Monday, 9 August 2010

Fire hits Nuclear Town in Russia! - The Times of India (no other papers) -

Mon 9th Aug/10

Politics List
Fires in Russia, Floods in Pakistan, Mud-slides in China....where next?
The Fickle Finger of God is pointing at......?

Russia declares state of emergency at Urals nuclear town

MOSCOW: Russian authorities on Monday declared a state of emergency in Ozersk, home to major nuclear reprocessing plant Mayak, due to wildfires burning around the Urals town, officials said.

"A state of emergency has been introduced in forests and parks on the territory of the Ozersk city district due to a complicated fire hazard situation," said a statement posted on the district's website.

The emergency was the latest concern to hit a major Russian strategic site due to the wildfires which have already badly damaged military depots and threatened other atomic facilities.

Read more: Russia declares state of emergency at Urals nuclear town - Europe - World - The Times of India