There would be some very great sense in tightening the qualifying criteria for winter fuel payments, as this administration is considering doing, if at the same time efforts were being made to keep fuel costs down.
However, it should be remembered that the core policy of the Cleggerons – as it was with the previous administration – is to increase the costs of home heating, so to promote fuel economy and thereby reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
The winter fuel payments, in this context, are a mechanism for mitigating the inevitable effects of increased fuel poverty and the concomitant increase in the death rate amongst the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to hypothermia.
Not least of the problem here though is that the Cleggerons have such a limited grasp of the effects of their own policies. They are unable to link the effects of two diverse actions.
But then, such an activity would require them entertaining two separate ideas in their foetid little minds at the same time – something entirely beyond the capability of our current rulers. Unfortunately for the soon to die prematurely, the consequences of the linkage are going to be all too apparent.
However, it should be remembered that the core policy of the Cleggerons – as it was with the previous administration – is to increase the costs of home heating, so to promote fuel economy and thereby reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
The winter fuel payments, in this context, are a mechanism for mitigating the inevitable effects of increased fuel poverty and the concomitant increase in the death rate amongst the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to hypothermia.
Not least of the problem here though is that the Cleggerons have such a limited grasp of the effects of their own policies. They are unable to link the effects of two diverse actions.
But then, such an activity would require them entertaining two separate ideas in their foetid little minds at the same time – something entirely beyond the capability of our current rulers. Unfortunately for the soon to die prematurely, the consequences of the linkage are going to be all too apparent.
President Obama, we are told, is to attend a "summit" with EU leaders in Lisbon in November, planning specifically to meet European Council president Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso.
The US "has no stronger partner than Europe in advancing security and prosperity around the world", says the White House, while an EU statement declares: "The transatlantic relationship is vital to global prosperity, and both sides are committed to co-operate in order to promote growth and jobs in their economies."
When we see the US government and the EU starting to stitch things up between them, then it really is time to worry, as no good can come of it – if it pans out. However, given Obama's propensity for rubbing the Euro-weenies up the wrong way, "full and frank" discussions could have both sides not talking to each other for months afterwards.
The thing is though is that you know it is all BS when the White House also says: "The United States and the European Union are continually working together to advance a broad agenda based on a common history, shared values, and enduring ties."
The picture shows what happened last time the Americans tried to share values with the Germans.
The US "has no stronger partner than Europe in advancing security and prosperity around the world", says the White House, while an EU statement declares: "The transatlantic relationship is vital to global prosperity, and both sides are committed to co-operate in order to promote growth and jobs in their economies."
When we see the US government and the EU starting to stitch things up between them, then it really is time to worry, as no good can come of it – if it pans out. However, given Obama's propensity for rubbing the Euro-weenies up the wrong way, "full and frank" discussions could have both sides not talking to each other for months afterwards.
The thing is though is that you know it is all BS when the White House also says: "The United States and the European Union are continually working together to advance a broad agenda based on a common history, shared values, and enduring ties."
The picture shows what happened last time the Americans tried to share values with the Germans.
If the "few" are in the making, there is a much smaller band who are also plying their deadly trade, but in this case deadly only to themselves. These are the bomb disposal teams, clearing up the ordnance that has failed to explode or where delayed action fuzes are fitted, sometimes in a deliberate attempt to kill those trying to deal with them.