Saturday, 21 August 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Employee: “It is not neccessary to disclose” who is funding the mosque
The mosque is being funded by the who’s who of the global corporate elite – not “muslims from around the world”.

Economic forecaster: ‘Greatest Depression’ coming
Collapse of middle class means there’s no fuel for recovery, Gerald Celente argues.

Second Hindenburg Omen Confirmation In As Many Days, Third H.O. Event In One Week
Jim Rogers: If You Want Your Family To Be Silly Rich In The Future, Then Leave America And Move To Asia Now
The Economy is in Big Trouble

Drugs don’t work: Top professor claims five in six new medicines have ‘little benefit’ to patients
Drug companies have been accused of conning the public by hyping up patented medicines with little new to offer while downplaying their potentially harmful side-effects.

Two Films That Blew Bilderberg Wide Open
The Bilderberg Group is receiving fresh and timely attention after Cuban president Fidel Castro published an article warning of the fact that the globalist clique, “has become a kind of global government, controlling not only international politics and economics, but even culture,” prompting the term “Bilderberg” to shoot to the top of the Google Trends rankings.

Iran Joins Nuclear Power Club as Russia Starts Reactor Under UN’s Watch
Iran, under United Nations sanctions for its nuclear program, said it ended a 36-year quest to join the club of atomic-powered nations when Russia’s Rosatom Corp. switched on a reactor along the Persian Gulf coast.

Israelis conducting covert maritime operations in Persian Gulf