[Editor's note -- Today marks the 70th anniversary of the death of Vladimir "Ze'ev" Jabotinsky, the greatest Zionist leader of the last century. A brilliant orator, writer and statesman, he was in addition a linguist, poet and playwright. He was also Shmuel's mentor. Therefore, we quote Shmuel in full on this most remarkable man. The column below appeared in the October 18, 1980 edition of the Jerusalem Post, marking the 100th anniversary of Jabotinsky's birth. (Shmuel eventually did go on to write the biography he mentions -- his two-volume "Lone Wolf.")] Obama ups the pressure on Israel? I am laughing over this amateurish attempt by Obama to further de-legitimize Israel using transparent unnamed surrogates. This is really crude.Yamit ‘Obama misplaced trust in Netanyahu’ A letter from a group of former intelligence professionals imploring US President Barack Obama to prevent a war with Iran sharply critiqued Israel and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s policies, saying they should not be trusted. Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) said on Tuesday that “comments by senior American officials, you included, reflect misplaced trust in Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu” and that Obama’s friendly tone with Netanyahu “was distinctly out of tune with decades of unfortunate history with Israeli leaders.” The VIPS letter quoted Obama as saying about Netanyahu “neither of us try to surprise each other,” adding that the president “may... A look at Turkey’s history shows how very un-Turkish is the mindset of its current Islamist rulers. “Democracy is like a streetcar. When you reach your stop, you get off.” — Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkey’s recent open embrace of terrorist regimes like Iran and Syria, its high-profile attempt to thwart our efforts to impose sanctions on Iran, and its dramatic push to take over the leadership of the Islamic world by supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and attacking Israel even more virulently than current Arab leaders do — all this came as a big surprise to the foreign-policy establishment in both the European Union and the United States. The Turkish government that did all this — the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the AKP, his Islamist Justice and Development party — took power in 2002. And from then until now, the EU has been the AKP’s biggest booster, with the U.S. running a close second. “Better a bad press than a good epitaph” Golda Meir was right. Policy may be adjusted to reduce criticism but interests should never be sacrificed. BB are you listening? Yamit The Samson Option? “When people speak about human rights, everyone has in mind his own ones”, a German scientist and publicist Wilhelm Schwebel wrote. His words perfectly reflect the issue of “breaking” the Gaza blockade. These actions are as related to human rights as Josef Stalin’s “fight for peace”. Till now not a single person has died of hunger in Gaza . They die in the other point of the world, in Kirghizia , but nobody cares about it. The rights of Palestinians are above the rights of Uzbek people. As well as the Sudanese Christians, Iraqi Kurds, Boers in Southern Africa, “Ahmadyya” in Pakistan and Baha’is in Iran. Palestinians are the high caste of mankind... Laura: Not surprisingly the pro-muslim lobbying group J Street supports the building of the ground zero mosque. They argue that islam should not be treated differently than any other religious group in America. However muslims ARE different than any other religious group, as politically incorrect as that is to acknowledge. No other religious group is waging war against us. It was muslims, acting in the name of islam, that took down the Twin Towers, no other religious group is responsible for 15,000 global terrorist attacks since 9/11 and no other religious group uses their houses of worship to indoctrinate and recruit terrorists. Those who oppose the mosque arguing that the imam and others behind the project are “insensitive” and that it should be built somewhere else are also missing the point. Choosing a different location would defeat the whole purpose of this project, which is to place a symbol of islamic triumph near where muslims took down the Twin Towers, one of the...Reflections on Jabotinsky
By Shmuel Katz z”l, Shmuel Katz BlogFor some time, I have considered writing a biography of Ze’ev Jabotinsky. Immediate preoccupations have interposed delays; but I suspect I may also have shied away from the formidability of the task. This may be the reason why others, intrinsically perhaps more qualified than I, gazing at the picture of Jabotinsky they have built in their minds, and seeing how difficult it is to take in...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 6 August 2010
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