Glenn Beck's August 28 Surprise
With the exception of Glenn Beck wanting a miracle on August 28th at the Lincoln Memorial, I haven’t heard him give any specific details except I think it has something to do with Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King. However, I suspect the enemies of our country who have been working diligently for years to destroy our sovereignty are meeting quietly strategizing how to........
by Betty Freauf
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Politics, Derivatives and Corporate Raiders
Colorado is what they call a political “Bellwether State” this year. All of that makes our Congressional races more interesting than the norm. The Washington Post has called Colorado one of the most politically important 2010 primary states in the country. Senator Michael Bennet is fighting for his political life in a Primary race with fellow Democrat Andrew Romanoff. Bennet, appointed by Democrat Governor Bill Ritter to fill Ken Salazar’s Senate term when he was.......
by Marilyn Barnewall
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The Importance of History, Part 7
When we hear the phrase “separation of church and state” we understand it to mean something other than what our Founders understood it to be. We understand it to mean a total separation of any religious views or doctrines from all of government. Our Founders saw it as it was meant by Jefferson’s statement in his response to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1801 and that was a total separation of any government control over religion. These two ideas are diametrically opposed to each other. The separation that Jefferson spoke of was an.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis