Under fire: Stephen Kinnock and Danish prime ministerial hopeful Helle Thorning-Schmidt have drawn accusations of tax irregularities An investigation into a tax scandal involving Neil Kinnock’s son Stephen threatens to destroy his glamorous wife’s hopes of becoming Prime Minister of Denmark. The curse of the Kinnocks has struck again after it emerged that Mr Kinnock junior pays taxes in Switzerland - which has the lowest taxes in Europe - and not in Denmark, where his family home is situated but which has the highest tax rates in the world. It has saved Mr Kinnock and his wife Helle Thorning-Schmidt, leader of Denmark’s Social Democrats, an estimated £40,000 a year. But it has caused uproar in Denmark, not least because Mr Kinnock’s wife’s party has called for Denmark’s tax rates to be raised higher to cope with the recession. The affair comes 18 years after Lord Kinnock’s dream of winning the 1992 Election was dashed at the last minute when he made a series of gaffes. He went on to make a fortune as a European Commissioner while his wife Glenys became a Euro MP. They have been criticised for their combined £150,000-a-year Euro pension. Lord Kinnock’s son and daughter-in-law deny any wrongdoing. But Ms Thorning-Schmidt, 43, admits she made a ‘big and sloppy error’ by giving incorrect information to the Danish authorities about how much time her husband spent in Denmark. ‘We have had no benefits from the arrangement and from the error - if I really wanted to fiddle I would have done it much more elegantly,’ she added. Stephen Kinnock, 40, earns £110,000 a year as a World Economic Forum executive in Geneva, where he spends Monday to Friday, returning to the Copenhagen home he shares with his wife and their two daughters at weekends. Curse of Kinnock? Glenys and Neil just missed out on becoming Britain's 'first family' in 1992 after a series of gaffes With a tax rate of just 15 per cent, Mr Kinnock pays an estimated £12,000 a year in taxes to the Swiss authorities. If he paid taxes in Denmark, where everyone earning more than £45,000 pays 63 per cent, his tax bill would be in the region of £50,000, nearly £40,000 more. Until the scandal, Ms Thorning-Schmidt was ahead in the polls and on course to win Denmark’s forthcoming general election. Now she is fighting to save her political career as Right-wing enemies claim she is unfit to run the country. She was forced to cut short the family’s summer holiday to respond to claims that she misled the Danish authorities by providing two different versions of her husband’s living arrangements. She told the Justice Ministry her husband spent every weekend in Denmark, allowing him to be listed as a co-owner of their £400,000 home in the Danish capital. But she told tax officials that Mr Kinnock did not spend more than 33 weekends in Denmark, thereby allowing him to avoid the country’s tax rates. Ms Thorning-Schmidt agreed to have the family finances scrutinised by Denmark’s tax inspectors in an attempt to clear their name. Police ordered an inquiry after claims that she and her husband were guilty of a criminal offence. Mr Kinnock has agreed to pay taxes in Denmark for last year - even though he is not obliged to do so - in an attempt to kill off the row.Lord Kinnock's son embroiled in tax row
that might cost his wife the Danish prime minister's job
Last updated at 12:47 AM on 8th August 2010
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1301252/Lord-Kinnocks-son-embroiled-tax-row-cost-wife-Danish-prime-ministers-job.html#ixzz0vzyfW5Ie
Sunday, 8 August 2010
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Britannia Radio