Stacy Summary: Loose money and cheap credit for the US, tighter policy for Europe? Trichet should watch the Tuesday’s Keiser Report and he would know that the Greeks would say to him, “if you take away my bread, I will take you down.” Bernanke, Trichet Economic Paths May Diverge at Jackson Hole Stacy Summary: We look at the scandals of security firms by day, terrorists by night and whether or not Erik Prince ‘needs a break from America,’ or broke America. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Paul McLeary, a journalist specializing in defense, intelligence and military, about the arms race in the Arctic. Stacy Summary: Okay Geek and Dork, your thoughts? And h/t all who linked to the second article. stacy Summary: We look at death spirals and vanity trades in the global financial markets. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Richard Buchanan about his attempts to form a Facebook union. Stacy Summary: Families earning £100,000 per year were ‘earning’ more than £6k for child benefit? What the . . . ? Stacy Summary: Beware those claiming that major weather disasters like the Moscow heatwaves and fires or the Pakistan floods have nothing to do with the economy, markets or finance. Moscow’s July and August weather has not only impacted, for example, the bond market, but also the wheat market. The floods in Pakistan have not only dislocated millions of people and killed 1600, but have also caused great dislocation in agricultural markets where it has caused inflation in prices of local agricultural goods and is expected to cost the nation up to 10% of GDP. And now it has forced the nation to go to the IMF and plead for restructuring; the IMF is central to the global matrix of ne0-liberal finance so this action, too, will cause unknown knock on effects. Many have an ideology that necessitates weather events NOT be reported on, but these two events will have knock on economic, market and geo-political effects for years to come. Black them out of your memory if you must, but it doesn’t mean the costs will disappear. Stacy Summary: So it looks as if the US empire is going to collapse in a kind of European styled fascist and violent spasm; here is the latest sign of this (via Glenn Greenwald)when an American man had the great misfortune of ‘looking Muslim’ while walking into a neo-con inspired hate and fear rally: Stacy Summary: Of course, the UN is only capable of running ponzi schemes on behalf of bankers. Notice all the environmentalists quoted in the article that are against carbon trading schemes. And I would have thought the market was bigger than $2.7 billion? The forex market is $3 trillion PER DAY. Stacy Summary: h/t @What-me-worry? Tony Blair to start a bank for other war profiteers, like his ‘visionary’ friend, W. And, after seeing the photo below, I want in; because there is clearly no end to how many people you can turn into a quivering mass of freaked out zombies willing to give you all they have so that you might drop bombs from 30,000 on the very boogeyman the racket creates. And if you create boogeymen atop the world’s remaining oil reserves, well hot diggedy dog! This photo proves that, indeed, Bush is, if not a visionary, then certainly a genius racketeer.Bernanke, Trichet Economic Paths May Diverge at Jackson Hole
August 27th, 2010 by
Respond Keiser Report – Makets! Finance! Arctic Arms Race!
A Never-ending Recession, The Contained Depression and More Strategic Defaults
Cat Trash Lady, British Nightclubs and Child Benefit
Paid Shill Mishkin Helped Push Icelandic Ponzi Scheme
August 23rd, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: In yesterday’s thread, Giuseppe argued that it was somehow FoxNews like of me to point out that Dr. Patrick Michaels admission that oil firms cover 40% of his budget to produce research that ‘proves’ the oil industry does no harm. Today we see Mishkin was paid $124,000 to lend his perceived expertise to a report blessing Iceland’s banking system, just before the collapse. I would like to refer you to the video report below that WE made 12 months before Iceland’s collapse. And to continue with Giuseppe’s much applauded (Dedo) analogy, the film we made was financed by Aljazeera, which in turn is financed by the Qatar government, which in turn was a big investor in Iceland. Unlike, Mishkin, however, we were not paid directly by the corporations seeking to defraud the global taxpayer via their reckless ponzi scheme. We believe that it is important to know who is paid to produce reports, research or opinion intentionally designed to confuse and perpetuate frauds and will continue to point them out as we see them.
Stacy Summary: Now if we could only get rid of the federal monarchs and central banks. Anyway, your thoughts?
Debunking Propaganda from the Big Carbon Taxers & Exposing the Big Oil Welfare Cheats
August 22nd, 2010 by
Scott Horton debunks the propaganda being spewed from the neo-conservatives who operate the most expensive welfare operation ever devised by man, financed through the highest carbon taxes anywhere in the world. Two trillion dollars per year alone in the US is collected in tax revenue, half of it goes directly to the military to secure oil reserves around the world, including next those of Iran:
And as if redistributing wealth from the taxpayer to their private carbon profits weren’t enough, BP, Halliburton and Transocean have been caught setting up yet another of their sleazy fake think tank / front groups, this time duping celebrities and housewives into agitating on their behalf to get the government to fork over more taxpayer money to clean up their oil spill.
And speaking of think tanks and front groups set up to scam the taxpayer, the Cato Institute’s Pat Michaels admits (at @7 minute mark) that 40% of the funding for his climate change denying comes from the very same hardcore welfare queens of the petroleum industry; the same petroleum industry, like Exxon, that imposes massive carbon taxes on all citizens unable to opt out of these taxes:
View Rough Draft of Script: “Proper Man” (PROPR)
August 22nd, 2010 by
Note: Max Keiser has been cast in this movie as, ‘intergalactic spiritual advisor ‘Genji’
Eine globale Spieltheorie in Gold
August 22nd, 2010 by
America: The New Argentina
August 22nd, 2010 by
As Argentina goes, so goes America in the race to see which country will go down in history as the worst kleptocracy.
As we see here, Argentina, jumping the gun on what Americans can anticipate with the newly announced deal between Google and Verizon; is consolidating power in the Internet space.
PMF Fund is Setting Aside $50,000 for PirateMyfilm Projects That Slam Global Warming/Climate Change Deniers
August 22nd, 2010 by
For Immediate Release:
Max Keiser: “The whole tobacco industry lobbying group that pushed millions into death now work for the oil industry and climate change denying industry. We need to put this issue back on firm footing by countering the propaganda of Big Oil with the peer reviewed work of hundreds of scientists around the world who live in the 21st century – as opposed to the climate change deniers clinging to the 13th century ideas about leeches, wizards, alchemy and snot.”