>> SATURDAY, AUGUST 07, 2010
Melting glaciers are an essential part of the BBC's AGW alamist narrative. Yesterday it was Greenland alarmism; back in June, it was that Mount Everest is becoming treacherous because of a deluge of meltwater. Mark Hendrickx has done some very thorough digging into the Everest claims, and found that at their root, as usual, is exaggeration and distortion. The source was a paper quoted in the IPCC AR4 report which - it was claimed - showed that Himalayan weather station readings showed rising temperatures. Mr Hendrickx notes first that none of the stations are actually in the most mountainous parts of the Himalayas; and second that they show rises that are so small as to be statistically insignificant. Two of the stations actually showed falls. As Mr Hendrickx concludes:
The case for dangerous man made global warming hangs on the wall like a frayed medieval tapestry. By pulling just one loose thread the whole thing starts to unravel. We pulled one of those threads recently…
But the BBC goes blundering on, always reporting the alarmist drivel and never the work of those who show the lies for what they are.
A Biased BBC reader spots the delights offered on RADIO 4 in just one day..
"Beyond Belief: Santuary"
A look at Britain's history of offering sanctuary to those fearing persecution.
"The Mossad"
The BBC's Security Correspondent talks to the world's most feared and fabled security services.
"Face The Facts"
Is the legal aid system failing asylum lawyers and their clients?
"Alan Johnson: Failed Rock Star"
Alan Johnson meets people who have tasted the fame he craved in the 1960s
"Women's future in Afghanistan"
How will women's rights be affected once coalition troops leave?
Tuesday 03/08/2010
An iceberg four times the size of Manhattan has calved from one of the main Greenland glaciers. As What's Up With That? quickly pointed out last night, it's entirely normal for this to happen; a far bigger iceberg similarly calved from the same glacier in 1962, well before even the most ardent warmists claim that CO2 was fomenting our doom. WUWT also warned that the media would be swift to blame AGW, even though the press release from the university that noticed that calving was careful not to do so. True to form, first off the block in warmist zeal is the BBC. The web story doesn't actually say that AGW is to blame, but the prominence given to the story, together with the immediate juxtaposition of the bald statement (hotly disputed in sceptic circles) that the first six months of 2010 have been "the hottest on record" make it plain that as far as the BBC is concerned, this is global warming writ large. The only thing missing from their alarmism is the Richard Black by-line.
>> FRIDAY, AUGUST 06, 2010
It's Friday, these Open Threads get overwhelmed with great comments after a few days, so time for a new one to see us through until Monday! The floor is yours....so, what is the BBC saying that annoys you?
The BBC seems outraged that Banks make profit. Today, it seems affronted that RBS has made a half-year profit of £1.1bn. We have Peston droning on each morning, and the BBC not being able to make it through a sentence on RBS without reminding us that the "tax-payer" owns 84% of this bank. The way I see it, the license-payer owns 100% of the BBC and it doesn't provide us £1.1bn profit every six months. In fact it costs us £3.5bn each year to keep this anti-capitalist parasite afloat. Given the choice, I'd keep RBS and sell off the BBC.
It amazes me how often Mona Siddiqui, Professor of Islamic Studies and Director for the Study of Islam, gets a bully-pulpit on Thought for the Day. She was on AGAIN this morning, extolling Islam's quest for academic excellence. Last time I checked in parts of the Islamic world education meets an explosive demise. It is very odd how Islamicn scholars get such prominence on the BBC given the minority status of their religion. When one looks to see how often evangelical Christians are afforded such a platform, one looks in vain. As I have written before, TFTD is politics by other means!
For almost a week now, the BBC has been flogging the dead horse of the "tensions" caused by Cameron's straight-talking concerning elements within the Pakistani establishment being sympathetic to terrorism. I am sorry if I am being repetitive on it but it is amazing to turn on the radio or TV each day and see the BBC coat-trail this non-story as if it were a matter of great global concern. This morning we are even treated to some Beeboid speculating as to why Zardari did not stay overnight at Chequers "Most unusual" - we were breathlessly informed on Today. Meanwhile the big BBC other Pakistan story de jour is how helpful an Islamic terrorist network is proving when it comes to providing "humanitarian relief" to those afflicted by the floods. Pakistan has now dominated British news for almost a week - a remarkable achievement for the BBC.
>> THURSDAY, AUGUST 05, 2010
OK, the attack line is clear. When it comes to Foreign Policy, Conservative leader David Cameron is "a klutz". The BBC delighting here in a non-event comment where he accidentally suggested that Iran - the nexus of evil - had a nuclear weapon. Whether he actually said what is being suggested by Labour, and promoted by the BBC, is beside the point because the BBC then uses the same item to allow further criticisms of Cameron's previous "gaffes." I assume the BBC miss the golden days when Margaret Beckett and David Miliband bestrode the globe, never making any errors and effortlessly advancing our interests. Furthermore, we know the BBC looks on the bright side of Iran and the Mullahs attempts to gain nukes but I have to say I am glad that Cameron is less rosy-eyed about Iran!
Greenies want to control with jackboots, writs and taxes every aspect of our behaviour under the cloak of "sustainability". This is chillingly illustrated in the latest offering in the BBC's regular platform for fanatics, the Green Room. Here, a career agitator called Owen Gaffney, who works for the the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)- an international body so incredibly manipulative in its goals that it is beyond Orwell's worst nightmares - argues that to save ourselves from "global change" (Newspeak that Orwell would have recongnised), we need to spend shedloads more cash, so that he and his barmy chums can:
...look at the risks of geo-engineering - intentionally manipulating the Earth's climate by, for example, erecting giant sunshades in space, or adding small particles to the upper atmosphere to reflect heat away from Earth.
The architects of the new programme aim to go beyond the traditional boundaries of Earth-system science, and corral experts from other fields to tackle the technological, institutional and behavioural changes required if we want genuine global sustainability.
The scale of this challenge alone cannot be underestimated.
Note the way that Mr Gaffney so silkily talks about the need for "behavioural change", in exactly the same way that the Nazis talked about "the Jewish question". The BBC is giving these fanatics a platform as if what they are saying is respectable, objective, scientific fact. The reality is much more sinister.