by Jerrold L. Sobel Within the next 48 hours Russia will begin fueling up the reactor at Iran’s Bushehr nuclear facility and will complete a project first started in 1975, four years prior to the Islamic takeover of the country. Regardless of the spin, both here and abroad, this is an untenable situation, whether the West wishes to recognize it or not; this is Hitler reoccupying the Rhineland. If the United States allows these fanatic crazies an operational ability to produce weapons grade plutonium on their own, all bets are off. A deadly pandoras box will have opened and the inevitability of nuclear war throughout the Middle East within two to five years may be a conservative estimate. Hi, I’m Brian of London, you may know me from such long running podcasts as Shire Network News and from occasional posts at Israellycool. Well when I’m not too busy dealing with my new life in israel (I’ve only been here a year and a half) I’ll try to post here as well as Israellycool. Perhaps I can tackle some slightly harder issues, especially relating to Islam, than I can in some of my other outlets. I was having a debate on a forum recently and up popped someone who was wondering if Zionists were controlling an organisation. He established that they weren’t, declared that he didn’t really care one way or another about Israel and would be happy to stand next to Jews while demonstrating against the rise of Islam. I was polite (just) but another poster known to me came up with a reply that is really worth sharing. It really states the essence of why Islam’s problem with Israel and the Jews really does matter to the whole world: I have been saying for a number of years posting on this site that the Israeli economy is the most dynamic and flexible economy in the world. Our economy is a truly global economy and we have been shifting our economy from an emphasis from West to East for at least the past ten years. Now that Israel is almost energy self-sufficient , we are almost today invulnerable to economic sanctions. Any of the Cassandra pundits who maintain that Israel can be brought down by international sanctions have no idea of our strengths and how we would react were sanctions to be imposed. In the Global Market place money talks.Yamit Finance Ministry has optimistic forecast Good news for the Israeli economy. Evaluations based on initial data from various sectors of the economy suggest unemployment rates will decrease to 6%, reduced from the 7% forecast at the beginning of the year. Poverty rates are... George Will Gets It, Why Doesn’t The Obama Administration?? Yamit IN the intifada that began in 2000, Pales tinian terrorism killed more than 1,000 Israelis. As a portion of US population, that would be 42,000, approaching the toll of America’s eight years in Vietnam. During the onslaught, which began 10 Septembers ago, Israeli parents sending two children to a school would put them on separate buses to decrease the chance that neither would return for dinner. Surely most Americans can imagine, even if their tone-deaf leaders can’t, how grating it is when those leaders lecture Israel on the need to take “risks for peace.” During Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s July visit to Washington, President Obama praised him as “willing to take risks for peace.” There was a time when that meant swapping... Only Cowards Stone People To Death: An Islamic Religious Ritual Yesterday, I appeared on FOX-TV’s “The Strategy Room” to discuss a recent stoning in Afghanistan and the issue of stoning in general. Kimberly Guilfoyle interviewed me both skillfully and graciously. The subject is a very distressing and somewhat mysterious one for most westerners. What does it mean when a mob of men, numbering anywhere from 50 to 200, stone a female child to death—as happened in October of 2008 in Somalia? That poor soul was not only a 13 year-old child—she had also just been raped. Indeed, that was her sole “crime” and the reason for her torture-execution. She was forced into a hole and buried nearly up to her neck. She took a long time to die and kept crying out for her life. In addition to the 50 active stoners, 1000 more men cheered them on. First, that barbarians are mainly cowards who do not view themselves as... Laura: The AP propagandists and shills for the stealth jihadist gang behind the ground zero islamic supremacist mega mosque, are giving their marching orders to members of the press to not refer to it by the term “ground zero mosque”. So we patriotic Americans must always refer to this obscenity being inflicted upon us by what it is, the ground zero mosque. Also what bothers me is that even people who oppose the ground zero mosque say there is no legal grounds to stop it, that it is their constitutional right. I reject that argument. If the ground zero mosque is tied to terror regimes and groups financially or otherwise, and we know that it is, then we indeed have the legal right to stop it, in fact the government has an obligation to do so. MEDIA MASKS MOSQUE: AP BANS “GROUND ZERO MOSQUE” Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs The media has its marching orders. No “Ground Zero Mosque” when referring to the Ground Zero mosque. ... This great video was made by Ronen from Atlanta. He has a You Tube page of this and other videos. Laura: American Jewish liberals who embrace muslim immigration and multiculturalism ought to take heed of the current situation for Jews in Europe. The disgraceful Jewish leftist mayor of Amsterdam joins in the Israel-bashing because, like so many Jews in left-wing power circles, are eager to sell-out their own people in order to maintain their positions of power. Anti-Semitism soars in Holland There is a popular misconception that the Dutch are an easygoing, tolerant people. Like many Jews, as a youngster I associated Holland with windmills and tulips and a heroic people which bravely defended Jews during the Nazi occupation. Alas, I subsequently learned that the record of the Dutch towards the Jews was nothing of the sort. There were tens of thousands of Dutch righteous gentiles who risked their lives to save Jews but there were far more collaborators, over 25,000 of whom even volunteered for the Waffen SS. Overall, the Dutch authorities... In 1967 I was a young communist, like most Italian youngsters. Bored by my rebellious behavior my family sent me to a Kibbutz in the upper Galilee, Neot Mordechai. I was quite satisfied there, the kibbutz used to give some money every month to the Vietcong. When the Six Day War began, Moshe Dayan spoke on the radio to announce it. I asked: “What is he saying?” and the comrades of Neot answered: “Shtuyot,” silly things. During the war I took children to shelters; I dug trenches, and learned some simple shooting and acts of self defense. We continued working in the orchards, but were quick to identify the incoming Mig-im and the outgoing Mirage-im, chasing one another in the sky of the Golan Heights.A Line Has Been Crossed
In March of this year, Secretary of State Clinton visited Moscow to voice strong U.S. objection to this project. The Russians listened intently to her admonitions but for all intents and purposes, gave her a jar of homemade caviar, a bottle of vodka and sent her home. They did however issue a...Brian of London and Islam’s Problem with Israel
Israel’s economy 2010, From Strength To Strength
Unemployment expected to fall to 6%, wage gaps to diminish, while poverty declines, exports increase
The right of the Jews to Judea and Samaria
Israelis don’t need the lectures
American lectures on the reality of risks and the desirableness of peace, which once were merely fatuous, are now obscene.
The religion of peace
by Phyllis Chesler, PAJAMAS MEDIA
What does this tell us?Pro-Jihad Media Bans the Term “Ground Zero Mosque”
The real Hamas and Gaza
Dangerous Situation for Jews in Holland
By ISI LEIBLER, JPostHow I became an ‘unconscious fascist’
Today’s anti Semitism has overwhelmed any good intention. Like the mythical Medusa, this new Anti-Semitism has a face that petrifies anyone who looks at it.
When I went back to Italy, some of my fellow students stared at me as...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 21 August 2010
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Britannia Radio