1. WikiLeaks Wins Credibility War
One Click Group Director, Jane Bryant
You couldn't make it up if you tried. We have the might of the Fistagon ubiquitously briefing the fourth estate (the media, so often merely stenographers for power) in an attempt to conquer the moral high ground regarding the leak of the Afghan War Diaries by whistleblower organisation WikiLeaks. Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders do not come well out of this. Most recently in the Associated Press, whistleblower website founder Julian Assange has constantly maintained that WikiLeaks has been in touch with the Pentagon requesting help to cleanse the many thousands of documents in their possession that might name Afghan informants before the information was published and placed in the public domain. Contradicting Assange's claim entirely, the US Department of Defense (DOD) categorically denied that any such contact had taken place as published in Newsweek. We now see a letter from DOD published on One Click that corroborates Assange's accou nt of events entirely. In the credibility stakes, WikiLeaks is winning hands down on all fronts with the Pentagon exposed as bunch of liars with their bloody pants on fire. Far from diminishing it, the Afghan War is serving to create and hugely exacerbate domestic tension and terrorism in the very countries that are propagating its continuance. Stop this senseless war.
Jane Bryant, The One Click Group
2. Resurrecting WikiLeaks In Thailand
For unknown reasons the Thai Government has closed access to the Wikileaks website. This means that Thai internauts and webizens are not allowed to take part in the current netbased movement of freedom. This is not acceptable, anywhere in the world. Therefore we make all Thai-related content from the Wikileaks website available for direct download. We will continue doing this for every country that blocks essential internet infrastructure. The internet is an intricate system of tunnels, we will dig a hole in every national firewall. No offense, this is about the internets! If you are a censorship regime, expect us!
ThaiLeaks Information Release
Related Links:
* Draconian Thai Government Blocks Access To WikiLeaks Website
AFP / The One Click Group
3. Iceland Set To Be Global Press Freedom Haven
REYKJAVIK — After Iceland's near-economic collapse laid bare deep-seated corruption, the country aims to become a safe haven for journalists and whistleblowers from around the globe by creating the world's most far-reaching freedom of information legislation. The project, developed with the help of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, flies in the face of a growing tendency of governments trying to stifle a barrage of secret and embarrassing information made readily available by the Internet. On June 16, a unanimous parliament, or Althing, voted in favour of the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative (IMMI), a resolution aimed at protecting investigative journalists and their sources. "Freedom of information and freedom of speech are the pillars of democracy. Now, if you don't have that, you don't really have a democracy," said Birgitta Jonsdottir, the member of parliament behind the initiative, wearing 'Free Tibet' and 'Wikileaks' pins o n her jacket. Journalists in Iceland and abroad have applauded the initiative. According to Jonsdottir, it will take about a year and a half -- the estimated time required to change at least 13 existing laws -- before IMMI will go into effect.
Pierre-Henry Deshayes, AFP
4. GSK's Swine Flu Vaccine Suspected Of Causing Narcolepsy In Children
STOCKHOLM — Sweden's Medical Products Agency opened an inquiry Wednesday into vaccinations for swine flu made by British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, suspected of provoking narcolepsy. "The MPA has received six reports from health care professionals regarding narcolepsy as suspected adverse drug reaction following Pandemrix flu vaccination," it said in a statement. The reports concern children aged between 12-16 years who developed symptoms compatible with narcolepsy, a chronic sleeping disorder, that occurred one to two months after vaccination against the H1N1 pandemic. Finland is also looking into the possible link between narcolepsy and the swine flu vaccination, in particular Pandemrix, following an increase in the sleeping disorder among children this spring, the Finish news agency STT said.
5. Vaccine Ingredient Calculator Updated!
We agree! NVIC has always pushed and explored many avenues and opportunities to protect your right to make voluntary informed vaccine decisions. As the oldest and largest consumer organization advocating the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections, NVIC is proud to announce recent updates to the Vaccine Ingredients Calculator (VIC). Just in time for going back to school, this powerful tool has been updated with the most current information available on vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control for 2010/2011. This "push" adds to your ability to plan a vaccine choice based on available ingredient calculation information.
Theresa Wrangham, Executive Director, National Vaccine Information Center