In the Washington Post, Israel’s ambassador to the US Michael Oren wrote: Although the maintenance work was fully coordinated with the U.N. peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon, and the fatal shot was fired by the nominally independent Lebanese Armed Forces, Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, sent a television crew to film the ambush. He applauded the murder as a ‘heroic confrontation’ and threatened to ‘cut off the arm’ of Lebanon's enemies, ostensibly by firing his Iranian- and Syrian-supplied arsenal of more than 42,000 rockets at Israeli cities The basis for Hedegaard's prosecution was an interview from December 2009 in which he made controversial statements about Islam. These assertions included critiques of what Hedegaard saw as Back in July, Ha’aretz reported the story of a former Arab convict named Alladin who would find these young female peace activist staying in nearby villages, he would tell them he was on the run from the Shabak (Israel security), and ask them to hide him. These young female dupes would of course be happy to help an Arab on the lam from the Israeli authorities and let him sleep in their rooms. So far one girl initially came forwardSunday, 8th August 2010
'Jihadiwood' and America's auto-immune disease
As the days have passed, it has become ever clearer that the deadly ambush laid by the Lebanese army for the IDF, in which Israeli Lt Col Dov Harari was killed (his funeral is pictured here) along with three Lebanese soldiers and one Lebanese journalist, was a Hezbollah operation.
...The jihad of the word erupts in Denmark yet again
A chilling development in Denmark illustrates just how ‘hate speech’ laws, which were introduced by deluded western liberals, are being used to stifle and criminalise the expression of legitimate opinion and essential debate -- the prerequisite of a liberal society. Lars Hedegaard is president of Denmark’s International Free Press Society, which is devoted to fighting to preserve freedom of expression -- particularly against the threat from radical Islam to shut it down on the spurious grounds of ‘Islamophobia’. The inevitable has now happened: as Nathaniel Sugarman writes at The Legal Project, Hedegaard finds himself facing prosecution for ‘racism’ over remarks he has made about Islam.
...Um... who needs protecting from whom here?
An illuminating post on the excellent Muqatablog (backed up also here) reveals what western pro-Palestinian war (aka peace) activists don’t tell us what happens -- it would seem frequently -- to the women amongst them when they sally forth to protect the ‘defenceless’ Arabs against Israeli ‘aggression’. They get sexually assaulted by the defenceless Arabs.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
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Britannia Radio