Sunday, 22 August 2010

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph

exposes the ever-growing power of the

European Union in Brussels and the excesses

of mad officialdom.


Arrested for defending the red squirrel

Why are the police acting as 'enforcers' for the RSPCA, asks Christopher Booker.

21 Aug 2010

She defied the law to find her mother

Winona Varney was reunited with her mother through Facebook, writes Christopher Booker.

21 Aug 2010

Surreal investigation recalls 'satanic abuse' scandals

In one ongoing case, social workers are pursuing the most surreal inquiries, says Christopher Booker

14 Aug 2010

The future of Iran is waiting for our support

Why have we in the West persecuted exactly those groups that Tehran wants us to, asks Christopher Booker

14 Aug 2010

Britain's forced adoptions: the hidden scandal we can't ignore

Our social workers normally hit the headlines when some Baby P-type horror story comes to light, showing how they failed to intervene when a child was so maltreated by its parents that it died.

07 Aug 2010

Virtual democracy in exchange for real power

Politics has been reduced to the level of Citzalia, an online game in which you play at taking part in the European Parliament, says Christopher Booker.

07 Aug 2010

RSPCA: End this cruelty to animal owners

The animal charity is spending too much time prosecuting innocent animal owners, believes Christopher Booker

07 Aug 2010

Climate change: Behold, the gospel according to the UN

The Methodist Church is adopting the IPCC's report on global warming as holy writ, finds Christopher Booker

07 Aug 2010

European Parliament: We lose power and get virtual democracy

Brussels has joined Westminster in offering its citizens online impotence, says Christopher Booker

07 Aug 2010

Did the RSPCA drive a man to suicide?

Alan Brough commited suicide after the RSPCA took his herd of Shetland ponies, writes Christopher Booker.

31 Jul 2010

Soldiers are betrayed by generals, not MPs

The decision to deploy hopelessly unsuitable vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan was taken by the Army high command in 2003, writesChristopher Booker.

31 Jul 2010

The shameful stories that can’t be told

A heartless, blind and secretive system has made a nonsense of the central principle it was designed to uphold: the interests of a defenceless child, writes Christopher Booker.

31 Jul 2010

Bushmen of the Kalahari are denied water

Botswana's High Court has ruled that the Bushmen must not be provided with water, says Christopher Booker

24 Jul 2010