If you were thinking that you seem to have seen a lot of Labour MPs onNewsnight recently, well you have. Did you see that BBC Director General Mark Thompson has used his Edinburgh TV festival (Where else, natch?) speech to hit backat the corporation's critics. He accepted the need for "radical change" in the corporation but rejected calls for the licence fee to be cut. Why? It seems to me that the license fee must be abolished (or at least savagely cut!) to enable the BBC to play on a level playing field! What say you? The bias can continue but we should not be funding it. Poor Michael Gove. From the very beginning, it is obvious that the BBC has it in for him as their farcical coverage of this issue demonstrated. I noted that Today had this to say following Gove's appearance on Today yesterday. Note the use of words to set him up even before Collins got stuck in... Alternative headline - "Richard Bacon Gets Tony Blair Interview": A Biased BBC reader writes.. In the prime post 8am news slot, Today ran an item on the famine that afflicts the African nation of Niger. Martin Narey from Barnados seems a permanent fixture on the BBC these days and it is clear that his radical socialist views chime with those held bythe State Broadcaster. A favourite BBC trick is to invite the favoured interviewee into the Studio whilst the opponent languishes on the end of a phone line. So it was that Narey was in the studio this morning whilst David Green of Civitas was kept at distance on the phone line. That way, Narey's voice sounds more powerful, more authoritative than Green's and since Narey was advocating further social engineering in our schools it was important that he got as good a platform as possible.Even when they attempt "balance" there is always bias. French deport illegal Roma immigrants. BBC outraged and doing their best to shill for the Roma. The entire TONE of the presentation by Gavin Hewitt on the Ten News was biased.'NEWSNIGHT' - A LABOUR-SAVING DEVICE?
>> SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 2010
Here is a list of all the UK politicians who have appeared on Newsnight this month, whether as interviewees or as 'talking heads' in reports. (Duplicated names mean appearances in more than one edition!):
Conservatives: Cllr Gavin Elsey (who opposes the government's immigation cap!), Damian Green, Mark Hoban, Nadine Dorries, Stephen Dorrell, David Willetts, Chris Grayling, John Redwood, Oliver Heald, Peter Lilley, Michael Portillo, Nick Hurd, Bob Stewart
****Total = 13
Lib Democrats: Simon Hughes, Chris Huhne, Simon Hughes, Lord Taylor
****Total = 4
Labour: Keith Vaz, Ed Balls, Tom Harris, Andy Burnham, Stephen Pound, Ed Balls, David Miliband, Diane Abbott, John Prescott, Tessa Jowell, Lord Myners, John McFall, Lord Dubbs, Caroline Flint, Shahid Malik, Tom Harris, Khalid Mahmood, Chuka Umunna, John Mann
****Total - 19
SDLP (Labour's sister party): Delores Kelly
****Total = 1
(I didn't include ex-minister Lord West, as he's not supposed to be a Labour party man - though he did attack the new government on the programme.)
So, unlike when Labour were in power and the government dominated the airwaves, the main opposition now gets more invites to speak onNewsnight than both of the government parties combined.
That seems a bit odd, doesn't it Mr Hunt?BEYOND THE FRINGE...
"On this programme yesterday Education Secretary Michael Gove again trumpeted the government's plans to introduce a "pupil premium" to make sure schools in disadvantaged areas get more money. Times columnist Philip Collins, a former adviser to Tony Blair, gives his analysis of the policy."
Anti-Tory Bias & Sucking Up To Alastair Campbell Pays Off For The Right-On Roger Mellie
>> FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010
I bet Susanna Reid isn’t the only BBC journalist who reacted this way:
Oh, he's serious.OPEN THREAD...
Here we go, it is Friday and I'm hoping that this will last until Monday without getting too big! The floor is yours - you see, hear and and read the bias, share it with us.THE THREE MOSQUE-TIERS
"The remarkable burst of pro-Muslim extremist eulogies are continuing to issue forth from the BBC almost daily....not bad considering there are less than 2 million Muslims in this country...why the blanket coverage for this favoured section of the community?
The BBC has broadcast 4 programmes whitewashing Muslim extremism....omitting important facts whilst elevating others to undue prominence in the name of community peace and harmony.
Programmes telling us the Muslim Brotherhood are 'mostly harmless' and probably best if we engage with them, then Newsnight gave us a limited and one sided view of why the Niqab is being worn more in Britain, Radio 4 gave Moazzam Begg a platform for his defence as an innocent victim of Crusading Western aggression which is besieging Islam, and now we have a programme purporting to give us the history of the East London Mosque as a beacon of tolerance and interfaith dialogue but was in reality merely a vehicle for another pro-Muslim programme telling us that Islam is harmless. See here
All very true. The sanitisation of Islamic extremism seems to be a core value for the BBC these days and it part of the daily broadcast output.
My own view is that whilst we must not generalise, the fact remains that pretty much every terror threat facing our country (excluding Northern Ireland, natch) comes from those who have a dedication to the Religion of Peace. I also think that for Newsnight to try and suggest that the Muslim Brotherhood is anything other than a hate-driven malignancy is surreal. Why can the BBC just not accept that even Islam has a problem with Islam and the rest of us definitely have an issue with those who would seek to kill us in the name of Mohammed? Has the BBC become dhimmified from within (Yes) and if so, how? Can't the liberals see that THEY would be the very first victims of a Sharia-fied UK? None so blind...NIGER'S PROBLEM
Mike Thomson explained the woes that the inhabitants of this country face with first drought and then flood causing endless misery. However I was struck by the fact that Mike mentioned, in passing, that despite being the poorest country in the world it has a booming population. Howe odd. He didn't mention that fact that Islam has gained a firm grip on this land. I wonder why? Does he think that this has no impact on Niger? If so, he is deluding himself and misleading listeners.SOCIALISING SCHOOLS
>> THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 2010
Saturday, 28 August 2010
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Britannia Radio