Saturday, 28 August 2010


The Israeli Left is still in denial.

When a true believing ideologue comes face to face with contradictory facts and truth, he will always reject facts and truth. Yamit

Is Israel’s Left in denial?

Leftists focus on technical issues, dodge religious aspect of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Moshe Dann

During a debate on Tuesday between former Meretz MK Yossi Beilin, left-wing architect of the Oslo Accords and right-wing National Union MK Aryeh Eldad, the latter challenged the former’s elaborate scheme of moving towards the establishment of a second Arab Palestinian state, and his fundamental premise.

“This is not a territorial dispute,” Eldad asserted, “but a theological one, a religious war. The Arabs consider Israel Wakf land (under Muslim authority) and therefore they cannot and will not recognize a state run by infidels – Jews – under any circumstances.”

Beilin dismissed this as a “philosophical argument,” and refused to respond. “I am here as a technical...

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Obama weighs dramatic security perks if Israel scraps Iran strike

Israeli strategists are not sure what good second-strike weapons systems Washington may offer if Israel is first destroyed by an Iranian nuclear attack.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

DEBKAfile reports Israel is thought to have revived its military option against Iran – especially since Iran activated its first nuclear reactor at Bushehr on Aug. 21, thereby placing the Obama administration under enormous pressure. On top of the dire predictions of catastrophe planted on various US op-ed pages, Obama this week sent two big guns to Jerusalem to try and check an Israel attack. A guaranteed US nuclear umbrella, nuclear attack submarines for the IDF. Raptor stealth jets and NATO membership may be on offer.
The first to arrive was International Atomic Energy Agency Director Yukiya Amano, who explained that under his stewardship the nuclear watchdog’s treatment of Iran would be quite different from the lenience shown by his predecessor, Mohamed ElBaradei.
Thursday, Aug. 26,...

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Israel should reject the F-35…. But she won’t

Israel has every good reason for not purchasing the F-35. I see no good reason for us to buy it, yet it will be purchased and our economic, military and civil existence will be at least diminished and even threatened by this purchase. Why would Barak and BB agree to such a stupid and myopic act? They are both stupid, and most assuredly corrupt. Steinitz is correct but has no power he is a figurehead minister dependent on BB! Israel should consider instead entering into a joint venture with India and Russia to produce the : The Sukhoi PAK FA “Future Frontline Aircraft System”), is a fifth-generation jet fighter being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force.

The current prototype is Sukhoi’s T-50. The PAK FA when fully developed is intended to replace the MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA project being developed with India. A fifth generation jet fighter, it is designed to directly...

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Good News, Israel

Compliments of Anglo Saxon Raannana Real Estate

Quote for the Week

    An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head. (Emil Zatopek. One of the greatest marathon runners ever. And it applies to swimmers, sailors and all those sportsmen and women who brought honor to Israel this week )

· It’s been a good week for Israeli sportsmen and women so we’ll give them pride of place in this edition of GN:

    ΓΌ Israel has participated faithfully in the Olympic Games since 1952, regrettably with scant reward in terms of medals – a bronze went to Judoka, Yael Arad in 1992 and our first – and only – gold was brought home by sailor Gal Friedman in 2004 – It would seem that all that is about to change if the Youth Olympics is anything to go by. With a small delegation of 15, 14 – 18 year olds we would have expected them to get lost amongst the 3,600 competitors from 205 countries competing in the...

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Is the US training Israel’s enemies?


There are strong reservations about the wisdom of the US training a Palestinian security force.

Israel recently approved the delivery of Russian armored personnel carriers for the Palestinian Authority, while it continues to laud American assistance to PA security forces.

The program in question began in March 2005, with the establishment of a US security coordinator team, headed by Lt.-Gen. Keith Dayton, who is due to step down from that post in the fall.

Plans then called for selected PA national security force troops to be trained and equipped by the US. The idea was to transform the old PLO terror militia into a professional force that would build a nation.

Five years later, with millions of dollars expended on this ongoing program, cogent reasons for doubting its wisdom present themselves.

Maj.-Gen. (res.) Ya’acov Amidror, former head of the IDF’s Research and Assessment Division, suggested last year that the Americans may be acting...

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Leftist Stabs Muslim, Conservatives Get Blamed

Laura: Why is it that the same media which ignores countless numbers of violent attacks by muslims against infidels around the world, are so focused on an isolated incident of a NYC muslim cab driver who was stabbed by a drunk?

Of course the reason is that the msm wants to tie this incident to the opposition to the ground zero mosque and demonize opponents as instigators of anti-muslim violence. Well it turns out that the perpetrator of the attack is a leftist who volunteers for a non-profit organization which supports the ground zero mosque.

The mayor has met with the muslim cab driver. People get stabbed and shot in NYC every day and they don’t get a meeting with the mayor. It’s obvious Bloomberg is exploiting this incident for political advantage, implying the anti-ground zero mosque movement is tied to the attack. Regardless of the fact that it wasn’t some anti-mosque right-winger who perpetrated the...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel