Saudi couple hammer 24 hot nails into their maid after she complained of heavy workload
A Saudi couple tortured their Sri Lankan maid by hammering 24 hot nails into her after she complained of her heavy workload. Mrs Ariyawathi told a local newspaper that her employers tortured her with the nails as punishment.
S&P Says US Should Act to Protect AAA-Rating: Report
The United States government needs to take steps to preserve its top AAA-rating, a Standard & Poor’s Ratings (S&P) official told Dow Jones newswire in an interview published on Thursday.
JFK Assassination Cover-Up Blown Sky High
It is a story the corporate media, with the notable exception of one lone Fox News affiliate, refuses to report. A former FBI agent, Don Adams, has compelling evidence Lee Harvey Oswald did not assassinate president John F. Kennedy.
Cameron Refuses to Debate Climate Change – He’s Just Too Smart to Bother!
Cameron is now claiming he cancelled the climate debate at the last minute because I am not worthy to debate him. Cameron claims I have not achieved a ’stature in our society’ that is ’similar to his. Looks like I may have a long wait to rise to Cameron’s level of environmental consciousness!
The Economy When Debt Is Everywhere
As a result of austerity, imposed on Greece by its Illuminist led government, unemployment has hit 70% in some places. The country’s budget deficit has been reduced by 40%, truly draconian. Spending by government has been cut 10%, which is more than double what the EU and IMF has required.
• It pays to riot in Europe
10 Practical Steps That You Can Take To Insulate Yourself (At Least Somewhat) From The Coming Economic Collapse
Most Americans are still operating under the delusion that this “recession” will end and that the “good times” will return soon, but a growing minority of Americans are starting to realize that things are fundamentally changing and that they better start preparing for what is ahead.