1. WikiLeaks Set To Publish New Documents
Daniel Schmitt, WikiLeaks spokesperson in Berlin
BERLIN — The online whistle-blower WikiLeaks said it will continue to publish more secret files from governments around the world despite U.S. demands to cancel plans to release classified military documents. "I can assure you that we will keep publishing documents — that's what we do," a WikiLeaks spokesman, who says he goes by the name Daniel Schmitt in order to protect his identity. Schmitt said the new batch of classified documents the website is preparing to release will contribute to the public's understanding of the war. An online whistle-blower's threat to release more classified Pentagon and State Department documents is raising hard questions of what the U.S. government can or would do, legally, technically or even militarily to stop it. The Pentagon also hopes to stop WikiLeaks from making public the contents of a mammoth encrypted file recently added to the site. Contents of that file remain a mystery and Schmitt did not want to comment specifically on the content of a file the group posted online with the label "Insurance" in recent days.
Associated Press
Related Links:
* How To Support WikiLeaks - Financial, Technical, Legal
Information Release, WikiLeaks
* Rap News: WikiLeaks Vs. The Pentagon - The Internet Wars
Rap News
* Update - WikiLeaks Afghan War Diary 'Insurance'
Information Release, The One Click Group / WikiLeaks
* Courage Is Contagious - How To Whistleblow Safely
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks
* Why The World Needs Free Speech WikiLeaks
Chris Anderson, TED / Julian Assange, WikiLeaks
* Collateral Murder
US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff
2. Top Pharmacist Announces No Halal Vaccines Available Free From Pig Products
The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) claimed it has been able to provide halal meningitis vaccines to haj pilgrims this year. But the top executive of a state-owned vaccine and serum producer said Saturday the ability to produce a porcine-free vaccine was still very far away. While repeatedly emphasizing his respect for the religious council, Iskandar, the president director of Bandung-based PT Bio Farma insisted that there were currently no halal meningitis vaccines available in the world. “We fully realize that in producing halal meningitis vaccines we must start with halal seed and nowhere in the world does one exist that is not synthesized from pigs,” Iskandar said on the sidelines of the 6th annual meeting of the Islamic Development Bank on Vaccine Production Self Reliance in Bandung, West Java. “The public is confused by the MUI decision, because they know very well that there is still no vaccine that is completely free from traces of pig,” said Mangku, who became a physician several years after completing his veterinary studies.
Yuli Tri Suwarni, The Jakarta Post
3. Polio In Dangerous State Of Transmission - Vaccine Not Working
Over 10 years after its last indigenous case was traced in Nepal, polio has reached a dangerous stage of local transmission. Doctors warn that the local transmission of polio, if not tackled effectively at the earliest, may result in a deadly epidemic. Of the total five recent cases of polio detected in Rautahat and Mahottari districts, three have been transmitted locally. Even more shockingly, in all five cases, polio victims had been administered at least a dose of vaccines. “The acute infectious viral disease has started to spread locally within Nepal. On the other hand, vaccines used to eradicate polio have proved evidently ineffective,” said a doctor on condition of anonymity. “A comprehensive program, not only vaccination drive, is necessary to eradicate polio,” a doctor said. However, the government has failed to introduce such a comprehensive program that includes nutrition and sanitation apart from v accination. Investment only in vaccination, according to health experts, is unlikely to help eradicate polio from Nepal.
Om Astha Rai, Republica Nepal
Related Links:
* Polio Vaccine Proven To Cause Spreading Polio Epidemics - Many Children Paralysed
Maria Cheng, Associated Press
* Vaccine Boycott Campaign Launched To Protest Health Conditions
Sindh Today, Pakistan
4. Queensland Hospital Staff Shunned Swine Flu Vaccine
Health professionals shunned the swine flu injection at the height of the pandemic because of fears of its side-effects, a study at a Queensland hospital shows. The main reasons for rejecting the vaccination offer were fears about the vaccine's adverse effects, as well as doubts about its efficacy and its clinical trials, the research published in the Australian Journal of Rural Health said.
Carly Hennessy, Courier Mail
5. Britain's Forced Adoption: The Stalinist Scandal We Cannot Ignore
Our social workers normally hit the headlines when some Baby P-type horror story comes to light, showing how they failed to intervene when a child was so maltreated by its parents that it died. What don't usually make the news, however, are the hundreds of cases when the social workers' failure is the very opposite: where, aided by police and courts, they seem determined to remove children from responsible parents, to consign them to an often miserable life with foster carers or to adoption. Having examined many such cases in recent months, some in exhaustive detail, and spoken to experts who are deeply disturbed by what is going on, I have no hesitation in describing this as one of the worst hidden scandals in Britain today. It is clear that the child protection system created under the Children's Act 1989 has gone horrifyingly off the rails, leading one High Court judge recently to compare it to the kind of thing which went on in 'Stalin's Russia or Ma o's China'. There should be an end to Britain's system of 'forced adoption', almost unique in Europe. Instead of judges deciding behind closed doors, parents should be allowed to put their case to a jury. Contacts between parents and children should no longer be controlled by social workers but by a judge. Family courts should no longer be allowed to accept mere 'hearsay' evidence, Social workers should no longer be allowed to snatch children simply on vague suspicions that they might suffer 'emotional harm'. Finally, the courts should no longer be allowed to exclude evidence from independent experts just because this might challenge the social workers' case.
Christopher Booker, Daily Telegraph
Related Links:
* It's Time To Bring UK Family Law To Book
Christopher Booker, Daily Telegraph
* UK Social Services & Familiy Courts Face International Criminal Court Class Action
Rebecca Lefort, Daily Telegraph
* The Consensus Report
Family Law Reform
6. UK Family Justice System In Meltdown Courtesy Of Legal Services Commission
A letter sent by Sir Nicholas Wall, the President of the Family Division, to the Chief Executive of the Legal Services Commission says that he had been "inundated with expressions of serious concern" from judges following the recent tendering process by the LSC. The process has reduced the number of firms with contracts to practise legally-aided family law from October by almost half. Sir Nicholas's letter says: "My judges work day in and day out in this field and the Commission will ignore what they say at its peril. Thus if we end up with an unworkable system, or a system operated by those who are inexperienced and/or do not know fully what they are doing, everyone will lose out. The principal losers, of course, will be those whom the system is most designed to protect, namely vulnerable families and children. Cases will take longer, there will be many more [parents representing themselves], and there is a grave danger that the system will simply implode." In a letter to The Times last week, Piers Pressdee QC and Alan Bean, Co-Chairs of the Association of Lawyers for Children, predicted a 'complete meltdown' of the family justice system if the Government did not step in to the tendering process.
Family Law Week
7. Named & Shamed - Hooligan MPs Furious At Losing Perks
Details of shocking claims that MPs swore at and bullied staff in charge of a crackdown on expenses can be revealed for the first time today. The conduct of some MPs was so bad a soccer-style ‘yellow-card’ system was created. The alleged worst offenders could communicate only in writing with expenses chiefs. Senior figures at the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) even discussed ‘naming and shaming’ the culprits. The roll call of MPs reportedly involved in clashes with IPSA, set up after public outrage at the expenses scandal, includes Cabinet Ministers Theresa May and Vince Cable, and Labour’s ex-Europe Minister Denis MacShane. Today’s revelations follow the resignation of IPSA operations director Nigel Gooding in June after rows with MPs over the tough new expenses regime. Mr Gooding, 46, said he left ‘for the sake of my health and sanity’. Outraged by MPs’ conduct, he devised the y ellow-card system. The unofficial sanction was used on MPs including ex-Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth, fellow Labour MP Brian Donohoe and Tory Daniel Kawczynski, but they were never informed. The disclosures come as MPs continue to attack IPSA as a ‘shambles’. David Cameron echoed the complaints, urging the authority to ‘get a grip’. But privately officials say the campaign is a smokescreen for MPs’ fury at losing perks.
Simon Walters, The Mail On Sunday
Sunday, 8 August 2010
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