2010 August 11 by Paul Cooper
One of NewReal Blog’s hottest posts this past week told the story of a 14 year old Brazilian girl being arrested after accusing a man twice her age of raping her in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. (For the full article go here. , or see below) Yesterday the young teen got her sentence from the Abu Dhabi courts: 6 months in prison and then deportation.
Apparently the 14-year-old girl had met a Pakistani school bus driver and exchanged cell phone numbers with him. They had been texting sexual messages back and forth to each other. On April 4th the adolescent female’s parents had gone on a trip to Dubai. The girl invited the man (some reports say he is 25 while others say he is 28) to her apartment where then, according to the girl, he raped her. Her parents reported the rape, but the Sharia courts response was to arrest both the man and the girl for “consensual sex.”
Consensual, unmarried sex is a crime in Sharia law no matter what your age. Even though it is statutory rape for an adult male to have any kind of sex with a 14 year old, she can still be accused of the crime if the sex was consensual. The fact is we cannot know what happened on that day in the apartment. She may have been forcibly raped, but even if she wasn’t – if there was sex then she was still raped (no matter what Whoopi Goldberg might call it).
Under Sharia law a girl who has shown evidence of menstruation is tried as an adult. In Abu Dhabi courts, children as young as seven can be tried as an adult. So a little girl can be raped by a grown man and then be convicted of a crime if a strict judge thinks she wanted the sex. The UAE courts do have a rule where they can choose to simply turn the young girl over to her parents for correction, but that doesn’t seem to happen too often.
The Brazilian girl was sentenced to six months’ prison time followed up by deportation for her “crime” of “consensual sex.” The rapist was simply given 1 year prison time and deportation back to Pakistan. The courts claim they are being lenient to the victim of the rape, because Sharia law states the girl could be given 80 lashes or even stoned to death.
Imagine if this happened in the United States. A 14 year old’s school bus driver exchanges lurid texts with the girl and then is accused of raping her. And then the courts decide to arrest the victim and imprison her for six months. That is insane, but that is Sharia law.
Sadly the American press is currently far too focused on writing about “Islamaphobia” then to cover a story like this one. I can find no major new organization in America writing about this event to date. And even in global news there are only a handful of stories based on the work of two UAE local articles on this story. I hope if this tragedy happened to an American adolescent there would be far more stories and that our President would address the issue. But considering the Left’s unity with spreading Islam, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Children Under Sharia Law
Part 1:
Foreign Girl Raped in UAE Could Face 80 lashes or stoning.
2010 August 8 by Paul Cooper
Sharia law has become a very popular discussion in media and academic circles. Somehow many journalists are trying to ignore any problems with Sharia and look to only focus on what they label “Islamophobia.” This past few days there have been countless stories on people wanting to burn the Koran and the Washington Post even called “the fear of Islam” the new McCarthyism and inferred that Sharia law is a false threat. The stories make you wonder: what’s so bad about Sharia anyway?
Let me offer a recent example of the terror of Sharia law. I’m sure you have not heard about it, because I’ve only been able to find two new agencies (both English language papers out of UAE) that have covered the incident (Gulf News and The National).
A few days ago a court case came to the Sharia law court in Abu Dhabi. It seems back in April of this year, a 14 year old Brazilian girl was living in Abu Dhabi with her parents. While her parents went away to Dubai, a Pakistani-born bus driver in his mid to late twenties came to the young girl’s flat and had sex with her. The girl initially said that the man raped her by force. Her father called police and brought charges against the man.
The accused rapist claimed that he was seduced by the 14 year old and therefore it was consensual sex. When all was said and done both people were arrested. You heard me correctly, the 14 year old girl was arrested after reporting rape. Why? Because the courts said the girl must have welcomed the bus driver in to her apartment, so she wasn’t raped by force. According to Sharia law, anyone who has reached puberty must be tried as an adult. Therefore the young teen is an adult and fornication is a crime punishable by close to 100 lashes to the back or even being stoned to death.
Once the Brazilian parents learned their daughter was being arrested they changed their story. They are now arguing that the event never happened. They’d understandably rather have the man not facing rape charges, then having their innocent 14-year old daughter being whipped or even stoned to death.
So far the courts seem focused on proving that the teen was having consensual sex with the bus driver. They say they have texts from the girl where she is inviting the adult male to her apartment.
“According to Sharia law, the girl is considered to be an adult since she has reached the age of puberty. As she contacted the accused on her own, the incident is considered to be consensual on her part”. – Chief Justice Abdul Bashir
The crime of fornication is very serious in Sharia law. It is called Zina. Some hadiths require a woman or young girl committing Zina be whipped 80 times, while more strict holders to the law say Mohammad called for stoning such women.
“Acquire it from me, acquire it from me. The Almighty ALLAH has revealed the directive about women who habitually commit fornication about which He had promised to reveal. If such criminals are unmarried or are the unsophisticated youth, then their punishment is a eighty stripes and exile and if they are widowers or are married, then their punishment is a hundred stripes and death by stoning.” — Sahih Muslim, 1690
There is no doubt that if the two had sex then she was raped. In America we call it statutory rape and the underage person is always the victim. In Sharia law the man can still be charged for statutory rape but the real brunt of the punishment falls on the victim if she can’t prove she was forcibly raped.
No matter what the media tries to say, we must hold a light to cases like this one. People need to know how Sharia law makes criminals out of victims – especially when those victims are women and children. It is foolish and dangerous for so many to claim that there is nothing wrong with this barbaric legal system.