Hi, here is your weekly round-up of highlights from OUT-LAW News. As always, there are plenty of other stories from this week. You can also access our archive of weekly emails.
This week's news on OUT-LAW.COM
Refusal to renegotiate did not breach 'good faith' obligation, says High Court
A landowner did not have to renegotiate a deal with a property developer just because their contract had a clause demanding that both parties act 'in good faith', the High Court has said.
OFT takes action against 'confusing' keyword-promoted health card firms
The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has taken action against online retailers it said broke consumer protection laws by charging for applications for a free health card.
Skype faces trade mark challenges from Sky owner
Broadcaster BSkyB has won an initial battle to stop internet phone company Skype from registering its name as an EU-wide trade mark, Skype has said. It has pledged to appeal the ruling.
Asterisks don't mask profanities in marketing, warns ASA
SNIPPET: The use of expletives in advertising and marketing can cause offence. That remains true even if some letters in swearwords are replaced by asterisks, the advertising watchdog has ruled.
Minor breaches of contract can combine to make major breach, rules Court of Appeal
When consulting and IT firm Accenture made a number of small breaches of the terms of a contract this could add up to a major breach with potentially costly consequences, the Court of Appeal has ruled.
Commission defends data protection review timetable
The European Commission has confirmed that it will publish its plans for a review of the Data Protection Directive this year but will not published the proposed new law itself until next year.

OUT-LAW Radio: Football snap spat
12/08/2010: A dispute over footballing photo rights reveals what few fans probably knew: if they take a snap at their local football ground, the club probably owns the copyright.