Limbaugh does a great job dissecting Obama Yamit DAVID LIMBAUGH…… OBAMA THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE PRESIDENT……. Click here to view the embedded video. Laura: Will Obama launch a preemptive strike on Iran in time to salvage the Democrats chances in November? If there is a joint western attack on Iran it will be because the Arab nations demand it be done. Contrary to popular belief, Israel, a tiny nation with no energy resources the west depends upon, has no clout to shape the foreign policy decisions of the west. However the gulf Arab states do have plenty of clout. Nevertheless, all the lunatics, leftists and anti-Semites will say it was pressure from the Israel lobby that brought about the attack. Does anyone in their right mind believe that Britain, France and Germany would participate in a military operation on behalf of Israel? They would however do so at the behest of the Arab oil producing states. Arab sources: A major military surprise is close. Galant scandal a smokescreen Unknown – DEBKAfile Special Report, August 20th, 2010 War preparations are reported by debkafile’s... DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 24, 2010, Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief Gen. Mohamed Ali Jafari, who rarely leaves his country, paid a secret visit to Damascus a few hours before Tehran launched its first nuclear reactor at Bushehr Saturday, Aug. 21. With him were top Al Qods Brigades commanders in Lebanon, Iraq and the Palestinian territories. The group stayed only long enough to confer with Syrian president Bashar Assad and his military and intelligence chiefs on three topics: 1. The roles Syria and Hizballah will play in a potential Iranian military reprisal to a possible American or Israeli strike on its nuclear sites. 2. The probable repercussions of an Iranian decision to use Hizballah or pro-Iranian terrorists as proxies for a pre-emptive strike – or strikes – against Israel. 3. How Syria can help discourage the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia from their willingness to support a US or Israel attack on Iran with bases, intelligence assets and other... History is: Challenges and responses - Progress in civilization consists in meeting difficulties by responding in creative ways that are internal and spiritual rather than external and material. - The breakdown of society occurs when creative individuals fail to lead through the exercise of creative power, resulting in withdrawal of the allegiance of the majority and a subsequent loss of social unity. Toynbee The Twilight of US Prosperity Today the US spends far more money than it takes in.... “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former”. Some history and the results for those who would learn: * The Balfour Declaration (1917) and the Palestinian Mandate (1922). These called for the formation of a Jewish homeland while recognizing “nothing shall be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” The Arab response: A series of riots, largely instigated by Mufti Mohammad Amin al-Husayni. ... Obama reneges re Bushehr, Palestinian issues debkafile’s Washington sources reports Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is misleading his ministers by presenting the direct talks opening with the Palestinians on Sept. 2 as a diplomatic victory. He has omitted to disclose that the Obama administration has reneged on the secret deals for paving the way to the talks it concluded with Netanyahu’s senior aides Yitzhak Molcho and Uzi Arad. Part of the deal was for Israel to line up with the Obama administration’s non-reaction to Iran’s activation of its Russian-built nuclear reactor at Bushehr last Saturday, Aug. 21. The United States promised, for its part, to deliver the Palestinians to the negotiating table for face -to-face talks after dropping their pre-conditions (determination of the 1967 lines as the final borders of a Palestinian state and a moratorium on Jewish construction on the West Bank and... by Jerrold L. Sobel It’s so nice of the State Department to send Imam Abdul Rauf, the “Ground Zero Imam” on a taxpayer paid goodwill tour through the Middle East. No doubt it’s money well spent. Speaking in the capital of that country, Manama, Rauf loudly proclaimed that he’s out to “Americanize Islam,” What he exactly meant by this wasn’t clarified. Some skeptics might say he was momentarily confused and meant to say his goal was to “Islamize America.” While fund raising for the Ground Zero Mosque; oops did I say that? I meant while he was spreading goodwill, the Imam’s wife, Daisy Kahn, weighed in on the Mosque issue with the following statement: “Dropping the Plan is definitely not an option at all.” She went on to say, that organizers were in consultation with leaders of the American Muslim community and they will ultimately do what’s best for the “larger good of the larger Muslim community.” That’s a pretty telling statement. By *Ben Dror Yemini, Senior writer and Editorial Board Maariv, Israel Daily Newspaper Israeli universities were not established with the purpose of promoting any Zionist vision of Israel. A call for an academic boycott of Israel or a call to dismiss professors from the left or right is worthy of condemnation. Yet when respected branches of Israeli academia allow themselves to become tools of an anti-Zionist vision and branches of radical left-wing NGO’s – it is imperative to make that known. The problem arises when the right to publicize and criticize is met with a counter campaign designed to intimidate exposure and criticism, and that is what threatens both freedom of expression and the public discourse. The official description ( ) of a course given at an Israeli university reads as follows: “The course will focus on the controlling techniques which were generated... By George Friedman, STRATFOR (published with permission) The Israeli government and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) have agreed to engage in direct peace talks Sept. 2 in Washington. Neither side has expressed any enthusiasm about the talks. In part, this comes from the fact that entering any negotiations with enthusiasm weakens your bargaining position. But the deeper reason is simply that there have been so many peace talks between the two sides and so many failures that it is difficult for a rational person to see much hope in them. Moreover, the failures have not occurred for trivial reasons. They have occurred because of profound divergences in the interests and outlooks of each side.DAVID LIMBAUGH………… “Crimes Against Liberty”
Is a U.S. Led Strike on Iran Imminent?
Iran Guards chief secretly oversees war plans – in Damascus
- Civilizations arise by the response of creative individuals to challenges presented by situations of special difficulty.
LEMON LIME MOONChina has declared the the United States is its number one enemy. For all that America’s finances are heavily leveraged to China, our sworn enemy. Would you have that kind of situation in your personal life? You wouldn’t unless you were very stupid. Reliance on enemies is more than just a poor decision, it almost denotes a mental problem.
“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Never has George Santayana’s oft-quoted warning had greater significance than when it comes to Middle East “peace talks,” including the latest round scheduled to begin Sept. 2 in Washington, D.C. In constantly pressuring Israel to go far beyond the multiple and unreciprocated concessions it has already made, the United States ensures repetition of past mistakes, which will produce the same outcome.
Is Obama a Saudi plant
The perfidious Obama. He has Bibi’s nuts in a wringer
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 23, 2010,Bibi and Me at the Peace Talks
Personally, I...Academic Brainwashing: Anatomy of Israel Higher Education, 2010
A case in point:Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks, Again
These particular talks are further flawed because of their origin. Neither side was eager for the talks. They are taking place because the United States wanted them. Indeed, in a certain sense, both sides are talking because they do not want to alienate the United States and because...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
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Britannia Radio