Friday, 6 August 2010

Make 400% On Your Money Over The Next Decade Investing in Wal-Mart Impressionism

August 4th, 2010 by maxkeiser

This is my favorite painter at the moment. He’s got a series contemplating the beingness of Wal-Mart. These will probably quadruple in price over the next ten years. Wal-Mart will continue to deflate the U.S. economy and cause widespread poverty, but these paintings will be valued by America’s new monarchy who threw away the Constitution after moving America’s manufacturing capacity to China.

Fossil fuel subsidies still dominate

August 4th, 2010 by stacyherbert

Stacy Summary: Just found this first story and the two that follow are from links within the first. One of my ideas is that we should entirely remove all carbon taxes we currently pay, slash them down to zero; I would also cut income tax drastically if most of it is going to the military, which, in turn, is mostly used to ‘secure’ other people’s oil, natural gas and other resources and, thus, an indirect carbon tax. I don’t believe that our energy systems would be as inefficient as they currently are if it weren’t for so much government spending in and distortion of the energy market.

Deflationary Black Hole: The Sequel. Who Will Wall St. Send to Congress to Extort 15 Trillion This Time?

August 4th, 2010 by maxkeiser

“The biggest danger remains the US housing market, where he said there was the potential for a new shock as more Americans default on home loans as mortgages come up for refinancing.”

UN plot to introduce bicycles to Denver!

August 4th, 2010 by stacyherbert

“This is bigger than it looks like on the surface, and it could threaten our personal freedoms,” Maes said.

(Watch full video of jumping the shark)

Potato could provide electricity to millions

August 4th, 2010 by maxkeiser

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[KR65] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Contango!

August 4th, 2010 by stacyherbert

Stacy Summary: We look at the latest scandals of box office manipulation in China, $9 billion missing in Iraq and contango in commodities. In the second half of the show, Max talks to internet sensation George Hemminger about his experience with financial collapse in America.

The Chainsaw Copper Massacre

August 4th, 2010 by stacyherbert

Stacy Summary: Wonder how much copper is in one pole?

Reserve Shares in The New PMF Horror Film:
The Chainsaw Copper Massacre (CHAIN)

Guest Post: On War, Economics, and the Brilliance of James Madison

August 4th, 2010 by Damon Vrabel

The mass media’s way of communicating war is basically to put fake tough-guy narcissists like Bill O’Reilly, Joe Biden, or Dick Cheney on your TV screen speaking to the equivalent of a pre-oedipal 2 year old: “there are scary people out there…you need to be terrified…heroic saviors will attack and destroy them and their bad countries for you so you can maintain your mental fantasy that you’re safe. All you need to do is keep shopping, buying your little toys, while daddy keeps you safe.”

You can already see psychology and spirituality issues in that dialogue. But what about economics? One of the Council on Renewal’s tenets is that we currently live in a world where economics reigns supreme over every other dimension of life, including spirituality and psychology. This is literally embedded in the fabric of our legal system which says that the interests of private capital holders trump everything else in our system…everything…towns, counties, states, nations, families, individual humans. Given this system where Return on Capital (ROC) reigns, to understand the truth behind almost anything, you simply have to follow the big money to see what’s driving it…

Read more to see how James Madison laid out the answer to this whole problem over 200 years ago.

Looks Familiar Jibber Jabber

August 4th, 2010 by stacyherbert

Stacy Summary: Just wanted to post this image of the front page of the Guardian. I wonder who inspired the caption?

The Holocaust Industry is Thriving

August 4th, 2010 by maxkeiser


    MK: If you don’t know who the chump at the poker table is; it’s you. While Chinese workers are getting pay increases, Americans keep flushing their economy and labor bargaining power by shopping at Chinese controlled Wal-Mart.

    ACLU & CCR File Emergency Suit Against Timothy Geithner and Treasury Department

    August 3rd, 2010 by stacyherbert

    Stacy Summary: Glenn Greenwald on the ACLU & CCR filing a lawsuit against Timothy Geithner and the US Treasury this morning. Has anyone here heard of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act which grants the Treasury Secretary the power to deny US citizens the right to a lawyer? Even one that might help remove the person from an assassination list? Thoughts?

    Max Keiser on HuffPost: Why Russia Might Be the Best Place for Box Office Futures

    August 3rd, 2010 by maxkeiser

    Global popular culture needs to move its center of gravity away from California. Having a box office futures market in Moscow could be just the ticket. read more

    World Premiere of First Ever PirateMyfilm Radio Ad

    August 3rd, 2010 by maxkeiser

    We will be playing this ad on our GCN show, “The Truth About Markets:USA” that airs on Saturday mornings.

    New PirateMyfilm Project on Women’s Rights

    August 3rd, 2010 by maxkeiser

    Due to popular demand the PMF Fund has done an IPO for a new women’s rights documentary that the Fund believes will add to the public discourse on this subject.

    Comments are welcome on

    Janet Tavakoli – Stranguflation: Deflation and Inflation Where it Hurts America Most

    August 3rd, 2010 by stacyherbert

    Stacy Summary: Janet Tavakoli’s latest piece on Huffington Post about THE topic of our era, the great inflation/deflation debate.

    Meanwhile, the financial system has strangled U.S. growth by parasitically growing from 3% of GDP in 1965 to 7.5% of GDP currently. As Jeremy Grantham pointed out in his quarterly letter to investors, financial services were sufficient for the economy when they were 3% of GDP, but that sector grew by strangling GDP growth elsewhere. The nation’s GDP growth slowed from 3.5% in 1965 to 2.4% between 1980 and 2007, and the slowdown occurred before our current crisis.

    In other words, our bloated financial sector has been sucking the life-blood out of the U.S. economy for years, and recent decisions insure it will continue to feed off taxpayers, while the host economy struggles for life.

    Are the American People Obsolete?

    August 3rd, 2010 by stacyherbert

    Stacy Summary: Max and I have been suggesting this for quite a time now, comparing the situation to that of Saudi Arabia or other oil curse nations in which the oligarchies don’t need the consent of the people because these oligarchs monopolize the oil spigot. In the US, the oligarchs control the US dollar spigot, which is far more powerful than the oil one. But now other Americans are starting to notice:Are the American People Obsolete?

    Calamitous Floods, a Severe Drought and Wheat Prices

    August 3rd, 2010 by stacyherbert

    Stacy Summary: Wheat prices continue to soar as wildfires continue in Russia and now calamitous floods in Pakistan have destroyed 15% of the nations wheat crop. In Pakistan,1,110 dead from worst floods in 80 years.

    “Deflation is a very positive thing”

    August 3rd, 2010 by maxkeiser

    Record High Temperatures in Moscow But Apple Sauce Can Kill You & Some Women Might Prefer Small Babies

    August 2nd, 2010 by stacyherbert

    Each of the next five days in Moscow is forecasted to break the 1920 record high of 36.8 degrees (making that record broken about 15 times in one month):

    So, why does Moscow matter?

    Because both the believers in the theory of man made global warming, like the Economist, and the man made global warming deniers, like Putin’s administration, agreed that whatever the cause, Russia would benefit.

    But thanks to the users on this site, I spent about 10-12 hours this weekend reading all the anti-global warming material I could find. One of the things I discovered was that a majority of the talking points on the subject originate from just a handful of ‘think tanks’ almost all of them funded at some point by Exxon and/or Koch. But that wasn’t the thing that interested me as it was to be expected, the bit that interested me was that many of the lobbyists at these ‘think tanks’ were veterans of Big Tobacco propaganda and lobbying. So I went over to Youtube to look for the infamous ‘nicotine is not addictive’ testimony; and I found these instead;

    First, DENY there is scientific consensus:

    Yes, those who have any scientific evidence that smoking may be harmful, are missionary zealots involved in a big hoax to force the world to stop smoking.

    But what about the dangers?

    Yes, applesauce can kill you; and it has been warmer one time in the distant pre-human past and it’s cold today in Topeka.

    But what about when some of the data is just too overwhelming to deny? Well, here is Philip Morris, CEO, Joseph Cullman in 1971 on that one:

    That’s right, smoking might cause smaller babies, but some women might prefer to have small babies. And yes, the greenhouse gas effect might cause global warming, but Russians will love global warming.

    And, now, Russia’s economy is getting hit hard, something that is meant to only happen if something is done to stop global warming.

    The sweltering summer has hit Russia’s economy, primarily agriculture, as the country rebounds from last year’s record 7.9 percent contraction. The government may spend more than the 5 billion rubles ($165.7 million) already earmarked to help the country rebuild from the fires, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said today in televised comments.

    The government estimates that destroyed homes will cost an average of 2 million rubles each to replace, with another 1 million rubles to repair utilities and infrastructure, Putin said.

    Anyway, so this is what I found from my research. I have only used google and wikipedia as a tool and also looked at the data available on the biggest think tanks in the climate skeptic space. I haven’t found any peer-reviewed research, most of the information fits into one of the above propaganda paradigms; but, as I know that most of the people on the site believe in what the tobacco guys are now selling us. But once a salesman, always a salesman, and sometimes salesmen have good things to sell, so I’d love to have some links to actual peer-reviewed scientific data that falls outside the paradigm of the above. I have only seen two and they both involve satellite data, but, in one case the scientist is rebutted by several more who disagree and in the other case, the satellite itself was shown to be at fault.

    Is Blackberry Really Taking on the Police State?

    August 4th, 2010 by maxkeiser