Tuesday, 24 August 2010


>> TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2010

Here we go, such is the stunning demand, a NEW Open Thread!


Marie Stopes, the birth control pioneer, is an icon of BBC lefties, feminists and trendies, as this glowing tribute posted today on the BBC website makes clear. Reporter Howard Falcon-Lang shows his breatheless admiration for what he portrays as a saintly pioneer of Darwinian science (thousands of brownie points in the BBC lexicon)and ensuring that women should be "liberated" through sex manuals (another brownie point subject, especially for contemporary ones that denigrate men and are aimed at five-year-olds).

What Mr Falcon-Lang leaves out of his eulogy is a few other less savoury but rather more important facts about Ms Stopes. Like that her views on evolution led her to become an ardent admirer of Hitler, and that she wroteto him a month before the war broke out in 1939 telling him so. The reason? Well, she was a central figure in Anglo-US eugenics movement (along with leftie friends like George Bernard Shaw) and believed in every element of his views about race and selective breeding. This heroine of the left was as much a believer in racial superiority and getting rid of lesser races as most Nazis.

As with the inconvenient truths about Islam, the fanatics at the BBC airbrush out with wearying predictability the facts that don't fit with their systematic bending of history.


The BBC reports that Northern Ireland's Police Ombudsman is due to publish his report into the alleged involvement of a priest in a 1972 IRA bombing in County Londonderry. Nine people, including an eight-year-old girl, were killed in the village of Claudy in one of the most controversial incidents of the Troubles.

I covered the topic here. It was such an atrocious act that even writing about it now angers me.

There was an alleged deal between the UK government and the Catholic Church not to arrest Father James Chesney. Fr Chesney was moved across the border to sanctuary as part of this deal and no prosecution ever took place. He died in 1980.
Well then, three points to be made here;

1. The Roman Catholic Church needs to offer an apology to the people of Northern Ireland for this wicked sheltering of a mass killer in their ranks. Not just paedos, it appears.

2. Does the Roman Catholic Church have any other things it wants to tell us about those who served in it and the IRA? Was this the ONLY cleric who killed in his spare time?

3. If the British Government colluded THEN to protect Father Chesney, is it possible it is colluding NOW to protect Machine Gun McGuinness - the IRA leader alleged to have given the OK for this despicable operation? Surely not?

Wonder will the BBC and its legions of investigative journalists pursue any of those angles? Just wondering...


>> MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 2010

Have a read of this report from the BBC on the nature of the "dissident" IRA threat. The Dissidents claim that
the vast majority are it's members are ex Provisional IRA but on the same page the BBC's correspondent says there is a small number of ex Provisional IRA. How odd! It's almost as if the BBC is lining up behind the peace process establishment which would, of course, be bias.


Curious report here from the BBC suggesting that the CIA was in fact to blame for the "mass hysteria" that erupted in the small town of Pont Saint Espirit in south east France in 1951. Wonder why the BBC felt obliged to indulge Mike Thomson in this regard?


Interesting interview here concerning the decision by Eric Pickles to remove the Audit Commission on the basis it has become costly and inefficient and by axing it the taxpayer can be saved at least some cash Compare the treatment handed out to Michael O'Higgins of the Audit Commission with that dished out to Bob Neill from the Government. I wonder what it could be about the idea of Government axing a large bloated expensive public sector body that offends the BBC so much? Wonder has Eric Pickles apologised yet....