their anti-God worldview failed to sway us away from our religious beliefs and from our obsession with “hidden knowledge.” Instead of the promised Utopia, “secular humanists created two world wars and the death of 200 million.” They also created.....
by Marsha West
Accused Army Traitor Cruised Gay Bars
Cupp apparently missed the parts of the Bible that talk about marriage between a man and a woman, and homosexuality being unnatural and sinful. She seems unaware of how Christians in Britain are losing their rights to openly practice their religion in the face of a national policy of enforcing acceptance of homosexual rights. That policy was started by socialist Tony Blair and is now being pursued by the so-called.......
by Cliff Kincaid
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Black Conservative Campaigns in Alaska for Joe Miller
Tea Party Express asked me to join them in Alaska to assist in their final push for conservative Joe Miller for U.S. Senate. I sang and spoke at rallies in Wasilla, Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska. The weather in Alaska was mild, mid 60s. It was my first time in Alaska and enjoying sourdough pancakes with reindeer sausage. I was most.....
by Lloyd Marcus
Rules of Engagement For Guaranteed Freedom and Prosperity
Our Marxist Progressive Officials are Traitors, who have unconstitutionally seized our government and are killing us by a Thousand Cuts, with more every day. We can’t respond to daily slashings, so before we bleed to death, we must defeat them with just a few bold constitutional moves using the “Rule of Law” that experience has guaranteed will return us to unlimited prosperity and freedom under our Constitution......
by Andrew C. Wallace