Saturday, August 07, 2010
Again, Castro Accuses US of Plot to Nuke Iran
Fidel Castro addresses Communist Cuba's rubber-stamp parliament, accusing the United States and Israel of planning nuclear attacks on Iran and North Korea. Click here for the story.
Something stinks.
Crazy as it may seem, the aging, near-death despot could be setting the stage for a sneak attack on the U.S. Not for nothing have Cuba and Iran cooperated closely and meaningfully in the development of biological weapons. Not for nothing have Iran and North Korea developed and test-fired containerized launch systems, which could be used to strike the U.S. with ballistic missiles fired from cargo ships.
Having outlived and outlasted his enemies, Castro would like to see the U.S. brought to its knees before he leaves this world.NYC Sued Over Ground Zero Bus Ad
An ad banned because the political elite is bent on appeasing radical Islam.
Click here for the story.
And click here to read a powerful opinion piece by a Muslim victim of 9/11. Build your mosque elsewhere, she urges Islamists and their backers. An excerpt:I was born in pre-revolutionary Iran. My family led a largely secular existence--I did not attend a religious school, I never wore a headscarf -- but for us, as for anyone there, Islam was part of our heritage, our culture, our entire lives. Though I have nothing but contempt for the fanaticism that propelled the terrorists to carry out their murderous attacks on Sept. 11, I still have great respect for the faith. Yet, I worry that the construction of the Cordoba House Islamic cultural center near the World Trade Center site would not promote tolerance or understanding; I fear it would become a symbol of victory for militant Muslims around the world.
Her appeal will fall on deaf ears--in the White House. The administration only hears the voice of radical--right-wing political--Islam, a movement Obama has elevated to the level of a ... nuclear ... superpower.
Former CIA officer Clare Lopez puts the problem in context in this video interview:Obama Silent as Senate Spurns EMP Defense
America is wide open to an EMP attack, as reported here and as explained in the videos above and below.
China Confidential has, for almost five years, called attention to the very real threat of an EMP sneak attack, which would overnight plunge the United States back into the 19th century--without the resources of that century. Experts estimate that 90% of the population would die from starvation and thirst--no electricity means no water for nearly all Americans--exposure to the elements, lack of medicine and medical care, chaos and violence. The nightmare would go on for years.
The Obama administration, led by the appeaser-in-chief--who seems bent on disarming the world's greatest democracy--is ignoring the EMP issue, including reports that North Korea and Iran have cooperated in developing and testing concealed ballistic missile launch systems, which could be used to attack the U.S. from seemingly civilian cargo vessels. Thousands of such vessels, flying flags of convenience, regularly approach and enter U.S. coastal waters. There is no known defense against a sea-launched missile fired at the U.S. homeland. In coordinated attacks, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba could end America as we know it in a matter of minutes.
Unthinkable? Pearl Harbor was unthinkable. 9/11 was unthinkable. Germany crossing the Maginot Line was unthinkable. The Holocaust was unthinkable....
Google the Carrington Event, also known as the Solar Storm of 1859.
POSTSCRIPT: Think your guns would protect you? Think again. The video below shows what happened to ordinary, law-abiding Americans when disaster struck during a Republican administration. Imagine if an EMP attack were to occur on Obama's watch. His first impulse would probably be to confiscate all citizens' weapons, assuming he could still command and control military and law enforcement forces.
Correction: His first impulse (after quoting from "the Holy Koran") would be to find a way to appeal to the United Nations for "humanitarian assistance"--meaning, military occupation of parts of the U.S. by China, Russia, and "the Muslim world." Rural America--recall his campaign reference to people who cling to their guns and faith--would be targeted for extinction, as only self-reliant rural citizens would have any hope of survival. Their resistance to the post-apocalyptic new order would have to be crushed.European Diplomats Rescue Iranian Rights Lawyer Betrayed by Turkey, Ignored by Iran-Appeasing US
The adultery stoning case lawyer, minutes from being nabbed by Iranian operatives--acting in concert with Turkey's pro-Islamist government--was rescued by European diplomats.
The United States stood by. Worse, Turkey's alarming tilt toward Iran was encouraged by U.S. President Obama, who has made appeasement of radical Islam the foundation of his utterly failed foreign policy.
Friday, August 06, 2010
New Al Qaeda Global Operations Commander, KSM's Replacement, Lived in US Over 15 Years
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Click here for the news.
Traders are preparing to flee the "odious" dollar, triggering an "explosive rally" in gold. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio