Dissecting Wall Street in The Crime of Our Time
August 14th, 2010 by
Fires, Floods and ‘Temporary Lifestyle Changes’
August 14th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Eco-eco holocausting causing lots of ‘temporary lifestyle changing’ these days . . .
- Iowans told to adopt ‘temporary lifestyle change’ as they are running out of drinking water after historic flooding
- The Economist: How the heatwave in Russia are connected to floods in Pakistan
- Informed Comment: 500,000 evacuated from Jacobabad
- And, in Pakistan, there isn’t a shortage of clean, drinking water, there is NO clean, drinking water:
- Thousands of fish die in Massachusetts due to low oxygen levels caused by warm waters
- High temps, low oxygen blamed for fish kill in Pennsylvania
- High temps, low oxygen blamed for fish kill in North Carolina
- High temps, low oxygen blamed for fish kill in Oklahoma
- High water temperatures and low oxygen levels cause tens of thousands of fish to wash up on Jersey shore
- Heat may have caused NJ fish kill
- Heat and overcrowding blamed for NJ fish kill
- Water temperatures of 85 degrees blamed for mass fish kill in New Jersey
John Williams: Collapsing Money Supply, Bad Jobs and the Coming Hyperinflationary Great Depression
August 14th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: The achilles’ heel for the US economy is income and that the bottom 99% are ideologically opposed to true free markets, real capitalism and sharing in productivity gains, preferring, instead, to throw their lot as serfs behind their oligarch/Lord of choice, I don’t see the situation correcting. It will have to collapse in the hyperinflationary great depression Williams sees.
TER: Can the governments pull any more stimulus levers yet this year?
JW: Oh, I think they’ll try, but nothing much they can do will have anything other than short-term impact. If they write everyone a check, people go out and buy things. That would give the economy a quick boost but do nothing to change the underlying fundamentals or to correct the structural problems in this recession. Those are tied to the lack of robust growth in consumer income. [Read more →]
The Fed Has Effectively Adopted Sharia Law
August 14th, 2010 by
Protestors Show Up At Google HQ To Demand Net Neutrality
August 14th, 2010 by
Climate Overthrow, Shadow Income and Suing BP
August 14th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Eco-eco unrest. Iceland was the first government to be ousted in the 21st century over the economic collapse; will Pakistan be the first to be overthrown over ecological collapse?
- Alabama sues BP over oil spill
- Fears of civil unrest and military overthrow in Pakistan over flood response
- Where is all the money coming from? Shadow income growing faster than GDP in China
Tea Party comes out AGAINST net neutrality
August 13th, 2010 by
August 13th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Some afternoon headlines . . .
August 13th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: ’Superman?’ Probably a bad choice of words . . . And re: Greece, this is something that Max has been saying for the three years since this ‘crisis’ began . . . that losses would continue to be ‘revealed.’
- Germany’s ‘Superman’ Economy Grows at Fastest Rate Since Reunification
- Greek recession ‘deeper than forecast;’ unemployment leaps at record rate
The ‘Extremely Unlikely’ Death of Dr. David Kelly & A Thousand Hail Marys Won’t Save Tony Blair
August 13th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: I’m convinced the death of Dr. Kelly is a major reason Tony Blair converted to Catholicism; well, Tone, the Pope may forgive you, but methinks Dr. Kelly will not rest until his murderer is brought to justice. Tony Blair, however, is a messianic speaker that could probably convince half the population that the profits of war are worth a handful of murders.
- More doctors call for full coroner’s inquest that Tony Blair’s university roommate, Lord Falconer, had rejected
- Group of legal and medical experts say that Dr. David Kelly’s official cause of death is ‘extremely unlikely’
Bill Black bei Max Keiser
August 13th, 2010 by
Max Keiser sprach am vergangenen Montag mit dem ehemaligen Bankenregulierer William K. Black, der chaostheorien.de im April ein zweiteiliges Interview gab.i Zusammen erörtern sie in der Aufzeichnung Gaunereien, Betrugsfälle und Plünderungen im Finanzsektor. Black, ein absoluter Experte für „Weißkragenkriminalität” und „Kontrollbetrug”, erklärt den Unterschied zu früheren Krisen im Vergleich zur heutigen.
[KR68] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Tier Terra!
August 12th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: We look at Tier Terra and future crimes. In the second half of the show, Max talks to former banking regulator William K. Black about rackets and fraud in the financial sector.
Good Primer on Weimar Republic
August 12th, 2010 by
First, a quick history lesson. The Weimar Republic was born following the end of World War One. The armistice forced Germany’s monarch, Kaiser Wilhelm, to abdicate and leave the country. In the civil chaos and revolution that followed, other major leaders, like the King of Bavaria, also were forced out of power. A semi-coalition government drew up a new constitution in the town of Weimar, hence the name.
The Weimar Republic got off to a shaky start due largely to the financial penalties imposed upon Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. To pay the Allied Powers, mostly Britain and France, France and Belgium even sent troops into Germany to force them to pay. Germany fired up the printing presses and cranked out worthless currency to pay the tab. After a few years of hyperinflation, the Weimar Republic elected a new chancellor, as well as a new head of the Reichsbank, and after November 1923 or so, the economy began to stabilize. But the social unrest was still prevalent. More
Europeans Can’t Even Be Bothered To Hate America Anymore
August 12th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Post Anti-Americanism. But what will a post-America America look like? (via 321gold)
And when you read about America in European newspapers, what you are likely to find is a tone bordering on pity. The U.S. is depicted as a fraying empire of obesity, ignorance, debt, gridlock, stagnation, and mindless war. Sure, the iPad is cool, but it is evidence of what America was, not what it will be again. The stories are not angry, accusatory, or even ideological. It’s worse: they are condescendingly elegiac.
Guest Post: Monopoly Money & the International Banking Cartel
August 12th, 2010 by
The Federal Reserve has been at the top of the news for a long time and it’s getting a lot of attention now as it appears the next down cycle in the depression may be upon us. So what’s the real reason the world listens so intently to an Ivy League bureaucrat like Bernanke? Of course, it has nothing to do with him. It’s who he is accountable to–the international banking cartel.
Some Max viewers have asked me for specifics on this cartel and if it really exists.
Depression fears, bank profits and rising floodwaters
August 12th, 2010 by
First it was Moscow on fire, now it’s Irish debt under fire
August 12th, 2010 by
Heatwave could cost Russia 1 percent of GDP
August 11th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Russia’s heatwave costs are expected to total up to $15 billion; shaving 1 percent off GDP
[1159] The Truth About Markets NZ – 11 August 2010
August 11th, 2010 by
Keeping the Revolution Alive: French Citizen Beats Government to Trademarking HADOPI
August 11th, 2010 by
HADOPI is effectively an anti-piracy organization that oversees and enforces Frances three strikes law. Unfortunately for HADOPI, someone else took the Trademark of ‘HADOPI’ – someone who just so happens to be opposed by the new French copyright laws to be more precise. More
Zero Velocity in $1.1 Billion of Economically Awkward US Dollar Coins
August 11th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Check out the tens of millions being spent to try to get Americans to overcome their ‘economic awkward moments’ and start using the dollar coins. Maybe if they put dead celebrities like Michael Jackson or Farrah Fawcett on it? Who else died in the past year?
Tags: dollar coins · usd34 Comments
[KR67] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Robots!
August 10th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: We look at the scandals of the summer sequel of bankers returning to the scene of the crime to demand another, bigger ransom in “Deflationary Black Hole: The Sequel.” In the second half of the show, Max talks to documentary filmmaker, Bregtje van der Haak about her film “Time for Change”, in which ordinary people respond to the crisis of banking and bankers with their own solutions.
August 10th, 2010 by
We are happy to announce the news all of us have been waiting for – the official launch of Dinar and Dirham in the state of Kelantan will be held in its capital, Kota Bharu, on 12 August 2010. More
Dead Cat Bounce Over: U.K. Housing Gauge Signals First Price Drop in a Year
August 10th, 2010 by
Bin Laden’s Friends and Family Soon Given Right to Read Your Blackberry
August 10th, 2010 by
Google Tears a Page From Israel’s playbook. There’s No Business Like the Ghetto Business.
August 10th, 2010 by
Google’s betrayal of the public trust and abuse of the tax funded subsidy gifted to them – to bilk hundreds of billions in revenues from the publicly financed Internet – has made them public enemy No 2, right behind Lloyd Blankfein.
We will all be living in a virtual Gaza soon; a digital ghetto created by war profiteering, market and regulatory rigging scum that blast their poisonous lies over corporate media 24/7 – corrupting babies in the womb.
Children born in America today will be born into a Google-Verizon owned and operated digital ghetto. Next on the agenda will be new laws to legalize online gambling. This will be the final nail in the coffin of the country previously known as America.
I feel privileged, I have lived during the time of ‘Peak America.’ I feel horrible for those coming up now; grad school debt slaves working as pole dancers, MIT ‘quant’ geeks working as ‘fluffers’ for Goldman Sachs. They will never know what America was like before the womb robbing pigs and charlatans on Wall St. and Google sucked the marrow of the Declaration of Independence of its very last drops of hope.
Google Goes Evil, Sets Stage for Corporate Takeover of Internet
August 9th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Well, Google/NSA are about to go full steam ahead to the dark side. We all knew this would happen, of course, for in an Orwellian world must often understand most statements of intent and mottos to mean the exact opposite. So, guess we’ll have to meet back in meat space soon? More on Google going evil.
Max Keiser: Expanding the Public Wealth and Defending the Common Good
August 9th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Latest piece by Max on Huffington Post:Expanding the Public’s Wealth & Defending the Interests of the Common Good
Mike Jensen: Americans Unite — This is an emergency!
August 9th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: This item was sent to us by the author,American’s Unite — This is an emergency!
- Problem #1: The BP of genetically modified plant seed, Monsanto, is striving to take over the food market.
- Problem #2: There are 19 million empty houses in the US with more on the way. (3.8 million predicted for this year and looks to continue that pace until July 2011.)
- Problem #3: More than 49.1 million people do not have enough food in the USA. (About 1 in 7 people!)
Matt Simmons Either Drowned at His Home, Or Died of a Heart Attack
August 9th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Conflicting reports on the death of Matt Simmons late last night at the age of 67. He either drowned at home; or died of heart attack. Or it was probably both. He was quite prominent during the BP oil spill; and I did see some on the Oil Drum suggest that because he wasn’t making his normal sense, he might be ill.
Tags: bp · gulf of mexico · matt simmons42 Comments
Keiser: ‘US financial elite destroy the dollar’
August 9th, 2010 by
PirateMyfilm: Making A High Quality Film On The Cheap With A Digital SLR
August 9th, 2010 by
Jim Harper (who, it should be noted, was the guy who invited me to that Cato event in the first place), reminds us of this with a blog post jokingly entitled How to Make a $200 Million Movie, but which actually shows how it’s getting cheaper and cheaper to make a film these days. More
Tags:2 Comments
Muscovites Flee Worst Heat ‘in 1,000 Years’ and Toxic Smog; Death Rate Doubles
August 9th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: It gets worse and worse for Moscow; this is not going to help their bond market. And we’ll have to wait and see if force majeure is declared on these Russian wheat contracts and, if so, what the knock on effect will be.
- Muscovites flee worst heat ‘in 1,000 years’ as death rate doubles
- Thick toxic smog chokes Moscow residents, carbon monoxide levels at 6.5 times allowable levels
- Traders in Asia consider force majeure on Russian wheat
Tags: force majeure · moscow · russia · wheat32 Comments
“About two thirds of the opium is turned into heroin before it leaves Afghanistan and goes on to feed some 15 million addicts, mainly in Russia, Iran and Europe.”
August 9th, 2010 by
Tags:37 Comments
Janet Tavakoli: What about Sarbanes Oxley? And who will investigate the FCIC?
August 9th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: Another great interview with Janet Tavakoli. Here she talks about Ambac being to Citi what AIG was to Goldman and, importantly, asks what about Sarbanes-Oxley? Why have Citi and Goldman merely paid fines for their accounting fraud? We’re interviewing William K. Black for this Thursday’s Keiser Report and we plan on asking him this. (Took away the embed, follow link above to watch).
Tags: ambac · citi · fcic · janet tavakoli · sarbanes-oxley29 Comments
[OTE67] On the Edge with Max Keiser and Danny Schechter
August 8th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: I missed the first 90 seconds of the interview with Danny Schechter, director and producer ofPlunder: The Crime of Our Time. The missing bit is mostly just the intro to the guest, let’s go do New York and talk to Danny Schechter, blah blah blah. The first question was something along the lines of, “Three years ago this month, the financial crisis began. How are things today?” **UPDATE:**Link to full program.
Pakistan needs billions to recover from floods, while India & central Europe hit by deadly flash floods and China by landslides
August 8th, 2010 by
Stacy Summary: I know, I know, climate has nothing to do with markets, finance or economy. You don’t need to tell me again. But, for those that are interested in the economic impact of the almost monthly once in 1,000 year floods and heatwaves, the story below offers some information. By the way, Pakistan’s total GDP last year was $177 billion.
Related news today:
- Moscow chokes for third day under blanket of smoke; 18 temperature records hit so far this summer
- $3 billion – cost of floods to farmers in Canada
- Low pressure system in southern hemisphere jet stream brings deadly record cold from Antarctica to Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile
- 130 dead in flash floods in India-held Kashmir
- Floods & deadly landslides hit China; floods have caused tens of billions in damage across 28 provinces in China so far this year
- 2,000 dead or missing in landslide in China **New**
- Water levels reach record highs in Poland & eastern Germany, 1400 evacuated in Germany, 2000 in Poland
- Deadly flash floods sweep central Europe, deaths in Germany & Poland, officials shocked at extent of damage