Saturday, 14 August 2010


Oppose the Ground Zero Mosque?

Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi:

… the evidence suggests that Imam Abdul Rauf, the chief proponent of the mosque project, would do nothing effective to counter the broad elements in classical fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) that justify the doctrines of jihad as explained by Osama Bin Laden and Faisal Shahzad above. Indeed, in a 2000 treatise on Shari’a, and a 2004 book entitled ‘What’s Right With Islam’, he has praise for figures such as the Sufi jurist Al-Ghazali, Ibn Taymiyyah and Al-Wahhab, all of whom formulated rationales for the notion of jihad as warfare to expand the realm of ‘Dar Al-Islam’. …

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Cross-posted at and IsraPundit

State Department Promoting Islam

Laura: If an islamic supremacist mega mosque at ground zero isn’t enough to make your blood boil, the State Department is using American taxpayer funds to build and refurbish mosques in muslim countries. Even mosques which are named for muslims in history who conquered Christian lands. What would the majority of Christians in America think if they knew about this? Where are all the liberals who scream about the separation of church and state when there is even a hint of Christianity in the public square? Here is a case where our government is promoting and favoring a particular religion, islam, over all others. Yet there is silence from liberals. Why doesn’t the State Department fund the rebuilding of churches and synagogues which were destroyed by muslims? Americans need to understand that the State Department is a traitorous entity which is actively pushing for the islamization of America and the world.

Tax dollars to build...

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Who and What is a Jew

Jim long is a Gentile, a student of Judaism and a lover of Zion. He has a better understanding of the meaning of being Jewish than most Jews. ironic that! Yamit

The Nation of Israel by Jim Long

As a Noahide who loves G-d, Torah and the people of Israel, I’m wondering if it isn’t time to stop referring to Judaism as a religion.

Consider how often we hear Judaism referenced as one of, “the world’s three great religions” and how the words—unchallenged—-promote a kind of relativism that allows true observance of Torah to be lumped into the same category as Christianity and Islam. The West also promotes this idea, they bring the whole of Torah-belief and practice down to their level, especially here here in America where politicians tout the misapplied doctrine of “separation of church and state”. The latter reinforces an idea that there exists a disconnect between the two for any credible nation. In reality, a genuine Torah government...

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Guide to the Perplexed about Iran

By Caroline B. Glick, JWR

Israel’s leaders are reportedly concerning themselves with one question today: Are there any circumstances in which US President Barack Obama will order the US military to strike Iran’s nuclear installations before Iran develops a nuclear arsenal?

From Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu down the line, Israel’s leaders reportedly raise this question with just about everyone they come into contact with. If this is true, then the time has come to end our leaders’ suspense.

The answer is no.

And yet, while a nuclear arms race in the Middle East is bad, it is far from the worst aspect of Iran’s nuclear program for America. America has two paramount strategic interests in the Middle East.

    First, the US requires the smooth flow of inexpensive petroleum products from the Persian Gulf to global oil markets.

    Second, the US requires the capacity to project its force in the region to defend its own territory from global...

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Iran is hair raising

Good News, Israel

Compliments of Anglo Raannana Real Estate

Quote for the Week

    I am tomorrow, or some future day, what I establish today. I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day.

(James Joyce Irish author of ‘Ulysses’ that chronicles a day in the life of Leopold Bloom. A good summary of the history of the State of Israel, we would say)

· We reported some time back (GN Israel 19 03 10) that Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. had won the tender to acquire Germany’s Ratiopharm GmbH. Well after a stunning Q2, their best ever,(GN Israel 30 07 10) the Company announced this week that the deal is done, all sewn up, ahead of schedule too, we suppose when you’ve got it you’ve got it. It cost them €3.625 billion plus €186 million in accrued interest, seems like a lot of money but where does it leave the world’s largest purveyor of generics – and its lucky shareholders – besides a little less flush with cash? It will turn Teva into the number one generic...

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The “peace process” is a noose around our necks.

Apparently Abbas ready for direct talks with EU backing along these lines.

    The Quartet says Israel should halt settlement building in the West Bank and reach a full peace agreement with the Palestinians within 24 months, creating a state on the basis of the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war.

But yesterday, Netanyahu rejected peace talks based on 1967 borders and any other preconditions.

Ron Breiman recommends that Israel Probe the ‘peace process’. He is absolutely right. The purpose of an enquirey is to identify how wrong decisions were made like Oslo and Roadmap, and to recommend a better decision making process with transparency and debate.

Instead of probing flotilla incident, Israel should focus on truly momentous failures

Turkey can do no wrong

Der Spiegel reports Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK

Turkey to continue sending fuel to Iran despite US sanctions.

Turkey sets up own Gaza flotilla inquiry and Obama doesn’t demand international panelist like he did in Israel’s

Turkey and Iran to give Hizbullah weapons

Philippe Karsenty Interview

by Brendan Bernhard, Pajamas Media

Energetic tired determined intelligent harried impatient boyish argumentative charming brusque — those are a few adjectives that come to mind as one attempts to describe Philippe Karsenty, the tireless talking thorn who has embedded himself in the side of France’s government-owned television channel, France 2, and even more firmly between the ribs of its revered Franco-Israeli Jerusalem correspondent, Charles Enderlin, the reporter responsible for having perpetrated what is now often referred to as the “Al-Dura hoax.”

It all began almost ten years ago — on September 30, 2000, when France 2 ran a 50-second tape of what appeared to be the death by Israeli fire in Gaza of Mohammed al-Dura, a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, while he cowered in the arms of his father – a contemporary pietá for the Arab world. Enderlin, who had not been present at the scene, and...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel