Saturday, 7 August 2010
by David Basch
"Did our synagogue membership need to convene for an Israeli government
presentation that echoed the soothing voice of the liberal media urging support
for Obama policies for further surrenders by Israel of its strategic territories
'for the sake of peace'?"
"Truly, the Israeli speaker sounded like he was campaigning for Obama, the guy
that has been stabbing Israel in the back ever since he came into office...."
Caroline Glick has reported on the new competence of the Arab armies facing Israel,
a competence made possible by the US and, ironically, by misplaced trust in the
US that leads Israel to wink at the threats these armies pose for the security of Israel,
if not to actually abet these anti-Israel military efforts.
The picture that emerges is of an Israel that is gradually being surrounded by powerful
Arab armies helped by the US that will face Israel with the choice of surrender and capitulation
or going down to destruction in a fruitless war of impossible self-defense. This is hardly
a reassuring situation. .
Past experience with fighting wars tells that a besieged nation that is having war thrust
upon it should respond vigorously in such a way that leads not only to stopping the
aggression but decisively defeating it so that it cannot recur. It wouldn't because the
conditions that brought it on would be forever changed and the enemy would no longer
have the ability to pose the former menace. This is a policy that Israel has not had
for decades. Instead, Israel has each time it nipped an attack had followed it up
by surrendering its victory by allowing the enemy to regroup and recoup. Each
time Israel has expected the enemy to learn a new way of behavior -- as though
a jackal curbed could change its nature and turn vegetarian.
Anyone who has watched Israel over the past decades has note that for all the
concessions, appeasements, and surrenders that Israel has made, this has not led
to promoting peace but always in promoting the strength of the enemy and the
legitimacy of its aggression against Israel. The enemy, thanks to active policies of
Israeli governments, has become "freedom fighters" for the "historic Arab lands
stolen from them by the Jews," the Jews now organized as an oppressing, illegal
Israeli government. Everyone knows this, including the vast majority of Jewish
youth in the US and even large numbers of Jewish youth in Israel itself.
Such things don't happen overnight. It took Israeli governments many years to
foster such thinking as they sought to show the implacable Arab enemy what
"good guys" Israelis are and "how wrong Arabs are" to fight such "nice Jews"
just because these "nice people" are robbing "the Arab lands of Palestine."
Will the Arab knife menacing the Jewish neck lead Israel's leaders -- the
threat has long ago succeeded in alarming normal, average Jews -- to recognize
that Israel is in mortal danger and needs expert strategy, strong deployments,
and tactics to confront the menace, not the usual ideological approach that
imagines away the threat of determined Arab enemies.
A recent pitch by an Israel speaker from the New York Israeli Consulate at our
local synagogue sought to paint a rosy picture of Arabs like Abu Abbas that were
"working for peace with Israel" in order to benefit by their improving economic
condition in the territories. Imagine, our audience was dumbfounded to learn that
because of such progress the Arabs would surrender their cherished Islamic beliefs
that lands once ruled over by Arab authorities should forever maintain such status.
The way the speaker told it, these Arabs were like Israelis, ready to throw away
their religious heritage for refrigerators, Nike sneakers, and other material
comforts and that, when they strengthened themselves sufficiently, they would
forgo the coup de gras of recapturing and absorbing "the lands they think stolen
from them."
You could hardly tell the Israeli speaker about this side of the problem in the
delirium he fostered in his talk of the good economic times current in Israel and how close
Israel was to the the thinking of the Obama administration. Truly, the speaker sounded
like he was campaigning for Obama, the guy that has been stabbing Israel in the
back ever since he came into office, continuing such back-stabbing that had begun
in the last years of the Bush administration.
Needless to say that there was nary a thought mentioned by the speaker of the
inescapable problem that Israel faces concerning the ever-present feeling of humiliation
that Arabs feel that a Dhimmi population of Jews had succeeded in reversing an Islamic
conquest of the land of Israel; that this was a continuing background threat to the existence
of Israel that needed to be considered in developing defense policies, not wished away
in imagining happy Arabs visiting their new shopping malls.
Did our synagogue membership need to convene for an Israeli government presentation
that echoed the soothing voice of the liberal media urging further surrenders by Israel
of its strategic territories "for the sake of peace"?
Hopefully, reality will intrude into the Leftist ideological realm of the Israeli leadership
before it is too late. I long to see signs of this.
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Britannia Radio