Friday, 6 August 2010

Financial Sense Newshour

Market Observation

Chris Puplava's picture
4 Aug 2010
The Market Vectors Gold Miners (GDX) exchange traded fund has attempted three times in the past year to exceed its 2008 highs but has failed on each attempt. Prior attempts occurred after prolonged rallies that had exhausted much of their energy...

Featured Article

Peter D Schiff's picture
6 Aug 2010
As gold hovers near $1,200 an ounce and pundits speculate about a 'gold bubble', it's important for investors to remember that a mere decade ago the picture was very different. In the year 2000, gold sat at an unimpressive annual...

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Financial Sense Newshour

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Mike Endres's picture
Mike Endres
6 Aug 2010
The Federal Government assumes the citizens of this country are totally stupid and out to lunch as far as Federal largess is concerned. They are sure the man in the street really believes that when the Federal Government writes checks to the States...
Chris Puplava's picture
Chris Puplava
4 Aug 2010
The Market Vectors Gold Miners (GDX) exchange traded fund has attempted three times in the past year to exceed its 2008 highs but has failed on each attempt. Prior attempts occurred after prolonged rallies that had exhausted much of their energy...
Mike Endres's picture
Mike Endres
4 Aug 2010
The outlay of the United States for the Military/Industrial complex is greater than the rest of the world's combined. Do we really need that big a killing machine?
Bill Fleckenstein's picture
Bill Fleckenstein
3 Aug 2010
In Monday's Rap I noted that I saw no proximate cause for that day's rally, but perhaps today's news (last night's, actually) offers us a clue. Some may have had an inkling of what was contained in this morning's Wall Street...
Rob Kirby's picture
Rob Kirby
2 Aug 2010
With interest rates having been at or near zero for close to three years, a deeper look at what historically drives interest rates is in order. Specifically, it invites the questions: Historically how are interest rates determined and what should...
Mike Endres's picture
Mike Endres
1 Aug 2010
As of last Friday, the dollar was sinking, gold is in a correction and the general markets are in a whip-saw trading range. What to do?
Brian Paragamian's picture
Brian Paragamian
31 Jul 2010
You talk about a confusing and complex environment and you can throw the economy, stocks, and bonds all into this category. What can you really say? Here at we say WOW! Amazing time we live in. Nothing makes sense...

Other FSO Articles

5 Aug 2010
What are apparently ‘White Swan’ Phenomena can be revealed as threatening Black Swan Phenomena....
4 Aug 2010
The year 2010 continues to see new benchmarks surpassed in the growth and development of the...
3 Aug 2010
We all know the economy has a tough row to hoe... We're facing severe unemployment. Almost 50...
3 Aug 2010
Last March the junior gold and silver explorers unfurled a red flag, warning that the bigger miners...
29 Jul 2010
Titanic Battles are Intensifying, Battles only partially visible publically. The Gold Price, Mega-...


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Is Wheat the hottest market in the world

6 Aug 2010
Severe Russian drought forces grain export ban - Moscow, Russia (CNN) -- As Russia reels from the worst drought in nearly 40 years ... The wheat market is the hottest market in the world right now due to severe drought in Russia.