Bailouts Went To Foreign Banks: Congressional Report Confirms What We Already Knew
A Congressional Oversight Panel issued today highlights the fact that large portions of the Treasury's $700 billion bailout fund have gone straight into the coffers of foreign banks, a fact that we knew months ago, but is only now being officially recognised.
Marc Faber: Protect Your Property with High Voltage Fences, Barbed Wire, Booby Traps, Military Weapons and Dobermans
Investment guru and publisher of The Gloom, Boom and Doom report, Marc Faber, regularly discusses investment strategies for protecting and building wealth during times of economic distress.
Economy Teeters On The Brink and Market Manipulation Continues
It’s just the same old, same old, business as usual in America.
What the Chinese really think of ‘Man Made Global Warming’
One of the great lies told us by our political leaders in order to persuade us to accept their swingeing and pointless green taxes and their economically suicidal, environmentally vandalistic wind-farm building programmes is that if we don’t do it China will.
Jobless claims jump to 5-month high
The number of first-time filers for unemployment insurance rose to the highest level since late February last week, according to a weekly government report released Thursday.
• NY Fed to Buy $18 Billion of Treasurys in Reinvestment Program