Monday, 30 August 2010

This can't be real???
Linda Hunnicutt

Are you pulling my Leg?

I know this has to be a joke, not even the floride drinkers would vote for this asswipe. But wait.... yes they did and he is now our President speaking for our country. No this all has to be a bad dream, a bad joke, this cannot really be happening.

From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.

General Bill Ginn' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played. The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".

'Senator' Obama replied:"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."

Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren.(I wonder if he is going to issue our kids RPG's) If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments."

I would like to show them my mutual accord.... grrrrrrrrrrrrr

When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".

"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path..My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "

How do you all like change now????

This is not the United States any longer and those of us that do not want to see the changes that will be affecting this land had better stop picking our nose and start oiling "ole Betsy" it is going to take bloodshed to clear out the evil that has taken control of this land.

The good thing is that most of these evil morons are cowards to the bone, start making it evident that we will not continue to tolerate their behavior any longer and plant a few in the boneyard. You can be sure the others on the fringes will start to back track and at least hide their activities and motives. There will always be a core of evil conniving mongrels in our midst but they will not openly be so apparant as they are now if some examples are made of what will happen to traitors and deviants. Some how we have allowed even the most evil criminal to live among us and even when incarcerated have to be catered to, weren't they put away as a punishment? Not any more, they are being rehabilitated.. To hell with rehabilitation, prisons are for punishing for criminal behavior not a time for demanding treatment like special people.

In the not so distant future I fear we will be the prisoners of our own laziness and indolence along with a big dose of tolerance. Who decided tolerance was the way to go?? Not me for sure. I have very little tolerance for laziness, liars, thieves and preditors and especially traitors.

The normal and sensible people left in this nation have only one option, that is simply survive and outlive the scum. The Scumbags will never get along for any legnth of time, there will always be the desire to be on top of the heap, the richest the most evil etc and the blood shed will start within the core of diviants and one by one they will kill each other off until it gets so scary for them they revert to behaving like normal people hoping to escape the very judgement they would foist on others. I hope to live to see this canabilism among this group. Hopefully I will live to see Rockerfellers head on a spike rotting even more than it is now. The man looks like death warmed over now. George good ole boy Soros should be sharing another pike next to Rocky on the front lawn of the White House right next to the bloated Kissenger along with a long long line of others only fit for the vultures to scavenge their flesh.

Now is the time for all of us that remember what the Bible says and what this country was built on to get ready and be prepared to die if necessary but in any event to be prepared for our family's to have food to sustain us for a good period of time. I have just discovered the dehydrator ( yes at my age I can still learn something new to me) I am fasinated with all the food that can be stored in a small space using this method.. I have over 40 gallon jugs filled with everything from tomatoes to zuchini. My orange slices are dissappearing too quickly, I think I have a orange thief in the house. Those things are really really good. Easy to make also but how do I make enough to last any legnth of time when someone can make a half gallon dissappear in a day?

I sincerely hope everyone is taking this serious, put a little aside every week just in case. You don't have to be a real fanatic about stockpiling or hoarding as some would call it ( although it would help right now) but just put aside some staples so you will not be in the crowd foraging for your childrens survival. Don't make me shoot you for trying to take my supplies. Don't expect others to share with you. Don't expect the government to come to your rescue.

Don't be the Grasshopper, be the Ant.