Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Operation Gladio

BBC 2 Documentary 1992

Windows Media 331.7 MB (This clip has 2:25:25 on it, apparently all three clips)
This 3-part series exposes the clandestine 'stay-behind' operation sponsored by the CIA and NATO to counter communist influence after World War II in Italy, as well as in other European countries. The Gladio network of operatives is alleged to have been involved in various acts of terrorism, trying to influence policies through the means of 'false flag' operations.
These links below work
Operation Gladio BBC 2 Documentary 1992 3 Part series
Part 1 The Ring Masters
Part 2 The Pupeeters
Part 3 The Foot Soldiers
Interesting quote at the start
"Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state"
James Jesus Angleton
Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954 - 1974
The only thing with this is it has the time codes on it. The above link looks good quality in fullscreen and other version on look better quality. There appear to be differing quality versions on around.
Directed by Allan Francovich
An Observer Film Company Production
Series Editor Roy Davies
MCMXCII (1992)
BBC 2 10 June 1992
This is part of the Time Watch series
This series was

Operation Gladio

"One of the most secret programs that ever existed"
"Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State" - James Jesus Angleton, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974

Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, 'Operation Gladio' reveals 'Gladio', the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe.

This BBC series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as 'stay-behinds' these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies.

Director Allan Frankovich

The Ring Masters
Part 1
Gladio Behind False Flag Terrorism
47:18 - 2 years ago
This series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as 'stay-behinds' these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies. This is essential to understanding the networks that carry out false flag terrorism and the roots behind 9/11.

The Puppeteers
Part 2

Gladio Behind False Flag Terrorism pt. 2
49:40 - 2 years ago
This series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as 'stay-behinds' these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies. This is essential to understanding the networks that carry out false flag terrorism and the roots behind 9/11.

The Foot Soldiers
Part 3

Timewatch: Operation Gladio - State Sponsored Terrorism in Europe 1992
48:45 - 3 years ago
Third of three programmes exploring th influence of `Gladio' a terrorist network organisation operating in Europe. This programme examines the kidnapping and subsequent of murder of Aldo Moro. This is essential to understanding the networks that carry out false flag terrorism and the roots behind 9/11. These documentaries were originally aired on BBC2 in 1992.


BBC Timewatch - Gladio (1992)

Three-part series investigating the secret activities of 'stay behind' units in Europe after the Second World War. Exposes the clandestine terrorist activities of these groups in Belgium & Italy, and their involvement with the CIA. Directed by Allan Francovich

part one - The Ring Masters stream/download windows media player

part two - The Puppeteers stream/download windows media player

part three - The Foot Soldiers stream/download windows media player