Here is your Crux PM update:
Goldman Sachs just turned bullish on gold
Contrarian suggests a short-term correction could be coming...
Jeff Clark: Another crisis is coming
"In a liquidity crisis, everything gets sold. Stocks go down. Bonds go down. Even precious metals get hit."
Top Chinese economist: U.S. is riskier than Japan
"China has been abandoning U.S. debt and picking up Japanese debt."
Gov't horror: Budget disaster "will destroy the country from within"
"Federal revenue is fully consumed by three programs..."
Wheat isn't the only food commodity that's soaring
Prices for America's two biggest crops are hitting new highs...
Report shows gov't workers now making twice as much as employees in the private sector
"Can't we now all agree that federal workers are overpaid and do something about it?"
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux