The Muslim Hijacking of Ground Zero Posted: 07 Aug 2010 09:02 PM PDT Besides being an open advocate for Sharia and restrictions on the freedom of speech in his book What's Right with Islam, Rauf has refused to denounce Hamas. He has lied about his commitment to religious dialogue. He has lied about whether the Islamic center planned for the Ground Zero site will contain a mosque or not. And he has lied about whether or not the project is getting foreign funding. He is involved with a group that helped fund the jihad flotilla against Israel. "News Flash: Ground Zero Imam Heading to Saudi Arabia, UAE ...," by Claudia Rosett at Pajamas Media, August 7 (thanks to Inexion): For more details, here's the column in which yesterday evening I broke this bit of news (I have not found it reported anywhere else so far -- which leaves me wondering why, amid the emoting and editorializing splashed all over the MSM by defenders and commenders of Rauf, no one seems to be asking where he's actually disappeared to): "Further Travels of Imam Feisal." Rauf's summer itinerary suggests odd priorities for a man who, in the name of harmony and bridge-building, has stirred up a furious debate in the U.S. -- and then quietly left the country last month, leaving many questions unanswered about such matters as where and how he plans to raise the $100 million he'll need to realize his dream of a high-rise Islamic hub right up the street from where the Twin Towers stood. Neither Rauf nor the State Department seems eager to publicize his summer trip to Saudi Arabia and points nearby, though his tour appears imminent -- as in, he'll probably be touching down in the Middle East this coming week, and he's not due back till early September. My source for this information is the New York office of his Cordoba Initiative foundation, and his wife and co-director at the Cordoba Initiative, Daisy Khan. But they didn't exactly volunteer the information unbidden. Rauf himself came briefly to the phone last week, at his Cordoba Initiative office in Malaysia, when I tracked him down there on a hunch -- after his New York office said he was traveling, not feeling well, and could not be reached. As soon as I asked about funding, he said he was in an "important meeting," and got off the phone. Since then, Rauf has been "unavailable" at his Cordoba Initiative office in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. When I phoned there and asked for him earlier this week, one of his assistants told me: "All media requests have to go through his office in New York." At the New York office, I was told they were giving no more interviews, and for questions about the Malaysian office, I was referred back in a circle to the Cordoba Initiative in Malaysia. Finally, uninvited and with no appointment, I called the mobile phone of his wife and work partner, Daisy Khan. In answer to my specific questions, she said that Rauf was about to visit Saudi Arabia, etc., on a trip hosted by the State Department. In response to further questions, she allowed as how the State Department was sending her, as well, on a trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi later this month. She said there would be no fund-raising on these trips. But no one at the Cordoba Initiative seems ready to rule out the possibility of taking large sums of money from these places, should it at some point happen to be offered. As for the State Department: After three days of my repeated questions and phone calls, State by Friday's close of business had yet to provide any response to my request for confirmation of Rauf's trip, Khan's trip, or details about their State-sponsored summer outreach excursions to the Middle East. Apparently, it takes quite a while at State to get "clearance" for disclosure to the American public of such basic details as who, exactly, is engaging in public outreach at our expense and on our behalf....Daniel Greenfield article: The Muslim Hijacking of Ground Zero
To this day, Muslims continue seizing other people's places of worship and turning them into mosques. It's going on in Egypt today. It's going on in Yugoslavia where churches are being destroyed and turned into mosques, day by day. It's went on in Israel, in Joseph's Tomb, burial spot of the biblical Joseph, which was seized by Muslims in September of 2000, a year before 9/11.
Why do Muslims this? It's not just about seizing territory, though that is part of it. It's also about hijacking something more vital, identity. By Islamizing sacred sites, they also take control of other people's history and culture. As they have done throughout the world. Hijacking the Temple Mount, has allowed Muslims to claim Jerusalem as a holy city of theirs. Hijacking churches in Egypt and Yugoslavia, eliminates the religious history of non-Muslims from the area. Hijacking the Hagia Sophia, was part of the recreation of Constantinople, into Istanbul.
The common denominator is that Muslims do not just make war on lands or bodies-- but on memory itself. Their goal is to make people forget what came before their colonization. To distort the history and traditions that are meaningful to them, and replace them with a distorted Islamized version of history. The Muslim "tolerance" in Spain, the Palestinian Arab "refugees" and the Muslim "contributions" to science, are all examples of that revisionist history, in which oppression becomes tolerance, repression becomes knowledge, and the oppressors become the victims.
Ground Zero is not only the central point of the Muslim massacre of 3000 people. It is also the central point of the memory of that massacre. The area is the place where people come to remember what happened. To see, to hear and to pay tribute to the dead. Which is exactly why Muslims are determined to hijack it for their own purposes, with a highly visible mosque and their own 9/11 museum that will feature a radically altered version of history. What they are after is the equivalent of putting up a Holocaust Revisionism museum outside the Holocaust museum.
There is no legitimate reason for the Cordoba House. As I have already documented, the current mosque draws most of its worshipers from outside the area. There is no significant Muslim population in Downtown Manhattan that needs to have its own 100 million dollar community center. The only reason for building something on this scale, is because of its proximity to Ground Zero. The Ground Zero mosque is aimed at the hijacking of memory, not of Muslims, but of non-Muslims. It is meant to serve as part of the Muslim narrative spread after 9/11 that exonerates Muslims from all blame, while pointing the finger at America and the Jews instead. Which is why the ADL and the Wiesenthal Center have both come out against the Ground Zero Mosque, regardless of the vicious attacks directed at them by liberals for daring to stand up to Muslim colonization and bigotry.
At Ground Zero, all Americans realized that Islam was an inescapable question that they must grapple with. It is a powerful symbol. And symbols are dangerous. People will fight and die for symbols, as they will not for cold hard facts. It is why the left has tried to hijack it using the IFC. They failed. Now where they failed, the Islamists intend to succeed. And just as the IFC was backed by Bloomberg, so too the Ground Zero mosque is being backed by Bloomberg. It's why the media and liberals are shouting down all criticism of the Ground Zero mosque. Islam and the left both want to suppress the real history of September 11. They want Americans to forget who did it, and instead feed them excuses about "American foreign policy" and of course those omnipresent Jews, who are really to blame for it all.
The name Cordoba House is entirely appropriate for the Ground Zero mosque, because it too represent a false history. The story of Cordoba and Ground Zero are linked, in that they are both stories of Muslim terror, covered up with lies about Muslim tolerance. And the Cordoba House is part of a comprehensive effort to pervert the history of September 11, as comprehensively as that of Cordoba or Jerusalem. To replace it with their narrative, in which they are the victims, and we are the oppressors. And to allow that history to stand, is to destroy the meaning of our own culture and accept our subjugation, in history, if not yet in fact.
The Great Lie told and retold over and over again for the last 9 years, is that Islam was not responsible for 9/11. That lie has been repeated over and over again. It has permeated our culture. It has filled our media. The politicians have echoed it. Books and articles are written that treat it as something every reasonable person understands. Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. Not a damn thing.
The Ground Zero mosque is that lie made flesh. It is that revisionist history given physical form, turned into brick and mortar, steel and cement, raised up to the sky, to look down mockingly on the Ground Zero construction site itself, and the people who come there to reflect and remember. It mocks their memories. It mocks the dead. Its arrogance is the same as that of the Muslim burners of the Great Library of Alexandria, of Hanan Ashrawi claiming there was no Jewish connection to Joseph's Tomb, or Anwar Al-Awlaki, who had advised the 9/11 hijackers, telling reporters after the attacks that Islam opposes terrorism. It is an act of beheading, not of flesh, but of identity. It takes a blade and saws at the neck of a culture, cutting off its head through lies and deceit.When Muslims conquer, they begin with massacres and end with colonization. The building they bought, had its value destroyed by their own attack on September 11. Now having bought the building at a loss, they intend to demolish it and turn it into a monument to the very ideology responsible for that massacre. As they have done before in Constantinople and Jerusalem. As they have done throughout the world. First they bomb. Now they occupy. First they kill, then they solicit converts. First they invade, then they rule. It is an ugly and bloody pattern that has held true for over a 1000 years of history. And here it is again.
When the Sudanese Muslim Janjaweed militias go out and rape non-Arab women, this was what they said to their victims. "The government gave me permission to rape you. This is not your land anymore." That is the Ground Zero mosque, with Bloomberg giving his permission to allow Islam to declare that this too is not our land anymore. It is the rape of a place that has equal stature in American memory to Gettysburg or Arlington. It is a calculated act of cultural brutality, disguised with a fake smile. Its message is that this is not our land anymore. That these are not our memories anymore. That these too have been hijacked by the murderers.
Islam does not just destroy bodies, it destroys souls. It plots to rob entire peoples of their culture, their history and their identity. In order to make them into Muslims or Dhimmis, slaves of Muslims. Mohammed began the process by taking the existing belief systems in the region, combining them into a distorted ideology that he called Islam, which gave him the power to do anything he wanted, that exploded into massacres, ethnic cleansing and a wave of brutality and conquest that covered the globe. But the armies of Islam did not just kill or enslave, they robbed their victims of their culture and history-- and replaced it with Islam. Ground Zero is their target once more. A hijacking not of planes, but of memory. And their targets are no longer just 3,000 people-- but us all.Next stops for Feisal Abdul Rauf, imam of the plan for a mosque and Islamic center near Ground Zero: Courtesy of the U.S. State Department, Rauf -- a.k.a. Imam Feisal - is scheduled to spend the rest of the summer on a swing through the petro-dollar palaces of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bahrain, and Qatar.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Islam doesn't just hijack planes, it hijacks the things that mean something to people. The great cities of the world are littered with relics of the Muslim occupation of their sacred places. Jerusalem, Delhi, Constantinople and Alexandria all testify to the Muslim predilection for taking over other people's sacred places, and turning them into mosques. It wasn't enough for Muslims to conquer Jerusalem and subjugate its inhabitants. No, they also had to take the holiest place in Judaism and build a mosque on top of it. Similarly it wasn't enough for them to conquer and rename Constantinople, they also had to turn the Hagia Sophia into a mosque. These are not exceptions to the rule. In Asia, the Middle East and Europe, there are numberless examples of the same thing.
Islamic supremacist Ground Zero Imam Rauf traveling to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar for State Department
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