It's not just Islam the BBC likes......have a read of "Uncertain times for travellers and Gypsies" This isn't news, it is pure propaganda. An update for you. It starts at roughly 17 minutes in at Anyone out there caught the BBC's "Horrible Histories"? A B-BBC reader spotted this... It's odd that when the BBC runs a programme concerning the day release from a secure unit of violent offenders/sex offenders with mental health problem, the issue revolves around the fact that the offenders are "tagged" and whether this may be a civil rights violation. Not a mention of whether releasing these VERY violent people into the local community should be happening in the first place. I suppose in the BBC prism that's just a no-brainer. Another story the BBC was always going to spin. There were half a million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases last yea with more and more younger people getting infected. Up pops the BBC report on this in the prime post 8am news slot and the angle is clear, we need MORE sex education and the budget for sex education must NOT be cut. Agenda clear. I don't suppose anyone at the BBC pondered why it is that the increase in STD's has directly parallelled the increase in sex education in our class-rooms and the establishment of an "anything goes" society. Liberals have got their free love but it's paid for in diseased teenagers but you will never hear that view on the State Broadcaster/ I had to laugh at the BBC's treatment of US General James Conway's remarks that Obama's deadline to get out of Afghanistan is encouraging the Taliban. The General was speaking common sense, of course, but he has committed the unspeakable crime of contradicting Obama and the BBC was not impressed. He was dismissed as "a maverick" on the Today programme. Yes, leave the expert opinion of those in the theatre of war to one side and better instead pay heed to strategic giants like Sir Jeremy Greenstock. (On at 8.29am to waffle about Iraq) The BBC leads the Radio 4 news this morning with the shock horror revelation that the June budget will hit poorest families hardest, or so alleges the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Yes, those Nasty Conservatives are back in power and instantly hurting the poor and disadvantaged, thank goodness we have the BBC to repeat this claim. Tomorrow. Tories eat their own babies? It strikes me that the BBC has become the official opposition to the Colaition, doing the work of Labour whilst it seeks to reconstruct itself. The excellent Dan Hannan MEP raises the issue of BBC bias in the issue of directly elected police chiefs on his Telegraph blog today: Writing on her blog in 2006 Katia Moskvitch says "In about a month I will finally graduate and become a "real" journalist!" A Biased BBC reader writes... B-BBC readers may recall a small furore over my tweet a few months ago that the Hate Flotilla should be stopped in it's tracks and "no messing this time". Gosh but the BBC were so VERY keen to hear what I meant by that with my political opponents claiming that this was "incendiary" and indeed verging on "bigoted" and "hate speech". I rather got the impression that the dear old BBC seemed to relish this dross, almost as if blackening my name was a good day out for them, perish the thought. Marie Stopes, the birth control pioneer, is an icon of BBC lefties, feminists and trendies, as this glowing tribute posted today on the BBC website makes clear. Reporter Howard Falcon-Lang shows his breatheless admiration for what he portrays as a saintly pioneer of Darwinian science (thousands of brownie points in the BBC lexicon)and ensuring that women should be "liberated" through sex manuals (another brownie point subject, especially for contemporary ones that denigrate men and are aimed at five-year-olds). The BBC reports that Northern Ireland's Police Ombudsman is due to publish his report into the alleged involvement of a priest in a 1972 IRA bombing in County Londonderry. Nine people, including an eight-year-old girl, were killed in the village of Claudy in one of the most controversial incidents of the Troubles. Have a read of this report from the BBC on the nature of the "dissident" IRA threat. The Dissidents claim that Curious report here from the BBC suggesting that the CIA was in fact to blame for the "mass hysteria" that erupted in the small town of Pont Saint Espirit in south east France in 1951. Wonder why the BBC felt obliged to indulge Mike Thomson in this regard? Interesting interview here concerning the decision by Eric Pickles to remove the Audit Commission on the basis it has become costly and inefficient and by axing it the taxpayer can be saved at least some cash Compare the treatment handed out to Michael O'Higgins of the Audit Commission with that dished out to Bob Neill from the Government. I wonder what it could be about the idea of Government axing a large bloated expensive public sector body that offends the BBC so much? Wonder has Eric Pickles apologised yet.... Just when you think the world can't get any madder, or crueller... Have a read of this report from the BBC. It concerns the latest efforts from the Mad Mullahs to upgrade their killing potential and perhaps it is just mebut the BBC seems almost giddy with excitement at the potential. I also like the pay-off line "The US said it saw no "proliferation risk" from the plant, though Israel condemned the move." Damn Jews, right? The modern BBC would have admired the build up of arms by Hitler. There seems to be consensus at the BBC that the peace talks will fail solely because of obstacles put up by a Mr Net’n’Yahoo. Something to do with the interweb?OPEN THREAD...
These are having to come out faster than a TV license demand! The floor is yours...let them have it.LOVING THE ALIEN...
Some jarring quotes:
"A time when the Christian people of Europe decided to go to war with the Islamic people in the Middle East just becasue they didn't believe in the same things...hard to imagine I know."
"The Pope doesn't like to share"
"Heaven hungry Christians"
"The Muslims weren't about to take all this lying down, no, no, they FIGHT BACK"
"Christians come up with a ground-breaking new plan - another Crusade!"
"The Christians get the pants thrashed off of them"
And do they describe the Islamic conquerers with equal sarcasm?
"Saladin is a Muslim leader who has been building a huge empire over in the Middle East."
"Luckily for him (Richard the Lionheart) though, Saladin was a jolly nice chap and agreed to a peace treaty with Richard"
Gotta love Islam.HORRIBLE HISTORIES....
"I had to gulp at the opening introduction. There was a reference to the Westerners deciding to go to war with the Muslims because 'they happened to live there' laced with sarcasm. The rest of the narrative was blantantly anti-west. Who wrote this script, I wonder?
Am I being paranoid or have they completely missed the Muslim conquest of Syria in the 7th century, attacks of Muslim Seljuk Turks, murder of pilgrims and the consequent aggressive expansionism that led to the Byzantine Empire issuing a desperate call for help to the Pope?
It's like describing the reason for D-Day as a war on Germany because Germans 'happened to live' in France.
I am shocked and above all disturbed by the inversion of teaching to the young about such an important time in history."
Historical revision, with lashings of dhimmitude, is par for the BBC course, sadly.MENTAL HEALTH NO-BRAINERS...
Hannan Calls BBC Bias On Elected Police Chiefs
There was a snotty, sneering, superior piece about elected sheriffs on Radio 4’s PM programme this evening. Inevitably, it included an interview with Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona. Sheriff Joe admires the Republicans, thinks there is too much illegal immigration, is beastly to scoundrels and enjoys vast support. This, in Beebworld, makes him a one-man argument against democratic policing. Indeed, until now, BBC audiences might have been forgiven for believing that Mr Arpaio was the only sheriff in the United States.
The tone of the BBC article and their hostility to elected police chiefs is understandable. The BBC and ACPO will defend each other because circling the wagons is the only way to prevent accountability being forced on them.
Today’s feature branched out very slightly, and interviewed one other sheriff candidate, a chap from rural Alabama who seemed to have been chosen because a) his accent would make British listeners think of Mississippi Burning and b) his name was Jimmy Ray Swindle.
You get the idea. Allow people to choose who directs their local police force and you are likely to get racists, half-wits or crooks – often with hilarious redneck names. Just in case we missed the message, the correspondent spelt it out with his closing words: “While popular elections may increase direct accountability, it [sic] doesn’t necessarily lead to better policing”.Qualifications Not Required
How's that working out for her? Becoming a Russian reporter for the BBC was only the start - having demonstrated her scientific prowess with this Junior Wikipedia and GCSE textbook-fueled report on nuclear power we now witness her inevitable rise to:
BBC News - Geoengineering 'not a solution' to sea-level rise
By Katia Moskvitch
Science reporter, BBC News
BBC Science at its best: Believe in global warming? Good. Know anything about science? Okay, doesn't matter, you're in anyway. Can you start on Monday?
>> TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2010
Newsnight ( 13 minutes in) had a go at explaining how the niqab is an empowering choice made by Muslim women without pressure from husbands or brothers or indeed clerics. (Yes, seriously)
I watched it and then by coincidence was clearing out old newspaper clippings when I found one from the Sunday Times in 2006 about the teacher, Aishah Azmi, who wanted to wear the veil in class. She at first insisted it was her choice to wear it but later admitted that it was as a result of a fatwa from Yusuf Sacha, a Muslim cleric in West Yorkshire.
Newsnight only revealed the first name of one of the interviewees as Ramaisa(spelling?) and that she was a professional. Looking at the clipping Azmi looked the spit of 'Ramaisa'.....even though wearing the niqab she has distinctive eyes....her accent is also very, very similar to that on a youtube clip.
Her photo is available on the internet.
I wonder if I'm right....I'd lay money I am and that the BBC has used an Islamic campaigner and changed her name to present the image they want to.
Note also that these women started to wear the veil 8 years ago....2002...just after 2001, just as the 2 brothers at 'Forest Gate' started becoming more Islamic due to the influence of 9/11 as Bin Laden intended....a battle Lawrence of Arabia recognised: 'Such people demanded a war-cry and banner from outside to combine them, and a stranger to lead them, one whose supremacy should be based on an idea: illogical, undeniable, discriminant: which instinct might accept and reason find no rational basis to reject or approve. This was the binding assumption of the Arab movement; it was this which gave it an effective, if imbecile unanimity.'
Anyhoooo...I'm waiting for the BBC to move on the news that the head of Amnesty's Finnish branch, Frank Johansson, has told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that he stands by his statement that Israel is a “scum state.”
"Scum State"? Oh dear - sounds a bit...incendiary to me, maybe even a tad bigoted and possibly "hate speech". Can't wait for those eager beavers at the BBCto get an Amnesty spokesman tomorrow morning on to ask him to condemn Johansson.
"Scum State" - the words of a senior Amnesty spokesman. Why is the BBC holding back???? (DOUBLE) BENDING HISTORY...?
What Mr Falcon-Lang leaves out of his eulogy is a few other less savoury but rather more important facts about Ms Stopes. Like that her views on evolution led her to become an ardent admirer of Hitler, and that she wroteto him a month before the war broke out in 1939 telling him so. The reason? Well, she was a central figure in Anglo-US eugenics movement (along with leftie friends like George Bernard Shaw) and believed in every element of his views about race and selective breeding. This heroine of the left was as much a believer in racial superiority and getting rid of lesser races as most Nazis.
As with the inconvenient truths about Islam, the fanatics at the BBC airbrush out with wearying predictability the facts that don't fit with their systematic bending of history.
Update: Paulo states (below) that the version of the Stopes story he saw mentioned Hitler and that I must have only skim-read the story. Not true; that's never my approach. I've double-checked the edition I read when I posted the story and it definitely did not contain the reference to Hitler. Mmm...curious, that. This was the intro on the edition I have: Marie Stopes (1880-1958) shook the world. She wrote a best-selling sex-manual for women and was a controversial birth control pioneer.
When Stopes set up her first birth control clinic in 1921, all assumed that she had trained in medicine.
Yet, bizarrely, she was an expert on fossil plants and coal.
So how did this young palaeontologist come to transform Western society and become one of the most infamous women in history? IF IT WAS TRUE THEN...
I covered the topic here. It was such an atrocious act that even writing about it now angers me.There was an alleged deal between the UK government and the Catholic Church not to arrest Father James Chesney. Fr Chesney was moved across the border to sanctuary as part of this deal and no prosecution ever took place. He died in 1980.
Well then, three points to be made here;
1. The Roman Catholic Church needs to offer an apology to the people of Northern Ireland for this wicked sheltering of a mass killer in their ranks. Not just paedos, it appears.
2. Does the Roman Catholic Church have any other things it wants to tell us about those who served in it and the IRA? Was this the ONLY cleric who killed in his spare time?
3. If the British Government colluded THEN to protect Father Chesney, is it possible it is colluding NOW to protect Machine Gun McGuinness - the IRA leader alleged to have given the OK for this despicable operation? Surely not?
Wonder will the BBC and its legions of investigative journalists pursue any of those angles? Just wondering...SMOOTHING THE PROCESS....
>> MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 2010
the vast majority are it's members are ex Provisional IRA but on the same page the BBC's correspondent says there is a small number of ex Provisional IRA. How odd! It's almost as if the BBC is lining up behind the peace process establishment which would, of course, be bias.NEVER TRUST THE CIA..
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
>> SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 2010
Saudi man 'faces spine-op punishment'
We've been waiting days now for the BBC to report this story - another instance of commenters here and elsewhere on the internet breaking stories long before the BBC!
A Saudi judge is reported to have asked hospitals if it is possible to cut the spinal cord of the man, found guilty of paralysing another man in a fight.
NotaSheep also spotted the low-key, late-on-parade BBC article, which for the most part is a straightforward factual account. He draws our attention though to the "incredible" final paragraph :'Correspondents say the case highlights attempts by Saudi Arabia to balance
religious traditions with a push to modernise the country.'
I bet you never thought of it that way! I suspect you were thinking something more like 'How barbaric!' or 'How disgusting!'
What goes on in the minds of BBC 'correspondents'?LOVING THE MULLAHS
Israel/BBC Conflict
As ever, the obstacles they constantly posit are: Settlements, 1967 borders and Jerusalem. Oh yes, and the right of return. Oh yes, and the necessity of talking to Hamas which Israel regards as a terrorist organisation. Oh yes, and the newly conceived theory that Israel’s existence endangers the lives of the US military.
All obligations on the part of the Palestinians that were formerly included in the roadmap have been airbrushed out like the model’s arse in a photoshoot.
So notwithstanding the inconvenient fact that they have been indoctrinated from the cradle to the grave with a murderous antipathy towards Jews, the Palestinians will submit obediently, with the proviso that Israel has rolled over and acceded to all requisite concessions as demanded by the majority. For example people like Paul Rogers, professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University who was consulted by Jane Little on the Sunday programme R4, for his expertise on peacemaking.
Professor Rogers has come to Peace Studies via climate science and environmentalism and he wears a leather gilet over a sweater for lecturing duties. His analysis of the incorrect way the West deals with terrorism relates to a theory he calls lidism, that is suppressing insurgencies rather than understanding their fundamental causes. That’s a superficial summary on my part, you understand.
Equally superficially, I’d say implementing a strategy informed by his own analysis of the M/E peace process would itself provide a perfect example of lidism, ie ignoring the aforementioned underlying causes of Arab resistance to Israel, and putting a lid on the lot of it by forcing Israel to give in, while not troubling the Palestinians to do some similar fundamental rethinking.
On Friday’s Any Questions programme, Alex Von Tunzelmann, batting for the BBC, kept reiterating that Muslims were not ‘other’ but were just like us. They do indeed arrive just like us in their birthday suits, Ms Von Tunzelperson, but are henceforth hot-housed into a belief system that is anything but just like ours, and wishing it weren’t so is not enough, by a long chalk, to make your wish come true.OPEN THREAD...
These are having to come out faster than a TV license demand! The floor is yours...let them have it.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio
The above is a bBC article on an infamous British trade union leader. Reading it you get the impression that Mr Scargill is a victim and he has lost his voting rights. Yet everybody else is reporting that Scargill and his cronies have been kicked out (hence the loss of voting rights) and the reason behind that move is because he took the NUM to court because they wouldn’t pay for heating his house, pay for a burglar alarm and the use of a flat (paid for by the Union) in the centre of London.Now if the leftwing guardian can report that why can’t the bBC.
Woman who dumped cat in wheelie bin 'profoundly sorry' Reading the above, you’d think that this woman has learnt the errors of her ways and is truly sorry. But hang she isn’t the Guardian reports she doesn’t give a shit, that it was a cat and this has being blown out of all proportion. In the bBC eyes this women is the victim and as such she deserves a better write-up.