Monday, 30 August 2010


‘Obama will get Israel nuked’ say protesters at Glenn Beck rally

Tens of thousands rally in Washington at ‘Restoring Honor’ event organized by Fox personality; Protester: Obama wants to see Israel annihilated.
By Natasha Mozgovaya and The Associated Press

Tens of thousands of predominantly white conservative activists rallied Saturday to help restore traditional American values at the site where Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. A group of civil rights activists organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton held a counter rally at a high school, then embarked on a three-mile (five-kilometer) march to the site of a planned monument honoring King.

Two months before nationwide Congressional elections, which could cost Obama’s Democrats their majority in the House of Representatives and perhaps the Senate as well, Beck’s rally becomes only the latest symptom of rampant political partisanship that is splitting the country and drowning out voices of moderation.

While Beck billed his event as...

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End the Phony “Peace” Process

Laura: Israel should NEVER surrender Judea and Samaria and ethnically cleanse Jewish communities. The Jewish presence is NOT an “occupation”. If the western peace processors, outside anti-Israel leftist agitators, boycotters and jihad supporters weren’t stirring the pot, perhaps things might just be worked out. There are Arabs in Judea and Samaria who are glad to have jobs provided by the Jewish owned businesses there and are getting along with their Jewish neighbors.

Peace with a paycheck

Akiva Novick, Ynet News

Palestinians and settlers work side by side in dozens of stores, factories, wineries, and restaurants in West Bank. Tension exists, but hatred and anger left at home. Islands of co-existence located in sea of mistrust

Talks of boycotts alongside reports of violent “price tag” retribution policies. In pictures, one can see the hostility, the rage, in people’s eyes. The words we hear coming from the mouths of politicians and...

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Israel Finds Oil Under Newly Discovered Gas Field .

Netanyahu offers natural gas to Greece
In latest bid to fill vacuum left by broken alliance with Turkey, PM seeks new energy ties with trans-Mediterranean pipeline plan.
By Avi Bar-Eli
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The Leviathan discovery is separate from the Tamar field, located to the south, which also is estimated to contain huge gas reserves that could possibly supply Israel’s gas needs at least until 2030.

Potential of 4 Billion Barrels of Oil Offshore

More optimistic reports continue to flow from the giant Leviathan energy field off the Haifa coast. Following previous higher estimates of gas and “signs of oil,” the latest report points to a potential of 4 billion barrels of “black gold.”

The ramifications of the discovery are immense. If the estimates materialize, Israel will become self-sufficient in energy, enjoy a boon of employment for engineers and laborers, and will become an exporter of gas and oil. The shekel, barring a conflict with Hizbullah or Iran, may...

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Jewish brains, Arab money

Dankner sets up new investment fund with Saudis

Israeli business mogul says sees ‘huge potential in emerging markets, which serve as long-term growth engine’

An interesting collaboration between Israel and Saudi Arabia has come to light. IDB Group, chaired by Nochi Dankner, is establishing a $1 billion investment fund together with Saudi partners in Swiss bank Credit Suisse to invest in emerging markets in Latin America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

The fund will be called EMCO and will be the first investment collaboration of its kind between an Israeli company and a the Saudi investment company belonging to the Olayan family, a Qatari government investment company, and Swiss bank Credit Suisse, in which IDB holds 3.2% of its shares.

IDB will invest $250 million in the fund in accordance with the rate of investment. The investments will be made via two of IDB’s subsidiaries – Koor Industries and Clal Insurance.

The fund’s first...

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The Israel Lobby is nothing compared to the Saudi Lobby

The Vast Power of the Saudi Lobby by Ted Belman

Whatever Saudis Want, Saudis Get by Ted Belman

The Arab Lobby Rules America

by Alan M. Dershowitz, THE DAILY BEAST

Lost in all of the controversy over the mosque is the fact that the Arab lobby is one of the strongest in America—even stronger than Israel’s, says a controversial new book. Alan Dershowitz on how Arab governments influence U.S. politics.

While the media and politicians engage in frenzied debate about the virtues and vices of building—or preventing the building of—a Muslim community center (cum mosque) near the “sacred ground” of 9/11, Iran continues to build a nuclear weapon, as the Israelis and Palestinians take a tentative step toward building a peaceful resolution to their age-old conflict. Inevitably, whenever Middle East issues take center stage, the question of the role of lobbies, particularly those that advocate for foreign countries, becomes a hot topic. This book by longtime Middle East...

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THOMAS SOWELL… Dismantling America

What can I say; Sowell is one our greatest minds and should be seen and read whenever an opportunity presents itself. Here is an opportunity to see and hear Dr. Thomas Sowell. Yamit

“How Pathetic It Is that The Fate Of America Lies With A Country Smaller Than Lake Michigan”

In introducing his new book, Thomas Sowell asserts that the Obama administration “is the embodiment, the personification, and the culmination of dangerous trends that began decades ago,” trends that are “dismantling America.” Sowell sees this in the dismantling of marriage, of culture, and of self-government.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Islamic incitement to violence

Daniel Greenfield distinguishes real incitement from alleged incitement in his article The Real Incitement to Violence

While the media is feverishly speculating what might have caused a Muslim cabbie to be stabbed, perhaps we should also take a look at what causes Muslim cabbies to try and kill others. If anti-mosque protesters can be accused of inciting violence because of their negative statements toward Islam, it is only fair to look at what negative statements Islam has to make about Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims.

Let’s begin by looking at the opening chapter of the Koran which contain the verses.

“Guide us the straight way, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians). (Koran 1:5-6)

Those same words appear in the daily prayers of Muslims. The reference to Allah’s anger against the Jews has been commonly used to justify Muslim violence toward Jews.

Let’s flip to the next...

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Refuting David Makovsky’s whitewash of PA Education and incitement

By Arliene Kushner

In his recent article, ME Peace something to look forward to? David Makovsky writes:

    “The PA has begun reshaping the curriculum of Palestinian institutions that accredit imans, and screening is also being conducted to weed out school teachers who support Hamas radicalism.”

Dr. Arnon Groiss, Director of Research for IMPACT-SE – which monitors and translates all Arab educational materials – says that he wishes it were so that the curriculum for imams were being revised. Instead, The PA Ministry of Religious Affairs oversees ten schools that train imams. These schools use 25 texts in different religious subjects that are either published by or for the PA, in Jordan. Bearing the PA logo, they were all originally Jordanian.

As to “weeding out” Hamas-oriented teachers, you miss the point, as if the “radicals” of Hamas will be gone and “moderate” Fatah teachers will remain. Yet it is the PA which has produced these very textbooks...

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Leo Strauss, Back and Better Than Ever

["An opportunity to hear and read Leo Strauss, the greatest political philosopher of the twentieth century." Paul Eidelberg]


When President George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq in 2003, conspiracy theorists suspected that a puppet master was behind him. No, not Dick Cheney. The alleged puppeteer was the late Leo Strauss.

The famous professor of political philosophy, who died in 1973, had many disciples in the Bush administration, and journalists had frequently misquoted Strauss as arguing that “one must make the whole globe democratic.” Opponents of the war who were looking for a more sinister scapegoat than faulty intelligence about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction put two and two together: Strauss had given his pupils an imperialist itch, and now that they were in power, they were scratching it.

Thanks to the Leo Strauss Center at the University of Chicago, where Strauss taught from 1949 to 1967, this myth will soon...

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The truth about “the occupation” and “the settlements”

By Ted Belman

The pro-Palestinian propaganda machine has succeeded in stigmatizing the Israeli occupation and the settlements. Time and again we hear about the “brutal occupation” and the “illegal settlements”. We rarely hear the truth in opposition to these lies.


Israel is accused of occupying the West Bank and Gaza. In fact these territories are described as “The occupied Palestinian territories.” Not only are they not occupied in a legal sense, but also they are not “Palestinian” lands in a sovereign sense..

The Fourth Geneva Convention (FGC) is a treaty between signatory states that are called High Contracting Parties (HCP). It regulates the obligations of one HCP who occupies the land of another HCP. It defines the terms “Occupying Power” and “Occupied State”. Thus this convention does not apply to the territories because they were not the land of any HCP. They have never been the land of an HCP. Prior to 1967, Jordon was in occupation of these...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel