Monday, 23 August 2010,-THE-FALSE-MASK-OF-RELIGION.html#extended
August 22, 2010
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By Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Middle East Analyst & Commentator

Religion, when taught and practiced with restraint and decency, is a valuable – ever irreplaceable – guide for humankind.
However, when a specific religion teaches its children to hate and kill, then it cannot be defended as a religion. Then it is a “blood/death cult”, practicing child abuse on their own children.
History is replete with confirmed accounts of nations and their particular religion being used as a reason for conquest, looting the victim society, forced conversion of the conquered society and, finally, mass extermination of all those who resist.
Some self-anointed religions are merely pagans who worship idols and gods whom their Priest Cult interprets as the wishes of their panoply of gods. The only limitations on their practices would be the creative imaginations of their Priest Cults. Human sacrifice was common then and, strangely, it last into present time.
Moreover, it would appear the more hideous the teachings and demands of the Priest Cults, the easier it is to recruit the general populace into gruesome acts of barbarity. These acts of savagery will (supposedly) bring them all they wish, for both this life and the after-life, which their gods will bestow upon them.
Today we hear from such pundits as President Barack Hussein Obama, Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg and a host of Muslim clerics that Islam is not only a “bona fide” religion but, one that must be accorded honor because they (Muslims) declare that they are peaceful, compassionate, honorable and dedicated to humankind.
Regrettably, from their earliest beginnings, Muslims have adopted a savagery which comes directly out of their Koran and the “Hadith” (Mohammed’s Oral Law). Muslims are taught that there are primarily two Pillars which guide Islam: “Dar al-Harb” (House of War – or House of the West) and “Dar al-Islam” (House of Islam or Peace). From within "Dar al-Islam" they are waiting to achieve full strength and move into their House of War: “Dar al-Harb”. This leads to “spreading Islam” (or Peace) by the sword (or War), leading to their ultimate goal of a Global Caliphate for Islam – where Islam rules everyone in the world under Sharia Law. They have literally declared war on the Free West for everything that is Free, including Freedom of Religion.
When nations blend their religions into justification for going to war, using their religion as a confirmed message from their pagan gods, it is no longer a religion. Islam, under its interpretation of Shari’a laws, demanding submission from all others is merely a War Party in Mufti (disguise).
We know from well-documented history how invading armies, under the banner of Islam, would conquer and parasitically live on the loot of their victims. When that was consumed and used up, they would move on to another victim/country/people.
What about that of today called a “moderate Muslim”? Don’t they study the lessons of Koranic teachings also? Are they not part of the Muslim community which includes Imams who preach the superiority of Islam and the right - even the obligation - to expand Islam by any means according to Shari’a Law, the Laws of Islam and Mohammed?
Why are so many second and third generation Muslims raised in America so anxious to join Al Qaeda, the Taliban or simply become supporters of hostile 22 Arab and 53 Muslim nations such as Iran, Syria, Yemen, etc?
The matter of placing a symbol of Islam in the form of a Mosque at Ground Zero is like throwing a rock into a pond and watching the ripples spread out. Remember that a piece of one of the plane bombs that attacked and vaporized almost 3,000 humans and the Twin Towers, fell through the roof of the building now designated to be a “Peace Mosque”.
So the former Burlington Coat Factory IS also part of Ground Zero. Along with the Twin Towers, it was also hit by the Muslim Terrorists – 15 Saudis and 4 Egyptian Muslims. We must call this proposed Cordoba Mosque, the MASS MURDER MOSQUE!
Some would describe this as building a“critical mass” of Muslims slowly out-numbering everyone else. Presently, we see this mass immigration of Muslims into England, France, the Netherlands – also Detroit and Flint, Michigan, ‘et al’. Police are afraid to enter search areas in France and England because a “critical mass” of Muslims does not want them to enter “their” territory. These are immigrant Muslims telling the government of their host countries, that where they are settled is no longer the sovereign territory of the host nation.
In America, there have been many mass immigrations but, none claimed authority over the American government or even local governments. Granted the Irish gravitated to their own neighborhoods. The same for the Jews and Italians. The Swedes and the Norwegians migrated to farm in the countryside. Whoever came, no matter how great their numbers, they did not claim extraordinary rights or territorial control from the American government, especially in the area of religion. They assimilated into America and did not plan to take over the nation, although we did have our anarchists.
The religion of Islam is exceptionally aggressive to all other religions. Within the dogma of Islam, all other religions must be disposed of. Those who will not conform must accept a “Dhimmi” (low) status or simply meet the Sword (as all “infidels” – Christians and Jews – were forced to accept when living in countries controlled by Islam. We should all be embarrassed by weak priests, rabbis and politicians insisting that Islam is a religion and that, therefore, praying to Allah excuses them for their clash with other real peaceful religions. IF Islam, according to their mandates, is a religion of humanity then the Mayans taking captives, putting them on the idol statue ‘god’ Choc mol, and cutting out their beating hearts, that is also a religion.
Cannibals of certain African tribes roast and eat their captive victims, believingving that the flesh and blood of their victims will transfer the strength of their victims into the victorious eater of their flesh – that, too, they consider a religion. Cannibals consider this process a part of their religious practices and that pleases their gods. Idi Amin, President “for Life” of Uganda, had a refrigerator full of select body parts, both for taste and his religion.
I wonder if Obama, priests and rabbis would accord Idi Amin the benefit of the doubt as merely practicing his religious rites?
History is replete with so-called religions having a doctrine of conquest, forced conversion and barbaric cruelty – including torture, murder, rape – conquest for the purposes of looting and Genocide.
Therefore, when Islam is evaluated and claimed as a “compassionate, humane” religion, the conclusion must be that it was never a religion but, merely a movement of conquest, hidden behind claims of religion and unjustifiable cruelty.
Islam has a mask called “Religion” and thus you observe people like Obama, Mayor Bloomberg accept the intolerance inherent in Islam because it calls itself a religion. They claim it is we who are being intolerant IF we refuse to allow a Muslim Mosque, a MASS MURDER MOSQUE to be built on one of the sites of the 9/11 Terror assault which has been the opening of World War III in our time.
Is there any reason for any nation or religion to feel it is necessary to accede to Muslim demands simply because Islam claims it is a religion like all other religions?