Our social workers normally hit the headlines when some Baby P-type horror story comes to light, showing how they failed to intervene when a child was so maltreated by its parents that it died. 07 Aug 2010 Politics has been reduced to the level of Citzalia, an online game in which you play at taking part in the European Parliament, says Christopher Booker 07 Aug 2010 The animal charity is spending too much time prosecuting innocent animal owners, believes Christopher Booker 07 Aug 2010 The Methodist Church is adopting the IPCC's report on global warming as holy writ, finds Christopher Booker 07 Aug 2010 Brussels has joined Westminster in offering its citizens online impotence, says Christopher Booker 07 Aug 2010Christopher Booker
Britain's forced adoptions: the hidden scandal we can't ignore
We are given virtual democracy in exchange for real power
RSPCA: End this cruelty to animal owners
Climate change: Behold, the gospel according to the UN
European Parliament: We lose power and get virtual democracy
Sunday, 8 August 2010
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Britannia Radio