Friday, 6 August 2010

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We hear the thunder but we see no rain , Alice Welbourn

Back in the UK after the InternationalAIDS Conference. The drums are silent again, the bras have found new homes. Time to reflect and work out if and how our knowledge of the world in relation to HIV has changed or not.

From the main conference...

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China rising: what would Mackinder do?, Andy Yee

In a lecture in 1904, British geographer Sir Halford Mackinder predicted how the Russo-Japanese War would have its effects fed back to Europe. With its ambitions in the Far East thwarted, Russia renewed its interests in the Turkish straits and the...

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Abkhazia and the Caucasus: the west’s choice , Neal Ascherson

“The gentle art of losing face / May one day save the human race”

This was a favourite saying of Hans Blix, when he was head of the United Nations inspection
commission in Iraq. He repeated it, no doubt sometimes under his breath, as he...

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Georgia, two years on: a future beyond war, Donald Rayfield

Two years after the disastrous Georgian-Russian war over South Ossetia on 8-12 August 2008, the situation from Tbilisi’s perspective looks far better than anyone dared hope - or, in the case of some Russian politicians, would have wished. The...

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Kashmir's e-protest, Fahad Shah

Change is the only constant. The struggle of Kashmir for independence from Indian rule is also changing as people shift their platform for protest as new media are made available. The internet has become the podium for the new generation to express...

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Sixty-five years after Hiroshima, the nightmare of nuclear war haunts us still, Daniel Bruno Sanz

A spectre is haunting the United States: the spectre of nuclear attack without nuclear war. Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and Iran, Pakistan and North Korea, capable state and shadowy non-state actors contemplate flattening an American city with a device...

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Israel’s security trap, Paul Rogers

The flurry of speculation that followed reports of a possible assassinationattempt on 4 August 2010 against Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is an indication of the febrile atmosphere surrounding the region. The fierce clash on the...

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Where do we go from here III: Agency and self-determinations, retaking the future without Marx, Gerry Hassan and Anthony Barnett

This is the third, final, exchange of a wide-ranging three part conversation between Anthony Barnett and Gerry Hassan, touching on the state of British politics and democracy and how the left - weak and disorganised in the face of a resurgent...

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Cameron was right: Pakistan has some soul searching to do, Zainab Mahmood

Spin-offs never quite receive the same success as the originals that inspire them. Sequels to television shows, famous books or even geographic entities splitting from the primary country especially when animosity, political manoeuvring and...

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