Friday, 13 August 2010 / August 13, 2010

Guide to the perplexed


Israel's leaders are reportedly concerning themselves with one question today. Are there any circumstances in which US President Barack Obama will order the US military to strike Iran's nuclear installations before Iran develops a nuclear arsenal?
From Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu down the line, Israel's leaders reportedly raise this question with just about everyone they come into contact with. If this is true, then the time has come to end our leaders' suspense.
The answer is no.
To all intents and purposes, there are no circumstances in which Obama would order an attack on Iran's nuclear installations to prevent Iran from developing and fielding nuclear weapons. Exceptions to this statement fall into two categories. Either they are so implausible that they are operationally irrelevant, or they are so contingent on other factors that they would doom any US attack to failure.
    Israelis for Illegal Aliens
  • ...and sushi as a metaphor for Bibi.
  • In Israel as in the US, the Left is running a concerted campaign to force the government to accept thousand of illegal aliens, mainly from Africa. This week's Tribal Update from Latma, the Hebrew-language website I edit presents the media campaign.
    We also present the media's response to testimony presented by Netanyahu and Barak before the Turkel Commission -- the investigative body the Obama administration forced Israel to form - to investigate the state's handling of the Turkish-Hamas terror flotilla.
    Latma is funded through contributions to the Center for Security Policy in Washington. If you would like to support our efforts, you can contribute to our efforts by clicking here. It takes you to the online contribution page to the Center for Security Policy through Network for Good. Latma is an initiative of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC. To earmark your donation to Latma, please write "Latma" in the box marked "designation."


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