>> SATURDAY, JULY 31, 2010
Who would have figured?
Former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has sparked fury by bidding for a top BBC job less than three months after her political career ended in disgrace. The ex-cabinet minister, who famously charged taxpayers for the cost of watching two pornographic films, is lobbying to become vice-chairman of the BBC Trust. The plum position pays £77,000 a year for a two-and-a-half-day week and also offers generous perks.
When it comes to Northern Ireland, there is only ONE sort of Parade guaranteed to win slabbering approval from the BBC....have a listen. We're all gay now.
Thought I would share this email I received from someone who seems to take issue with us. I leave you with Tony's elegant words...
"Message*: You folks sound like you're suffering from penis envy regarding BBC. They are bigger and better than you. BBC provides news that we don't get here in the states because of the bias of Associated Press (AP). Then there is the United Press International (UPI)a news agency headquartered in the United States with roots dating back to 1907. UPI was purchased in 2000 by News World Communications which is owned by Sun Moon founder of the Unification Church. Talk and write about bias. You guys need to lighten up a little. In the states AP is not reporting about the genocide of the sexual minority community in Iraq. There have been close to 800 suspected gay innocent men, women, and children kidnapped and brutally murdered by Iraqi police and religious fundamentalists and were not getting that news by mo! st of the news media in the states. WHY? BECAUSE of AP. National Public Radio(NPR)is getting some of that story out. Certainly BBC does a better job than AP. Europe is better informed than the states. So you folks need to stop the bitching and know that in some places on this planet people are walking around like a bunch of god damn zombies, not thinking and not knowing what the hell is going on."
BBC Clinton Worship, Part XXXVIII.....
In a gushing, slobbering, sycophantic piece of Hello style candyfloss on the BBC website Katie Connolly goes all Sylvie Krin over the Clintons and their daughter’s wedding.
Moreover, the Clintons are icons of a different, seemingly more youthful time in America's history - a pre 9/11 era when the country wasn't weighed down with wars, bulging deficits and billowing oil leaks.
Chelsea is a reminder of that time, and people feel invested in the life of that young girl who held her parents hands through their darkest personal days
Darkest personal days? Great therapy codespeak for this, methinks....
The Clintons, of course, are part of a select few that belong to the BBC’s Royal Family (Arafat, Castro, Nehru, Tony Benn etc) who are always treated with reverence and their transgressions initially minimised then airbrushed out of the “narrative”.
If it was a Palin or a Bush daughter getting married you can be guaranteed there would be plenty of veiled (and not so veiled) sneers and quotes from vitriolic haters (think Thatcher) so, to redresss the balance, and sustain the BBC’s Royalty image, we need an image that will be helpful to all the peasants crowding around their TVs watching their “betters” act out the higher life in that glittering galaxy reserved solely for the great and the good....

Just so you know,folks,like everyone else in these hard times the Clintonsand the Kerrys are keeping things lean and mean....
Have a look at the BBC main news portal today. It leads with the headline that there is "progress" by British Forces against murdering Islamic Jihadists...sorry, I mean "insurgents" in Helmand province of Afghanistan. Then just under is the link "Can the Taliban be defeated" I think I catch their drift... Allahu Akhbar.
It seems the BBC takes a particular line when it come to big bonuses. When the recipients are..gasp, bankers, why that is the most evil thing in the world. But when it is their own staff....
>> FRIDAY, JULY 30, 2010
Perhaps this has been commented on but I just wanted to share anyway! The Guardian, Will Hutton, all singing the praises of the BBC. Where DO they get the idea we think them biased?
Regular readers of Biased BBC may recall that I have previously revealed that BBC environmental 'journalist' Peter Thomson is also a political activist in that he is secretary of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ), an organisation which, while masquerading as 'objective' on climate change, is actually a world leader in warmist propaganda. American Thinker, the influential US blog that the BBC doesn't mention because it's right-wing, has been doing some digging in this area, and it makes fascinating reading. Writer Russell Cook has found that the excuses for not putting on air so-called climate sceptics sound eerily similar among news organisations, and for this, he blames the efforts of the SEJ. The BBC also trots out similar wording when it is challenged on the topic - for example, Today editor Ceri Thomas.
Mr Cook. also notes that of 212 items about climate change/global warming since 1995 on PBS (for which Mr Thomson also partly works, because the relevant BBC US initiaitive is jointly with PBS) only three (yes 3) contained material from sceptics. I haven't done the precise equivalent sums for the BBC in the UK , but my bet is that on this front too, they are in tune with the SEJ-inpsired PBS agenda.
The vile Prescott's wife, Lady Prescott, is joining BBC1's The One Show to front roving reports and as a presenter. The show's editor, Sandy Smith, says that, "having been in the position she was...makes her a good person for us. We think she is, in a number of ways, typical of our audience". What more can you say about the BBC's editorial mindset?